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A Walk In The Park ? ( Miles Away From Footy ) But Important !

Tall King Blox

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Touchy subject some people be offended with the gay march but nothing said all the flag and poppy burning goes under the radar but EDL want to march everything goes mentle wats good for one is good for the other freedom of speech only when it suits don't u agree got no problem with either let um get on with it

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Touchy subject some people be offended with the gay march but nothing said all the flag and poppy burning goes under the radar but EDL want to march everything goes mentle wats good for one is good for the other freedom of speech only when it suits don't u agree got no problem with either let um get on with it

Eastend 75, as i said u said a very touchy subject, but hey ! is it so wrong to be ENGLISH :englandflag:

BTW i do not belong to any political party, This is not an agenda, just a thought, try it sometime !

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Eastend 75, as i said u said a very touchy subject, but hey ! is it so wrong to be ENGLISH :englandflag:

BTW i do not belong to any political party, This is not an agenda, just a thought, try it sometime !

There is nothing wrong with being English but we all know that's not what they are marching for.

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Now I don't agree with any of what the EDL stand for BUT they have as much of a right to march as the other groups. If the council don't let them march then there should be no marches in Bristol.

Thats such a shit reply, dont forget your forefathers that earnt us the chance to have a view, dont let yours be fogged
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Thats such a shit reply, dont forget your forefathers that earnt us the chance to have a view, dont let yours be fogged

Can't quite see how that constitues a 'shit reply' I was simply saying that if you let GBL groups match along with Religous groups then the EDL should be allowed to march. As for my 'fogged view' I have my beliefs, especially on immigration and so on which I have made by myself and have not been passed down the generations.

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Can't quite see how that constitues a 'shit reply' I was simply saying that if you let GBL groups match along with Religous groups then the EDL should be allowed to march. As for my 'fogged view' I have my beliefs, especially on immigration and so on which I have made by myself and have not been passed down the generations.

Ouch, dont be touchy, but i guess it worked, good response
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Let them March. if that is what they believe in, so be it. As long as the march and protests sticks within the boundaries of the law, then people should be able to march and say what they want.

At the end of the day the EDL do have some valid points, they also have some very bad ponts driven by hatred of others. If their valid points do get heard, which many politicians seem to hide away from, for fear of causing anger or because of political correctness, how are these points ever going to be discussed!

For me I have no problems, all these marches, from any demographic, highlight issues, and the more people go out and march a protest, the less the Government can try and brush valid issues under the carpet. The fact of the matter is, in terms of the EDL, the Goverment has seen how bad mass immigration has been for the country, and are now back tracking hugely on previous policy concerning the type of of people they want to come to the country. As much as the Government like it or not, this was one big point that the EDL have cotinuously pointed out. As much as the EDL and other far groups have a lot of their views born out of hatred, in there there are some very facts, figures and ideas. You just need to glean the good stuff from the hate filled bile.

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Simples - the EDL actually have a LBGT group - the rainbow flag has been seen on lots of demos.

The Koran dictates homosexuals be put to death.

Sorry - who is the most intolerant again?

I laugh my socks off when fools like Peter Tatchell walk around with signs like Muslims and gays against the EDL. In most Muslim countries he would be dead by now.

Let them march - and watch the UAF and MAC cause 95% of the trouble.

Actually, the Koran doesn't specify any specific punishment nor even mention homosexuality as such, although it does say if two men are guilty of 'lewdness' they shall be punished unless they repent. It also has the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, although like the Bible it doesn't actually say what the inhabitants got up to get God so angry!

Very few Islamic countries have the death penalty for homosexuality, In fact if you go to places like Egypt it's quite a common sight to see blokes going around holding hands and even kissing.

I haven't got a lot of time for Tatchell, but to be fair to him, he does spend as much of his time going on about human rights abroad as he does "LBGT" issues.

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Now I don't agree with any of what the EDL stand for BUT they have as much of a right to march as the other groups. If the council don't let them march then there should be no marches in Bristol.

Absolutely. And I don't see any conflict between the two, people can be gay and proud to be English as well as English and proud to be gay.

Though having said that it seems a bit silly organising both on the same day as it means some people now have to choose which march they go on.

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Thats such a shit reply, dont forget your forefathers that earnt us the chance to have a view, dont let yours be fogged

...to be fair...thats what he is saying. This country is about Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Movement. Previous generations fought and died for this right.....whether agree with it or not, they should be allowed to express their views just as much as the "Gay Pride" crap

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The point is that the EDL organised this march in an intimidatory manner to be on the same day as Pride. Not a simple coincidence, and BTW, the most likely places to get prosecuted or even hanged for being homosexual are in some of those supposedly christian countries in Africa...Islam doesn't have a monopoly on homophobia.

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There is nothing wrong with being English but we all know that's not what they are marching for.


Should they be allowed to march: Yes

Are the majority of attendees there for the right reasons: Yes

Are the organisers, there for the right reasons: No - and that is the problem.

For me the EDL have some right ideas but they are clouded in a haze of dark fog.

