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Not Footy..favourite Tracks

Tall King Blox

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Robbored I have to say I love Santana and especially the first 2 albums, but Peter Green's (The Green God) Fleetwood Mac's ORIGINAL version of Black Magic Woman is the only true version.

But anyway, this without doubt is the greatest track ever recorded in the history of recordings.

with the greatest respect to yourself, this thread brings out choices, certain songs that kick you, certain songs that hurt you and of course certain songs that kill you, tis a bit like Footy, The highs and the lows, the dreams and the hurt, every emotion, Thanks for posting your thoughts, feelings and videos, tis bank holiday monday 2 moz, then back to work on tuesday, all take care x oh and thanks for your time x
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with the greatest respect to yourself, this thread brings out choices, certain songs that kick you, certain songs that hurt you and of course certain songs that kill you, tis a bit like Footy, The highs and the lows, the dreams and the hurt, every emotion, Thanks for posting your thoughts, feelings and videos, tis bank holiday monday 2 moz, then back to work on tuesday, all take care x oh and thanks for your time x

Sounds to me like you've burned one too many down today bud.


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Mr. Bung Have listened and learned, hopefully all our friends who follow these threads have taken the time to listen to our choices of music, yours n mine and all the good people who have indulged and bothered to add, choices is what we have, it's a god given right, long live rock n roll, and the rest will follow......

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I find it unbelievable how it is that everyone of the Traveling Wilburies are indoctrinated into the Rock and Roll hall of fame bar Jeff Lynne, the man is a musical genius.

Seems to me the Jeff Lynne aint got wot it takes mpo, but thanks for yer feedback

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