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Anybody Explain How This Is Acceptable


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Meathead security wrestles a harmless kid off his bike and bike goes under the car. Isn't there anybody left in this world who can engage their brain and assess that this is just a kid on a bike riding alongside the torch bearer. Does it really need this kind of action to immobilise this massive huge security threat to the world, surely just asking the kid to ride behind the convoy would have been more sensible.

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Meathead security wrestles a harmless kid off his bike and bike goes under the car. Isn't there anybody left in this world who can engage their brain and assess that this is just a kid on a bike riding alongside the torch bearer. Does it really need this kind of action to immobilise this massive huge security threat to the world, surely just asking the kid to ride behind the convoy would have been more sensible.

From my experience, had they done that they would have simply been on the receiving end of an f-word led tirade.

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Well although it was an overreaction I don't know why the kid was riding that close anyway. Its obvious you aren't allowed to close.

From my experience, had they done that they would have simply been on the receiving end of an f-word led tirade.

Bit of stereotyping there.

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Well although it was an overreaction I don't know why the kid was riding that close anyway. Its obvious you aren't allowed to close.

Bit of stereotyping there.

I did say from my experience but regardless do you not agree that the youth today in general display less respect for others than 10 or 20 years ago? Obviously there are exceptions to this but it appears to me to be representative of the way society is going :(

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Comrade, I'm suprised! Surely this torch relay is a glorious celebration for the workers of the glorious motherland! The boy was clearly a capitalist undesirable

Well if you put it like that you could be on to something. You think the young fellow was a young Rothschild, Ford or even Sugar (not Lansdown though of course)?

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I can see a trip to Max Clifford, to tell us how the kid helps boy scouts across the road and does voluntary work for the aged, a massive payout courtesy of Sebastian Coe (or the tax payers).

Hopefully his parents won't buy him a new bike, little scrote needs a life lesson.

This is a good one, don't bugger around on roads on your bike, you never know what can happen.

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I did say from my experience but regardless do you not agree that the youth today in general display less respect for others than 10 or 20 years ago? Obviously there are exceptions to this but it appears to me to be representative of the way society is going :(

The only thing different from 10, 20 years ago is your age. Judging by this you've got a couple of weeks until you're saying "that's not music" and "in my day", and maybe a decade until the Daily Mail editorial starts to look reasonable :)

Seriously, kids were a bunch of shits when I was one, they're no worse now!

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The only thing different from 10, 20 years ago is your age. Judging by this you've got a couple of weeks until you're saying "that's not music" and "in my day", and maybe a decade until the Daily Mail editorial starts to look reasonable :)

Seriously, kids were a bunch of shits when I was one, they're no worse now!

Kids always have been shits, but kids these days know all their rights. When I was young, you never thought about swearing or abusing an adult, unless they are out of earshot. I knew a mate who did, and a got a slap across the face from the woman, he never did it again.

Nowadays, young kids (I'm not saying all, or not even the majority) will think nothing about abusing someone, as they know quite often, their parents won't really give a Damn, hell some people won't even give kids a telling off in the street nowadays, for the fear of something being put through the letter box, windows smashed or even being threatened with a knife.

Things have changed a lot, yes there have always been shits, but the level of shitness has soared. Made worse that you can't touch an aggressive kid nowadays.

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Kids always have been shits, but kids these days know all their rights. When I was young, you never thought about swearing or abusing an adult, unless they are out of earshot. I knew a mate who did, and a got a slap across the face from the woman, he never did it again.

Nowadays, young kids (I'm not saying all, or not even the majority) will think nothing about abusing someone, as they know quite often, their parents won't really give a Damn, hell some people won't even give kids a telling off in the street nowadays, for the fear of something being put through the letter box, windows smashed or even being threatened with a knife.

Things have changed a lot, yes there have always been shits, but the level of shitness has soared. Made worse that you can't touch an aggressive kid nowadays.

Statistically speaking, today's teenagers are better behaved than any previous generation as teenagers. Meanwhile the stats also show that fear of teenagers has never been higher.

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I'm a bit confused by all this to be honest.