Links to Anders Breivik, Plenty of full on fascists (swastika tatoo's ect.) involved in organizing, no doubt in my mind that behind the marches, there are people pushing a nasty political agenda.

Best of luck to anyone that tries to stop England become over populated and maintain our sovereignty. But they will need to be a credible group to gain enough support for it to work.

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Never been on a demo march as most times they produce nothing Poll Tax march/riot excluded if you want to be gay or whatever carry on not my thing but if your happy to shout about it then up to you, EDL have as much right to protest if we had some form of government that listened,acted and provided more work,housing,social care for the British born Black,White whatever people of this country the EDL wouldn't get such headlines and aggro .

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The point is that the EDL organised this march in an intimidatory manner to be on the same day as Pride. Not a simple coincidence, and BTW, the most likely places to get prosecuted or even hanged for being homosexual are in some of those supposedly christian countries in Africa...Islam doesn't have a monopoly on homophobia.

In the interest of fairness after my previous reply, I should point out that the only places that have the death penalty for homosexuality are 6 entirely Muslim countries and half-Muslim Nigeria - although the Ugandan parliament has discussed bringing the measure in.

It is worth remembering that we hanged gay men until the 1830s and imprisoned them until the mid 1960s.

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Like I said on another thread, there is no need of this in Bristol.

It annoys me when people spout what a diverse utopia is in Bristol, but at the same time there's no indication of the religious problems in other cities.

The EDL do make a good point regarding Halal. In my view it should be banned.

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Robbo - I know you worked for a press agency in Arabia but I'm not going around in circles with you.

Its actually in one of the Hadiths.

I merely said it wasn't in the Koran. How proverbial sayings have been interpreted over the years is a matter for various God-bothering nutters.

After all, there is nothing about women covering their hair in the Koran, it merely says they should dress modestly in public. That has been interpreted by various mullahs to mean differing degrees of cover up.

As a book, per se, the Koran has no more exhortations to violence than the Bible (which, for instance, has a bit in the Old Testament saying you should kill your daughter if she disobeys you) and is no more illogical.

I write all this because, while we all want the country free from murderous religious fascism, some EDL supporters seem to have a problem with Islam per se - often interpreting extremist rhetoric as typical rather than atypical of the faith.

If drawing attention to, and stopping, extremism, was the EDL's only aim then I'd have no problem with them. Quite how some of their actions further that aim is what eludes me.

The late, great Christopher Hitchens had this to say about the parallells between radical Islamism and historic fascism:

"The most obvious points of comparison would be these: Both movements are based on a cult of murderous violence that exalts death and destruction and despises the life of the mind. Both are hostile to modernity (except when it comes to the pursuit of weapons), and both are bitterly nostalgic for past empires and lost glories. Both are obsessed with real and imagined "humiliations" and thirsty for revenge. Both are chronically infected with the toxin of anti-Jewish paranoia (interestingly, also, with its milder cousin, anti-Freemason paranoia). Both are inclined to leader worship and to the exclusive stress on the power of one great book. Both have a strong commitment to sexual repression—especially to the repression of any sexual "deviance"—and to its counterparts the subordination of the female and contempt for the feminine. Both despise art and literature as symptoms of degeneracy and decadence; both burn books and destroy museums and treasures."

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No they didn't, they actually wanted it the week before but there is another event - Im not sure what - that had prior approval.

The Police moved the timing - not the EDL.

I think the other event is the Harbour Festival, did i read our muslim friends are doing an open mic thingy that weekend ?

Now that should be interesting !

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I have been to 3 over the last few years.

Bolton, Birmingham and London (Rememberance day).

I now think the EDL has totally run its course and any original message has been lost due to drunkeness,stupidity and violence.

Its a shame, because the original point of being, that of respecting our armed forces,and the opposition to the open immigration policy of those who seek to do us harm has been lost.

I still, when in UK, participate in the Charlene Downes Casuals United demo, but thats all.

There are other groups, in particular UKResistance who are law-abiding, intelligent and above all non racial/violent/drunk etc etc that do really good things for the British Working Class.


Whoever marches or opposes, please remember that its not worth getting violent over.

Never been to a demo but was tempted to this one as its on our doorstep. Btw I'm not racist or political, never had a problem with Islam until the countless terrorist/attempted attacks, poppy burning, vile chanting on remembrance day/ 9/11 and abusing troops in Wooton Bassett.

Also the fact whilst England were playing in major tournaments some places we're not allowed to hang st George flags or wear England shirts as it "offended Muslims".

Sorry rant over

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Never been to a demo but was tempted to this one as its on our doorstep. Btw I'm not racist or political, never had a problem with Islam until the countless terrorist/attempted attacks, poppy burning, vile chanting on remembrance day/ 9/11 and abusing troops in Wooton Bassett.

Also the fact whilst England were playing in major tournaments some places we're not allowed to hang st George flags or wear England shirts as it "offended Muslims".

Sorry rant over

Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11. It was Israel.

Watch the dancing Mossad agents on youtube. Google the Mossad agents caught red handed by the NYPD trying to blow up the George Washington bridge on 9/11.


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