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The Sun, Hodgson Front Page

Carey 6

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It is appalling, but nobody should be at all surprised. No other British newspaper comes even remotely close to the s*n for cheapness; poorly researched (if researched at all) articles; systematic bullying of anyone who isn't English, white, employed and married with 2.2 kids; and outright lies.

The fact that it sells so well saddens me. I'll take being labelled a leftie Guardian-reading student - and I am, frequently, though it's much preferable to the pages of anti-Irish jokes printed by the s*n in January, 1994 (I'm no patriot, but still...) - over being subjected to the sort of bile the s*n serves up daily any day of the week.

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When the press conference announcing Hodgson was on the news as he took his seat my housemate said "hope they have an interpreter" a second lapsed then we both burst out laughing. I am sure many people have taken the mick out of him in the past (and he is more than aware of it).

Seems strange that national paper would print this, but mainly because people most people cannot accept their own prejudices. This type of headline forces people to confront them and instead of putting up hands and saying "yes I have a poor taste in humour at times" (fine to laugh at home or down the pub with mates) - they instead act morally outraged at a newspaper.

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When the press conference announcing Hodgson was on the news as he took his seat my housemate said "hope they have an interpreter" a second lapsed then we both burst out laughing. I am sure many people have taken the mick out of him in the past (and he is more than aware of it).

Seems strange that national paper would print this, but mainly because people most people cannot accept their own prejudices. This type of headline forces people to confront them and instead of putting up hands and saying "yes I have a poor taste in humour at times" (fine to laugh at home or down the pub with mates) - they instead act morally outraged at a newspaper.

Don't take this the wrong way as I like your posts, but that's a terrible example. There's a huge difference between 2 friends having a joke, compared to a national paper ridiculing a man because of a speech impediment....on the front page!

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and yet this is the best selling newspaper in the uk. absolutely sums up this country im afraid. a terrible way to treat a man who could lead our country to footballing greatness who knows what the next 4 years will bring

It's a terrible way to treat anyone, how can this piece of **** continue to be printed . Our papers here are cRap but mainly because their full of ads and no news, but this headline by the sun rivals their infamous GOTCHA for sheer bad taste.

Close it down!

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Not my idea of humour, and not really funny in my opinion, but it's still nowhere near the same as a national newspaper splashing it on their front page.

Which is what I said earlier - we justify it when we joke amongst ourselves or mates at the pub - as soon as it's on a national paper and we can see the moral incorrectness we get defensive and lash out at the paper for doing nothing other than printing our own comments/jokes/thoughts - but it is always easier to blame or attack others than accept the flaw in you.

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Not my idea of humour, and not really funny in my opinion, but it's still nowhere near the same as a national newspaper splashing it on their front page.

Taking the piss is taking the piss, no one hounded these posters. If people feel so passionately about it, then these guys should also have got it with both barrels. As they didn't I find it hard to believe people are getting so wound up that a paper has printed pretty much the same kind of thing.

I am with you, there was no need to print it. It isn't funny. it wasn't funny on here, it wasn't in the Sun. But people who buy the sun must like this type of humour, after all it is packed with it every day.... And they continue to buy it. News indded, it just celebrity and idle gossip rag, a few tits here and there and very very occasionally they print a news worthy article.

I doubt that it worries Hodgson, he, and most people see the Sun for what it is. Keeping tramps warm at night and chip paper

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Taking the piss is taking the piss, no one hounded these posters. If people feel so passionately about it, then these guys should also have got it with both barrels. As they didn't I find it hard to believe people are getting so wound up that a paper has printed pretty much the same kind of thing.

I am with you, there was no need to print it. It isn't funny. it wasn't funny on here, it wasn't in the Sun. But people who buy the sun must like this type of humour, after all it is packed with it every day.... And they continue to buy it. News indded, it just celebrity and idle gossip rag, a few tits here and there and very very occasionally they print a news worthy article.

