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Anyone Know What Happened Near South St Primary In Bs3 Tonight?


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Just seen enough police to take down a terrorist, drove back from station and they were all waiting in different side streets, suddenly all rolled, police vans, cars, unmarked cars with sirens, all surrounded a property next to South Street primary, cars as far as the eye could see, blocked off the whole road, police bouncing out left right and centre, looked pretty coordinated. Never seen anything like it in BS3, not even match day. There have been arrests elsewhere today so wonder if this was an anti-terrorist incident.

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I don't know what was going on... and no offence intended... but if the likes of 'Al Qeada' were to begin their British offensive, I very much doubt that it would start next to South Street Primary....

I don't know, before the Twin Towers, who amongst us would have thouht that a passenger plane could be used as a weapon

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