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Young Members On Here ( Non Football Talk)

Big Hev

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Primary Education mate :)

Nice one, sure you'll love it there. I find the Frenchay campus a bit intimidating (it's much bigger than Swansea or Liverpool!) but I'm based at St Matthias almost all of the time which is nice and quiet. Being an undergrad is great, but I've gotten massively jealous of them since I stopped being one and the fewer that are around to make me bitter the better :laughcont:

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With regards to your point about the Church, are we just talking Catholicism, or Christianity in general? Haha.

I don't know... you hop across the pond and find that much the same thing starts unravelling there. It'll be New Zealand for me next I reckon. May not be any better but it's green, their winter is cold and rainy and there's loads of rugby on. Trusty 'safety valve', emigration is the answer to everything!

In all seriousness, I believe that there is a way without storming whatever our equivalent of the Bastille is, but someone, somewhere needs to find a way to make social and economic policy - as well as politics in general - a genuine concern for the majority of people. The level of political apathy in this country is there for all to see in the election turnouts. I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Defiantly Catholicism, I would actually consider myself a Christian but IMO the catholic church is machine of oppression.

If you hop across the pond then yes it is very similar economic model if not a more extreme version where the rich are richer and the poor are poorer. Good luck if you do head to NZ it is a beautiful country and a much better standard of living than here, I would recommend getting a trade before going out there if you can.

I hope your right but there is going to be no chance until people pay more attention or it will be to late. I don't think people will care until they realise they can't afford either food, clothing or accommodation and at that stage it will be to late.

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Im 19 currently living in Colchester. Hopefully going Anglia Ruskin or Worcester Uni in september.

University choices were extremely tactical . . . based on the proximity to AG.

my dad moved us all too suffolk 6 years ago...soo we only get to go to away games...so im only even considering unis in the west country want to see football regularly again :)
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Everybody gets paid a living wage. But that's it!

Why should I work hard for your company, putting in the hours, spent 3 years studying for a degree to better myself, if I don't see the reward for my labours? Meanwhile, that lazy scrote in the sales dept who spends half his time outside having a fag and couldn't sell a sandwich to a starving man gets paid the same as me.

And with my hobbies and taste in fine wines my living wage is pretty high.

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Defiantly Catholicism, I would actually consider myself a Christian but IMO the catholic church is machine of oppression.

If you hop across the pond then yes it is very similar economic model if not a more extreme version where the rich are richer and the poor are poorer. Good luck if you do head to NZ it is a beautiful country and a much better standard of living than here, I would recommend getting a trade before going out there if you can.

I hope your right but there is going to be no chance until people pay more attention or it will be to late. I don't think people will care until they realise they can't afford either food, clothing or accommodation and at that stage it will be to late.

I couldn't disagree, even as a 'Catholic athiest' as they'd say back at home...

Are you on about here or the States? I was referring to coming here from Ireland. I never really fancied the States, not permanently anyway.

I wouldn't like to leave ideally. I like the UK, I like Bristol and it's not a huge ordeal to get home if I need to.

It's going to be interesting. I'm sure there'll be a lot more in the way of industrial action and rioting in the coming years. History can be surprisingly cyclical...

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I am 25.

Work in research but i recently applied for an energy retailers licence. Boring boring boring i know, but not boring once you hear what i plan to do with it...

I plan to set up a non profit gas & electric provider. Been doing me sums, and i reckon i can cut at least 60% off your gas and electric bill, just by not making a profit.

The beauty is, the other 'Big 5' can't possibly compete against me because they have to make a profit. I'll be the only gas & electric company in the country within 6 months.

You can apply this principle with pretty much any industry in the world. Put Tesco out of business by setting up a chain of non profit super-markets.

Capitalism is dead!

No profit = no corporation tax = the destruction of the welfare state = destrcution of the nhs, schools ... need i go on?

Whilst unpopular at the moment, big business profit is a good thing. Would you rather they made a loss? I can't think of a single non-capitalist country that looks after it poor and disabled people whilst at the same time investing money into high-tech and healthcare research, can you?

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I'm 18. Finishing my A2's at the moment at Gordano Sixth Form. Hopefully going to Aston uni. next season to study Business & Management...

Ahhh Gordano...those were the days! Not a bad school all things considered. Think it is true what your parents say-enjoy it while you can as you'll look back when you're older and reminisce!

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No profit = no corporation tax = the destruction of the welfare state = destrcution of the nhs, schools ... need i go on?

Whilst unpopular at the moment, big business profit is a good thing. Would you rather they made a loss? I can't think of a single non-capitalist country that looks after it poor and disabled people whilst at the same time investing money into high-tech and healthcare research, can you?

Totally agree with this. Unfortunately, the system we have at the moment, although far from perfect, is probably the most workable one in regards to our resources etc. Communism might sound good in theory but how is it fair for a doctor to be on the same amount of money as a cleaner? We can't all be rich, but at least we have a system that attenpts to reward those who are willing to work hard.

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Nice one, sure you'll love it there. I find the Frenchay campus a bit intimidating (it's much bigger than Swansea or Liverpool!) but I'm based at St Matthias almost all of the time which is nice and quiet. Being an undergrad is great, but I've gotten massively jealous of them since I stopped being one and the fewer that are around to make me bitter the better :laughcont:

Well done mate. Im going into my final year there! Something i might look into is putting together is a UWE bristol city supporters society.

Cheers guys, Can't wait - went to a couple of open days and got lost!!

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29 and 30 in a minute but 18 until I die.

If I can give anyone a bit of advice it would be dont let £9k a year put you off going to university. The best thing I ever did admittedly our loan wasn't that much but I'd have still gone if I had to borrow 50k. A mate of mine from uni got married last summer we all piled up to Chester to give him away, best weekend I've had for a long time and at one point I stood there and I thought this is the reason I went to uni. Not enough money on the planet could buy that. The other thing I'd say is go away and do it, staying at home wouldn't be the same, you could always go back after you graduate, I did, I think I'm what I call the boomerang generation!

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