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A Walk In The Park ? ( Miles Away From Footy ) But Important !

Tall King Blox

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Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11. It was Israel.

Watch the dancing Mossad agents on youtube. Google the Mossad agents caught red handed by the NYPD trying to blow up the George Washington bridge on 9/11.


Oh dear. Tinfoil hats time....


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The point is that the EDL organised this march in an intimidatory manner to be on the same day as Pride. Not a simple coincidence, and BTW, the most likely places to get prosecuted or even hanged for being homosexual are in some of those supposedly christian countries in Africa...Islam doesn't have a monopoly on homophobia.

Sorry you are very mush mistaken. The EDL proposed a march on a different day but it clashed with other events in the City and also the Olympics ,the Police ask the march to be rearranged and so this date was agreed on with the Police.

Just a typical smear so let's try to stick to the facts.

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Sorry you are very mush mistaken. The EDL proposed a march on a different day but it clashed with other events in the City and also the Olympics ,the Police ask the march to be rearranged and so this date was agreed on with the Police.

Just a typical smear so let's try to stick to the facts.

Yay to that !
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Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11. It was Israel.

Watch the dancing Mossad agents on youtube. Google the Mossad agents caught red handed by the NYPD trying to blow up the George Washington bridge on 9/11.


I was about to post a mind numbing retort to this post but eventually i got bored trying to think of something that you might understand so i didnt bother, oh btw, is yer avatar really you ?
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Oh dear. Tinfoil hats time....

"The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The countries behind this propaganda are the USA and Israel''. Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.

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Never been to a demo but was tempted to this one as its on our doorstep. Btw I'm not racist or political, never had a problem with Islam until the countless terrorist/attempted attacks, poppy burning, vile chanting on remembrance day/ 9/11 and abusing troops in Wooton Bassett.

Also the fact whilst England were playing in major tournaments some places we're not allowed to hang st George flags or wear England shirts as it "offended Muslims".

Sorry rant over

Most is media lies spread by hate. Islam is an easy target and its due to idiots not religion. Every religion has the same idiots, just less coverage on some e.g. Christianity.

The St.Georges day thing was an utter lie. I can't remember details exactly, but someone, who wasn't even Muslim, as for it to be taken down due to a reason like it was blocking a road (can't remember reason but it was a fair one) and then it was blown out of proportion through chinese whispers and mixture passions and became hate propaganda. The problems are the white idiots changing stories and making lies, from your single drunk to the american government.

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Sorry Tins - got to pull you up over the "white" comment.

I don't know where or why that came out but thats racially insensitive and plain wrong.

This is a religious issue.

Muslims come in all skin tones, as it is a religion - not a race.

Mohammed,a real human being, was actually a white slave trader with a hatred of Judaism.

The EDL have black,brown etc members, even one or two Muslims.

They are very well represented in the Sikh community.

Colour is irrelevant - its a question of one religion continuously trying to impose its will over everyone else.

How people respond to that depends on them, not their skin colour.

The EDL is mostly white though, but my point was being made about English extremists. Most if not all are white.

English extremists will change a story of an Asian man, be him Muslim or not, and turn it anti-muslim, like the flag incident.

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"The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The countries behind this propaganda are the USA and Israel''. Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.

Sadly for the laughably named 'truth movement' that is a made up quote.

The article I'm linking, published shortly before Cook's death, illustrates his real views:


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Robbo - I know you worked for a press agency in Arabia but I'm not going around in circles with you.

Its actually in one of the Hadiths.

Happy now?

And yes, if you really want me to I will link a dozen articles about homosexuals being hung/stoned to death if you want.

Do we really need to go down the: last jew behind a tree or stone/ toilet prayers/sex with livestock/"honour" killing Hadiths?

Please don't be obtuse.

You are more intelligent than that.

But by all means please link the Tatchell and 'Right Said Fred' video in Russia to this for Causican Muslims views on Homosexuality...


Saved you the trouble.

This won't happen on the EDL march but it will happen in Muslim nations Robbo, no matter who your past paymasters were.

Is that David Cameron whacking Right Said Fred??

Maybe Dave didnt think Fred was "to sexy" after all.........

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