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Big Hev

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But this will be happening in every country around the world if it succeeds, so it won't make a difference to the pounds performance against other currencies. What with the internet's abilty to spread new ideas, surely it will spread globally?

We shouldn't have competing currencies/economies when 98% of the world's wealth ends up in the hands of 2% of the worlds people. Do you know how people live in Chad? The current system obviously isn't working.

Hopefully my idea will reduce money to what it was originally intended - as a means of exchange and nothing more.

It's all about thinking big, if enough folks stopped putting up with being ripped off by a world run by and for the super-wealthy, then change can happen. Reading between the lines the Queen's speech the other day was pretty much one of those 'let them eat cake' situations, and we all know how well that worked out for Marie Antionette - okay, there's no record of her having said it, but why let the facts get in the way - so who knows!

I spent a fuppin' age trying to secure funding for my PhD though, can we give it four years before kicking off so?

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Sorry, I'm not in the building trade, process control is my thing. Word of mouth always works for a few of the plumbers I know. You must know someone who knows someone who knows someone.

It is not what you know but who you know

Thats a massive myth. It's what you know about who you know that matters

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It's all about thinking big, if enough folks stopped putting up with being ripped off by a world run by and for the super-wealthy, then change can happen. Reading between the lines the Queen's speech the other day was pretty much one of those 'let them eat cake' situations, and we all know how well that worked out for Marie Antionette - okay, there's no record of her having said it, but why let the facts get in the way - so who knows!

I spent a fuppin' age trying to secure funding for my PhD though, can we give it four years before kicking off so?

There will always be a reason to put it off, next step will be saving for a house and wedding then kids - after kids you really won't want the world to be he place it is let alone worse.

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Cannot wait to leave education. I miss school like mad as it was such a laugh but I genuinely cannot wait to have full-time work as my life will have some structure to it!

That structure you crave will be working 8:30 until 7 o'clock everyday, getting home and feeling so stressed that you either fall strait asleep or cant sleep at all and then you start again the next day until the weekend comes and you can't enjoy anything much because you are so tired/stressed. About 6 o'clock on a Sunday you start to feel relaxed and then you have to get ready to go back to work. If you lucky you get 25 days a year off.

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There will always be a reason to put it off, next step will be saving for a house and wedding then kids - after kids you really won't want the world to be he place it is let alone worse.

That structure you crave will be working 8:30 until 7 o'clock everyday, getting home and feeling so stressed that you either fall strait asleep or cant sleep at all and then you start again the next day until the weekend comes and you can't enjoy anything much because you are so tired/stressed. About 6 o'clock on a Sunday you start to feel relaxed and then you have to get ready to go back to work. If you lucky you get 25 days a year off.

Jesus I'm depressed today! :laugh:

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That structure you crave will be working 8:30 until 7 o'clock everyday, getting home and feeling so stressed that you either fall strait asleep or cant sleep at all and then you start again the next day until the weekend comes and you can't enjoy anything much because you are so tired/stressed. About 6 o'clock on a Sunday you start to feel relaxed and then you have to get ready to go back to work. If you lucky you get 25 days a year off.

I like working hard. I live for the weekend so the losing my spare team during the week isn't something i'll miss. I would feel proud to have a career.
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There will always be a reason to put it off, next step will be saving for a house and wedding then kids - after kids you really won't want the world to be he place it is let alone worse.

That's the point, isn't it? I'm no economist, so tongue-in-cheek comments aside I stay out of such things. I'm sure there must be a fairer way of going about things without manning the barricades and painting everything red but again I wouldn't know. Where I'm from the answer to almost everything is to emigrate!

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I like working hard. I live for the weekend so the losing my spare team during the week isn't something i'll miss. I would feel proud to have a career.

I feel the same way and felt the same way before I started my career but after 7 years and limited career progression (decent pay rises though) and losing contact with a hell of a lot of friends you tend to ask yourself whats the point and who are you really working for, customers or your boss? Basically are you there to do a good job where your allowed the correct amount of time to do it, or rushed to make your boss a bit richer and in turn his boss a bit richer.

