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Anyone Feel Worse Today?


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I do.

Having slept on yesterdays massive let-down I feel even more despondent than I did after the game.

Its the thought of "what might of been" and "if only's" plus the fact it'll be Wallsal at home on a wet Tuesday night in November.

Nevermind, I'll be there along with other faithfull few......

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Guest Laver

Yeah, still feeling bad.

Real massive let down, for the fans and for the players.

But it just didnt look like they wanted it.

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I actually feel better now having got a few postings off my chest - hoping for some major annoucements in the next few weeks.

We've already signed a potential class striker just hope we can sign a few "one's for now" not for the future all the time!

It's easy to give up but we can't, one season we will escape this dump of a div (upwards obviously!)

I am normally extremely negative but some for some reason not so this morning - if just 10% of the 23,000 glory hunters yesterday came reguarly things could be so different!

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I feel worse. Yesterday after the game I just sang city songs in the street and at the moody brighton fans after they won. How does that work? Why were they so moody?

I am proud to be City, but today I do feel worse as there isn't anything else to do like for instance singing at the Brighton Fans!

My aggresion has gone for the day, left it in Cardiff yesterday. I'm sure it will catch up with me soon.

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I think i felt worse yesteday. The worst part of it all was i was sure we would win, possibly because i couldnt and/or didnt want to imagine losing.

Its hard to judge really. I feel really down today.

As i said on a post on the Steve L forum ' Yesterday i was inconsoleable, today I'm merely distraught' - that about sums it up i think.

Ive listened to the link in my signature a couple of hundred times already today!

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This will take a LONG time to get over. There's just one word which I can descirbe my feelings now and yesterday: gutted, totally totally gutted. :sad21:

I think it's only just setting in now, the shock is dying down again. Milton Keynes here we come.... :grr:

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Nevermind, I'll be there along with other faithfull few......
The club must be relieved they sold nearly 7000 season tickets already. I can't see too many being bought now, especially as the price is due to rise regardless.

I haven't renewed yet but I need to, probably wait until Direct Debit is announced as the thought of shelling out £350 straight off for another season of that doesn't really bare thinking about!

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Yep - Feel like Sh 1 te today. Lost all my anger of yesterday and am now dispondent. The only consolation I can take out of yesterday is that Brigton will go straight back down playing like that next season - I would say "Well played" to them but they didn't - and we played worse. Is that possibly our worst performance of the season? I think Wilson got it totally wrong, I could go over the reasons but I think they are obvious. And we got unlucky with injuries (Brown, Bell and Peacock)

Let's look at some positives:

We have signed an exciting young striker (who is much needed)

We have an excellent chance of winning the championship next season

Days out in Torquay, Blackpool and Milton Keynes :grr: instead of East London.

We're still the ONLY team in Bristol

It wasn't Swindle that beat us yesterday

I'll be there next season and so will all of you lot - because that's football and that is why we keep on paying our money year after year. It may take one more season but we will get there.

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Guest wishbone

Yeh, our dreams down the plughole along with my hair dye from yesterday!

I was quite philosophical yesterdeay, but very disappointed today.

still, time's a great healer & all that & all we can do is start again. :(

I imagine the players feel worse than we do. :grr:

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I'd have been proud and gutted if we had played well, and still lost. That happens.

What is worse than that is the display on the day.

Brighton did us a favour. I am convinced that the reason all their fans seemed strangly subdued at the end was they were all there for a great day out, and suddenly they are back in Div 1. That was not in the plan - bank some money, continue to rebuild, and get a stadium. Now they have to suddenly go back to the drawing board and plan for Div 1 - and they are not ready!

Maybe if we ask very nicely they will swap!

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Guest comeonyoureds

i feel awful about it today cause yesturday after the game it didnt really sink in! been thinking about it all day and its going to take a long time to get over how disappointing yesturday was!

I'm gutted :grr:

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It could be worse...

I've got to work on a sunny bankholiday monday and I'm stuck in here with a Brighton fan - he's doing his best not to wind me up deliberately, but he just can't help being cheerful and telling everyone in Shropshire how pleased he is today.... and its starting to annoy me....

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I feel pretty poo. Has to watch the game with a few PLymouth fans who turned up in the bar I was in in Prague. Had been drinking all day, went back to hostel prmptly threw up and passed out!!

Had to put up with other men seeing me in floods of tears after the game.

Scared that all our best players will leave.


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I feel worse today. Yesterday was about loosing, chucking away a seasons results.

Today is about the future, wondering who is going to be left in the team. watching 2nd division football again is bad enough. Watching it maybe without Coles, Doc and Phillips, the spine of our (almost) successful team is almost unthinkable. I wouldn't blame any of them for looking to play at a higher level.

The only thing which gives me a glimmer of hope is if we are able to hold on to these and a few other players. Keep the (almost ) successful team together, add some fire power, either from what we got or elsewhere, and ensure we go up automatically next May.

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