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Forest Vs City Match Thread + Team News


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Fair play gerken. Man of the match performance.

Someone said he had his place in the team 'by default' which I agreed with.

But now he is deservedly our no 1.

Massive 3 points. Get the **** in there!!!!

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Worked hard, should have been 2-0 really. Still a lack of anyone who can hold the ball up, create space etc, but what the heck - some immense defending and an immense result.

Coventry would have expected to make ground on us today, and to now be behind us will be a blow to them. Quite clear in my kind if we beat them now we 'should' stay up. If we lose, we 'should' go down. A draw and squeeky bum time.

Still hope!

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Lots of men of the match in that game. Skuse played his best game ever (imo) calm, assured, worked hard and did everything right. Cisse excellent destroyer. All the defence were good. Credit to a couple who have taken lots of unnecessary shit on here lately - Foster and Woolford. And Wood, fair play for stepping up and taking the pen.

And for DM - top selection.

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Agree with all that has been. Just want to add well done Albert lot of work put in tracking back, putting his boot in. Felt sorry for Woolford it was a well worked move. A goal then would have given him lots of confidence for the remaining matches. More of the same on Monday please lads. :yahoo:

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Personally think Cisse and Skuse have done well considering the type of game its been. No idea why Kilkenny is on though.

Yes they have in the way I described passing it amongst themselves, but the midfield tackling is just not good enough, the backing off in midfield is ridiculous, there cannot be another side in our league who just give up so much territory by backing off the way we do it just piles unnecessary pressure on our defence and they do not know how to keep possession to run the clock down, the midfield is, was and will be our problem unless it's sorted next season.

That all said a great result under the circumstances, a result that puts our destiny back into our own hands. Gerken was great, the defence in general was good, Cisse and Skuse did play well but midfield is still our major problem.

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To a man they went out and did the job asked of them, that's all you can ask right now.

3 huge points in the bag and a heap of confidence going into Monday's game. If we get behind them right from the start, really get behind them then it's in our hands again,

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