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I'm so jealous.

I always wanted to become a carpenter but became an Ornithologist.

It's just a shame I couldn't dovetail the two :dunno: .

Should have become a big brother presenter, and changed your name to Brian Dowling

I'll get my coat.....

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Been on here since I was 15, coming up to 25 next year. I left St Brendans in 2006, drove past the other day my god its changed a bit, what was the newest buidling when I left is probably the oldest one there now! College and Uni were some of the best years of my life, working in finance sector is no where near as fun

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After lurking for years thought I'd pipe up at this point. I also study at the University of Bath & I'm 21 graduating in a month (scary!), moving to Reading so will be looking for anyone to lift share, go to away games etc. Feel free to follow me on twitter @chantalpearson

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That's the point, isn't it? I'm no economist, so tongue-in-cheek comments aside I stay out of such things. I'm sure there must be a fairer way of going about things without manning the barricades and painting everything red but again I wouldn't know. Where I'm from the answer to almost everything is to emigrate!

I truly don't believe there is - we live in a society governed by the rich for the rich with the richest people (bankers) deciding what will and won't happen. Fiat money is just the latest way of controlling the masses since the decline of the church becuase it has been found to be somewhat untrustworthy, out of touch and pretty much destroyed by science.

As an individual you only need banks because everyone else uses them and as such they are a massive drain on the productive econemy even before they take 850bn off of you, me and unborn tax payers.

These people (bankers) own everything including politicians who need them to lend/borrow money in our name so they own politicians as well not to mention the giant booms and busts they create so they can buy low and sell high.

The whole system is setup to keep these people rich and powerful and everyone else working very hard just to survive. As everyone is part of the system even if they don't know it then yes I do believe we would have to "man the barricade" as you so elegantly put it.

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After lurking for years thought I'd pipe up at this point. I also study at the University of Bath & I'm 21 graduating in a month (scary!), moving to Reading so will be looking for anyone to lift share, go to away games etc. Feel free to follow me on twitter @chantalpearson

Lots of us studying at Bath on this board, wish I had more money to go to games though!

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Lots of us studying at Bath on this board, wish I had more money to go to games though!

Getting the membership card worked out good for me this season. As i'll be earning, money will no longer be an issue but finding someone to go with as regularly as me without being a loner will!

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I truly don't believe there is - we live in a society governed by the rich for the rich with the richest people (bankers) deciding what will and won't happen. Fiat money is just the latest way of controlling the masses since the decline of the church becuase it has been found to be somewhat untrustworthy, out of touch and pretty much destroyed by science.

As an individual you only need banks because everyone else uses them and as such they are a massive drain on the productive econemy even before they take 850bn off of you, me and unborn tax payers.

These people (bankers) own everything including politicians who need them to lend/borrow money in our name so they own politicians as well not to mention the giant booms and busts they create so they can buy low and sell high.

The whole system is setup to keep these people rich and powerful and everyone else working very hard just to survive. As everyone is part of the system even if they don't know it then yes I do believe we would have to "man the barricade" as you so elegantly put it.

With regards to your point about the Church, are we just talking Catholicism, or Christianity in general? Haha.

I don't know... you hop across the pond and find that much the same thing starts unravelling there. It'll be New Zealand for me next I reckon. May not be any better but it's green, their winter is cold and rainy and there's loads of rugby on. Trusty 'safety valve', emigration is the answer to everything!

In all seriousness, I believe that there is a way without storming whatever our equivalent of the Bastille is, but someone, somewhere needs to find a way to make social and economic policy - as well as politics in general - a genuine concern for the majority of people. The level of political apathy in this country is there for all to see in the election turnouts. I don't see that changing anytime soon.

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Lots of us studying at Bath on this board, wish I had more money to go to games though!

Yep- typical, I go through my entire degree without meeting a City fan at the uni, then suddenly, with two weeks to go, I discover there's loads of us! Plenty of gloryhunting Arsenal and ManUre fans on my course though.

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