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Portsmouth Fc - Deary Me


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I thought Jamo wrote off his bonus when he opted to join us 2yrs ago? Either way, the club was run by idiots, staffed (on the field) by overpaid rubbish and the local businesses that went out of business as they were so far down the creditor list could probably have been saved by just a few weeks' of TB-H's wages!!!

All this for a club with something like an 18000 capacity "stadium" so inevitably a ridiculously poor turnover (excl. PL TV / parachute money) - if ever there was a case to hi-lite the need for the FFP regulations to ensure this is never repeated then this must be it.

I'm sure that Ben-Haim, Lawrence etc sleep perfectly well at night despite bein unbelievably well renumerated for their modest talent.

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Looks like they are almost at a 'Ashton Gate 8' situation where these players are going to have to tear up contracts to save the club. 30 years on do players care as much as they did then? I think we probably all know the answer to that one.

The footballers credit rule needs to go for this madness to end.

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This Is a farce, and frankly the Football league, the FA and the Premier league should be ashamed of. And HMRC!

Forget where they are now financially (up sh1t creak without a paddle in sight) , but instead consider that following their CVA in 2010 the following was reported;

Portsmouth admit they have already broken their self-imposed wage limit by paying new signings Dave Kitson and Liam Lawrence around £20,000 a week.

Pompey administrator Andrew Andronikou told creditors that the club's huge Premier League wage bills had contributed to debts of around £130m.

Andronikou pledged to put in place a £10,000 a week wage limit following relegation and an agreement to pay creditors at the rate of 20p in the pound owed.

"Their wages are £19,000 and £20,000 but it was something we are comfortable with.

"Gone are the days when extraordinary pay packets put the club in financial trouble.''

John Utaka, David Nugent and five other players remain at Fratton Park on Premier League wages while experienced Kanu and Ricardo Rocha rejoined last week.

So.next question, how much was paid to the creditors of the 2010 CVA that was agreed PRIOR to these signings? I will tell you...Nothing, zero, zip, Nada.

Unbelievable that it was allowed to happen, continued to happen, and that Andrew Andronikou is still allowed to be an administrator.

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I know we all complain about mercenary footballers but they aren't alone. If McDonalds were close to going bust i doubt any staff would offer to take pay cuts to save the company! Maccas have even more fans than pompey!

Now don't get me wrong i know there is a huge difference between what they earn and what maccas staff do but before you smash them think would you take a voluntary 50% pay cut to save your company? At the end of the day they are employees same as most of the rest of us.

Tal Ben Hiem earns £36,000 a week. Many people don't earn that a year!

I would take a pay cut to £5,000 a week if it kept the club going, even if I was playing for the sags!!!!

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This Is a farce, and frankly the Football league, the FA and the Premier league should be ashamed of. And HMRC!

Not quite sure why HMRC should be ashamed, they're a victim in all this (and us as taxpayers for that matter).

I have a mate who is a Pompey fan, and I've told him straight up I want them to go to the wall. I like the guy, and feel sorry for him, but the principle is that club should be wound up. The CVA's make me so mad, the fact that HMRC are not preferred creditors, so tax money (that we then have to subsidise) is not a priority? Scandalous really.

To be honest it gets me the most that nobody seems to have learnt from our plight in '82. Which probbaly makes it worse as the figures involved are so much more inflated.

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Couldn't help but notice Greg Halford, Liam Lawrence, David Norris and Erik Huseklepp, all of which for sure could do a job for us. Would just depend what wages they're on, can't see Pompey being in a position to refuse many offers for them.

A colleague of mine is a Pompey ST, and its open knowledge down there that Halford and Lawrence are on 25K per week, cant see City being interested in that.

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The downfall has been so rapid that this season they will still collect Premier League parachute payments, this is the only reason they haven't arleady gone down the toilet.

There parachute payments are being paid directly to there previous owner,and not to the club anymore.

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I think that it will take this, and Rangers's situation, for people to realise that all is not well in modern football.

I remember 1982 very well, although I only really understood the possible consequences when I was older.

The more we look at this the more we need to thank those 8 men (Messr ,Merrick, Marshall, Rodger, Mann, Sweeney, Aitken, Tainton and Garland) for saving us from potential disaster. They were loyal men and true.

There are decent people in football - Jamo did forgo his bonus to keep them afloat when he joined us. But he is the exception rather than the rule.

Portsmouth will go under I feel, due to the selfishness of its players, the greed of the owners and the naivety of their fans.

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A colleague of mine is a Pompey ST, and its open knowledge down there that Halford and Lawrence are on 25K per week, cant see City being interested in that.

Maybe not then they'd have to be willing for a big pay cut, can see Cardiff going after Lawrence by anyways

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Not quite sure why HMRC should be ashamed, they're a victim in all this (and us as taxpayers for that matter).

I have a mate who is a Pompey fan, and I've told him straight up I want them to go to the wall. I like the guy, and feel sorry for him, but the principle is that club should be wound up. The CVA's make me so mad, the fact that HMRC are not preferred creditors, so tax money (that we then have to subsidise) is not a priority? Scandalous really.

To be honest it gets me the most that nobody seems to have learnt from our plight in '82. Which probbaly makes it worse as the figures involved are so much more inflated.

Absolutely 82 was 30 years ago and still every year at least 3 or 4 teams go close to going bust and guess what, Portsmouth, Cardiff, Palarse and Swindon are serial offenders, of course it's sad for the fans but for the umpteenth time how many of them questioned the club when 24/48 hours after coming out of administration Portsmouth signed Lawrence and Kitson and the chief executive bragged pubically that paying them a combined wage of 25k per week was a great deal for the club?.

I forgot Florest in my serial offenders.

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I would just say 3 words to these selfish monkeys...

Ashton Gate Eight.

Even just asking the question will put me in line for a kicking, but didn't the Ashton Gate Eight accept half of the amount due to them in exchange for tearing up their contracts? If I remember correctly their choice at the time was to keep their contracts, watch the club go bust and receive nowt or tear up their contracts and receive something. Not exactly a selfless act then, but the best way of retreiving as much as they could from the whole sorry situation. (Nothing wrong with that, BTW, just don't understand why the event is painted as one on total altruism, when really it wasn't).

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If the club had gone bust, I assume that the players would have received some sort of payment when the assets were liquidated, as they would have been classed as preferential creditors. The 8 chose the option which allowed the club to survive.

I am happy to be corrected on this, as I am not an expert re. all the financial problems of the club at that time.

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