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Worst England Team Since Ever?


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Ask any Liverpool fan and they will tell you Kelly is the better RB

Whether or not a Liverpool fan that I might ask says Kelly is better, Johnson would be the preferred choice at Right Back for Liverpool if he was fit. Johnson might play, and has played, left back, leaving Kelly on the right, but in a decision between the two, it would be Johnson.

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Whether or not a Liverpool fan that I might ask says Kelly is better, Johnson would be the preferred choice at Right Back for Liverpool if he was fit. Johnson might play, and has played, left back, leaving Kelly on the right, but in a decision between the two, it would be Johnson.

How do you know what Rodgers will do?

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How do you know what Rodgers will do?

I don't, I'm basing what I have said on who was the first choice this season, and for his country.

You seemed to suggest that you knew what Rodgers would do... So it's a bit hypocritical to ask me that in the first place.

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Thing that is annoying me is Rio saying he's gutted and feels disrespected he wasn't called up. Think he should speak to his club manager who came out and said he wasn't capable of playing 2 games in 4 days. That seems a good reason not to pick him.

He should probably speak to his 'representative' as well , because if his England career wasn't over before this , it almost certainly is now.


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Carrick and Richards should never get a sniff again, disgusting attitude. I also hope they are booed the length and breadth of the country. As for the England team, it is refreshing to have much lower more realistic expectations. If Roy gets us out of the group it will have been an achievement.

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Still on a note to be really proud of, I fully expect us to win gold and silver for the player to get into the refs face most time and for telling the ref to **** off the most times, the only question who will win which colour medal, Terry or Carroll. Terry is my favourite because he is likely to play more, but to be honest Carroll only needs one game.

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Worst English team ? The old guard ? So what great achievements and trophies have the old guard managed for England in recent times ?

Trying new faces and ideologies are great for a competition that we are not expected to win. Who knows, by the time the World Cup comes around we might just have a new guard who can achieve a better world ranking than the old guard.

As for "snubbing ", it has to be the most used media word of the past month. If you've not been snubbed your a nobody........... or perhaps not good enough for the future ?

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I feel a bit sorry for RH he's being criticized by many for his choices but in reality his options have been severely limited.

He could only pick one of Terry or Rio, based on footballing reasons he chose Terry over Rio, which I personally agree with. Rio will always struggle with tournament football due to injuries and trying to manage them. I also think JT is a better centre half than RF.

Neither Capello and Manchini seem to trust Richards and the initial squad would have included Kyle Walker. At this time Richards refused to go on stand by, which is perhaps the reason Capello and Mancini don't trust him?

Jack Wilshere, Frank Lampard, Tom Cleverly, Gareth Barry, Michael Carrick, Paul Scholes have all been ruled out through injury or retirement. Carrick could have easily told the FA he's like to be recognised for selection again, instead he kept his mouth shut and booked in treatment for an ongoing achilles injury at the start of the summer.

Add Rooney's suspension into the mix and Roy hasn't had an easy introduction as England manager but after this tournament the likes of Kelly, Henderson, Carrol, Jones, Welbeck, Ox, Buckland and Harrt will have all gained tournament experience add to this the likes of Wilshere, Cleverly, Walker, Smalling and the future could be looking better.

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I don't, I'm basing what I have said on who was the first choice this season, and for his country.

You seemed to suggest that you knew what Rodgers would do... So it's a bit hypocritical to ask me that in the first place.

Er I said he was the best RB I didn't say Rodgers would pick him. Epic fail.

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Don't worry we are going to be saved, the wags are hiring a private jet to fly out and save England's tournament, how can we lose?. A red carpet pout for the paps boarding the flight out, enough time on the flight to check with their fellow wags "who is my boyfriend this week?". Ready for the red carpet pout on arrival. Great shopping in downtown Kiev shadowed by OK and People magazines paps showing them buying knock off designer gear and the odd 'accidental' 'pantyless crotch shot' and the odd 'stray nipple shot'.

Roy is very clever, now he has his ready built in excuse for our poor showing (injuries) he can allow the players play things to come out and take some the bad publicity away and replace it with other bad publicity.

However Roy should have checked with the players first, I understand that England's morale officer JT had arranged a squad 'spit roasting' with Ukraines no.1 finest prostitutes, oooops.

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England 1 - 0 Belgium 02/06/12

Norway 0 - 1 England 26/05/12

England 2 - 3 Holland 29/02/12

England 1 - 0 Sweden 15/11/11

England 1 - 0 Spain 12/11/11


We were far to open in the Dutch game. Pearce out! Oh he is? Good :)

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Don't worry we are going to be saved, the wags are hiring a private jet to fly out and save England's tournament, how can we lose?. A red carpet pout for the paps boarding the flight out, enough time on the flight to check with their fellow wags "who is my boyfriend this week?". Ready for the red carpet pout on arrival. Great shopping in downtown Kiev shadowed by OK and People magazines paps showing them buying knock off designer gear and the odd 'accidental' 'pantyless crotch shot' and the odd 'stray nipple shot'.

Roy is very clever, now he has his ready built in excuse for our poor showing (injuries) he can allow the players play things to come out and take some the bad publicity away and replace it with other bad publicity.

However Roy should have checked with the players first, I understand that England's morale officer JT had arranged a squad 'spit roasting' with Ukraines no.1 finest prostitutes, oooops.

....and there I was extolling the virtue of not necessarily picking the best players if the benefits of improving team spirit create a greater team & they go and invite the WAGs to come along. With John Terry present. Sigh.

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Worst England team since ever...?!

Hmm, not sure...how about Graham Taylor's squad for the 1992 Euros which contained Carloton Palmer, David Batty, Tony Dorigo and Tony Daley.


Euro 1992 was pretty much the worst squad that I can remember, though never thought Dorigo was a bad player, he just rarely got a look in, playing at the same time as Sansom and then Pearce. What I noticed in that list is what an inexperienced bunch it was: from a squad of 20, 12 players with 11 caps or less, 10 in single figures, and only Lineker over 50. That said, the current 2012 list, barring any more injuries, has 11 at 11 or less.

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