I remember when the torch arrived in England there was footage on the TV of people running through country lanes in Cornwall with it surrounded by loads of grinning idiots. What has happened between then and now?

The kid probably shouldn't have been there, he may well be a little chav rat boy in his everyday life for all I know but watching that clip makes me think that the 'security' just wanted to throw someone around. Why couldn't they just grab him and pull him towards the side of the crowd he was on? I suppose doing that wouldn't have looked so dramatic for the TV cameras.

I'm all for strong intelligent security but I can't f*ckin stand meatheads who throw their weight around for the sake of it.

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I'm a bit confused by all this to be honest.

I remember when the torch arrived in England there was footage on the TV of people running through country lanes in Cornwall with it surrounded by loads of grinning idiots. What has happened between then and now?

The kid probably shouldn't have been there, he may well be a little chav rat boy in his everyday life for all I know but watching that clip makes me think that the 'security' just wanted to throw someone around. Why couldn't they just grab him and pull him towards the side of the crowd he was on? I suppose doing that wouldn't have looked so dramatic for the TV cameras.

I'm all for strong intelligent security but I can't f*ckin stand meatheads who throw their weight around for the sake of it.

They are all Met Police officers who've been specially trained and selected for this. TBH I think they've done a pretty good job on the whole.

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They are all Met Police officers who've been specially trained and selected for this. TBH I think they've done a pretty good job on the whole.

In which case, on the meathead thing, I stand corrected.

I agree that the Met have undoubtably got a hugely difficult job where anti terrorism and general security is concerned but I would've thought, with their experience, that the officers in this incident could have

handled it without resorting to the actions they used.

It would be intresting to find out if the boy on the bike had already been warned by the security that if he didn't stop cycling alongside he'd be dealt with.

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I'm a bit confused by all this to be honest.

I remember when the torch arrived in England there was footage on the TV of people running through country lanes in Cornwall with it surrounded by loads of grinning idiots. What has happened between then and now?

Well, if you wait a little while it will soon be back to being surrounded by loads of grinning idiots. It can't be far from Swindon now, surely?

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I did say from my experience but regardless do you not agree that the youth today in general display less respect for others than 10 or 20 years ago? Obviously there are exceptions to this but it appears to me to be representative of the way society is going :(

The problem is kids are never given respect by anyone so why should they respect people back?

Labelling is a self-fulfilling prophecy and by you saying they are likely to use a f-word tirade then they will do it, because it is what is expected.

Show children respect and they will respect you back. 2 way street.

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Difficult one for the police. It's easy for all us right-on liberals to criticise the action as over the top but if he had explosives strapped around his waist....

What I find more unacceptable is this statement from the Met:

The Metropolitan Police told the BBC: "A male on a pedal cycle attempted to enter the security bubble around the torchbearer. The Met's torch security team prevented him from gaining access to the torchbearer and the male fell off his bike. He immediately got back on his bike and left."

There's about 2 outright lies in that statement and approximately 3 places where they are being "economical with the truth". Why do they think they can get away with this?

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Statistically speaking, today's teenagers are better behaved than any previous generation as teenagers. Meanwhile the stats also show that fear of teenagers has never been higher.

Hmm and when did stats start being taken for teenagers, and what are the stats?

Love to see the knife and gun crime stat from say 1950's compared to 2012 and the youth murder rates from the 1950's to 2012. Got them handy, or a link to the stats you mention?

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Speaking as a teenager, teenagers these days aren't that interested in crime. It's simply all about the sex, alcohol and drugs. :)

The thing that annoys me about teenage girls is the age they chose to have children, I know girls who are 16/17 and have a baby. They haven't even attended College or anything and they are already trying to raise a child. :facepalm:

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Hmm and when did stats start being taken for teenagers, and what are the stats?

Love to see the knife and gun crime stat from say 1950's compared to 2012 and the youth murder rates from the 1950's to 2012. Got them handy, or a link to the stats you mention?

Top years for gun murders were just after the war funnily enough, but you're quite right to say that knife crime by youths is much higher than in previous years. I think Pezo is aluding to research that shows that teenagers now are more polite than those in the 70s, 80s and 90s. I think that may well be right overall - although a minority are MUCH worse.

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