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The Start Of The East End

Tall King Blox

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This was recently posted by a delusional gashead acquaintance of mine on Facebook:


Thought it might amuse!


Anyone know why C*ty's end is called the East End when in fact it's the South End part of the ground? I heard the reason why the other day and it's something I've never known, sums 'em up really when you think about it. Go on have a guess...



Three of their young lads got together and decided to create an 'End', much like the Tote End was created after the visit of Arsenal in 1967, anyway they didn't just want to call it the South End so one of them said 'Why don't we name it after the East End of London, cos that's full of hard bastards?' and that's how it came about, trying to emulate the Cockneys, typical C*ty, not an original thought between 'em.

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This was recently posted by a delusional gashead acquaintance of mine on Facebook:


Thought it might amuse!


Anyone know why C*ty's end is called the East End when in fact it's the South End part of the ground? I heard the reason why the other day and it's something I've never known, sums 'em up really when you think about it. Go on have a guess...



Three of their young lads got together and decided to create an 'End', much like the Tote End was created after the visit of Arsenal in 1967, anyway they didn't just want to call it the South End so one of them said 'Why don't we name it after the East End of London, cos that's full of hard bastards?' and that's how it came about, trying to emulate the Cockneys, typical C*ty, not an original thought between 'em.

THAT from the ***** who took our name for them !

I've already stated (previously in this thread) how the name came about, I was in the company of them what named it !

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This was recently posted by a delusional gashead acquaintance of mine on Facebook:

Thought it might amuse!

Anyone know why C*ty's end is called the East End when in fact it's the South End part of the ground? I heard the reason why the other day and it's something I've never known, sums 'em up really when you think about it. Go on have a guess...

Three of their young lads got together and decided to create an 'End', much like the Tote End was created after the visit of Arsenal in 1967, anyway they didn't just want to call it the South End so one of them said 'Why don't we name it after the East End of London, cos that's full of hard bastards?' and that's how it came about, trying to emulate the Cockneys, typical C*ty, not an original thought between 'em.

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The Sheffield utd game was about 1988, they were promoted and proper took the piss not helped by our board deciding to sell them tickets in the dolman, they had about 5 thousand down and went off all over the place with two pitch invasions. It's fair to say we were outgunned that day but the blades book gives a fair account and a lot of respect for city.

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It's odd that I find this thread fascinating. Which of the reasons for the EE name is right then, it's orientation to the North Stand or the EE corner?

The Millwall game you talk of. I might just about remember that day. Was it a wet one? I was very young at the time, one of my first games. The first where I'd witnessed trouble and that atmosphere in the air when it's about to go off.

My old man and grandad took me. I remember walking down the middle of the road between the park and the open end. Park on the left. Somewhere in between the two entrances to the ground, all of a sudden, a surge came towards us my old man and grandad quickly got me to one side when an old dear got caught up in it and landed in a puddle, the old man and grandad helped her up. Sounded a bit nasty up ahead. I remember seeing a few blokes in a lot if denim!

After it died down we went into the now Dolman/Ateyo vehicular entrance and my last memory was seeing one chap being held by copper and getting whacked around the back of the legs with his baton. A real eye opener for a kid of my age.

However, all that said the Chelsea win (3-1, cup game, sponsored by Commadore) was a wet day so if there was trouble before that game that could have been it. Something tells me it was Millwall though. Any more memories people want to share I'd love to read about- particularly the two fixtures I've mentioned.

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The problem with Sheffield United in the Dolman was - quite unbelievably- no segregation. They had the whole of A block- I was in B block right next to them.


It was a play off match where the 2nd from bottom club in Div 2 played the last place play off team in Div 3- about 1986/7.

Obviously it all kicked off- I can remember one of their fans sang an Opera solo and was brilliant. How the club put us together in the Dolman is pure bonkers.

We won the match,  then played Walsall at home then up at their old wooden stadium with David Kelly getting the goals to take them up. The Walsall fans attacked our stand at the final whistle, we poured out onto the pitch only to get charged at by West Midlands mounted police with several innocent fans mowed down.


Despite all this provocation NO HORSES WERE PUNCHED. We're class.

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