I doubt that it worries Hodgson, he, and most people see the Sun for what it is. Keeping tramps warm at night and chip paper

Quality observation on what is a crap paper...if you know what i mean... :gasmask:
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Which is what I said earlier - we justify it when we joke amongst ourselves or mates at the pub - as soon as it's on a national paper and we can see the moral incorrectness we get defensive and lash out at the paper for doing nothing other than printing our own comments/jokes/thoughts - but it is always easier to blame or attack others than accept the flaw in you.

No justification on my part whatsoever. Stupid jokes from individuals on a public forum or in the pub are, in my opinion, not in the same stratosphere as something that is printed in a prominent national tabloid. I've had a fair old amount of abuse in England for one or two things, some of it friendly enough, a lot of it less so, but it's disturbing to say the least when you see it in the national press (see my earlier comment about anti-Irishness) If you feel differently then fair enough, but I don't.

Nothing else to add to my previous points other than this. I'm sure you're making a general comment there so, but I can assure you that the s*n does not reflect my comments/jokes/thoughts in any way, shape or form.

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The Sun are just peeved that their national campaign to get Harry Redknapp the England job backfired, as the FA didn't want to know. Most people I know understand that Hodgson is much more deserving and much more qualified for the job. They can take the pis* as much as they want about the fact he can't pronounce his r's but he more than makes up for it with his intellect. Not sure how many of the Sun journo's can speak 5 languages and have worked in 8 countries across the World. Pure jealousy on their part, and a cheap jibe at the man who is a much better character and role model that their much beloved 'Arry!

As a comparison of them as individuals, just check out these 2 contrasting articles :



Nuff said.

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If you want to make a complaint here's the Press Complaints Commission form to do it on. It's easy.


The form asks which part of the code of practice the complaint falls under. Section 12 of the code deals with discrimination and says

i) The press must avoid prejudicial or pejorative reference to an individual's race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or to any physical or mental illness or disability.

ii) Details of an individual's race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, physical or mental illness or disability must be avoided unless genuinely relevant to the story.

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Taking the piss is taking the piss, no one hounded these posters. If people feel so passionately about it, then these guys should also have got it with both barrels. As they didn't I find it hard to believe people are getting so wound up that a paper has printed pretty much the same kind of thing.

I am with you, there was no need to print it. It isn't funny. it wasn't funny on here, it wasn't in the Sun. But people who buy the sun must like this type of humour, after all it is packed with it every day.... And they continue to buy it. News indded, it just celebrity and idle gossip rag, a few tits here and there and very very occasionally they print a news worthy article.

I doubt that it worries Hodgson, he, and most people see the Sun for what it is. Keeping tramps warm at night and chip paper

Is that allowed in England ?

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The Sun are just peeved that their national campaign to get Harry Redknapp the England job backfired, as the FA didn't want to know. Most people I know understand that Hodgson is much more deserving and much more qualified for the job. They can take the pis* as much as they want about the fact he can't pronounce his r's but he more than makes up for it with his intellect. Not sure how many of the Sun journo's can speak 5 languages and have worked in 8 countries across the World. Pure jealousy on their part, and a cheap jibe at the man who is a much better character and role model that their much beloved 'Arry!

As a comparison of them as individuals, just check out these 2 contrasting articles :



Nuff said.

Spot on - totally agree with this

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I don't think it's "disgusting" or any such thing like that... It's just really not funny.

Taking the piss and banter are some of the best aspects of British culture for me, but only when it is humorous, in this case it is almost completely devoid of that.

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If you want to make a complaint here's the Press Complaints Commission form to do it on. It's easy.


The form asks which part of the code of practice the complaint falls under. Section 12 of the code deals with discrimination and says

i) The press must avoid prejudicial or pejorative reference to an individual's race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or to any physical or mental illness or disability.

ii) Details of an individual's race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, physical or mental illness or disability must be avoided unless genuinely relevant to the story.


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