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Yannicks Brother Really Aint Doing Himself Any Favours!

W-s-m Red Army

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Absolute nonsense.

What do u suggest? Wrap them up in cotton wool to protect them from the barrage of abuse that might hurt their, very deep pocketed, feelings??

He is on a social media site, his agent has clearly had a phone conversation with sky sports as quoted in the second story. Instead of completely dispelling and damning the rumours, he just goes and deletes his account without a word......not the actions of a man who wants or is able to state the stories as false.

All this talk of embarrassing fans, well what do you expect? This guy isn't Adomah, he isn't a top rate Champoknship footballer destined for bigger things.......he is a 2nd rate impact sub who bar 20 minutes at Coventry has done sweet **** all.......bad advice from an agent or not, he is 23, not 18, he isn't a little sheep anymore, (well shouldn't be).

Unfortunately because he has done so little for bristol city, the reaction is going to be understandably negative, especially through the means it's happened, and that gets people's backs up

If Adomah, Elliot, Skuse, Fontaine etc handed in a transfer request 1) would be done like this? No 2) would they be so negative jumped on? No.

The guy has done so little for us to warrant a first team place, in fact he has done next to nothing yet obviously wants to move on. Get rid.


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The club has denied it. Why does the player have to get involved?

I presume he is getting involved anyway. Someone he employs (his agent) has gone to the media firstly to give them an anonymous heads-up that he wants to leave & then to inform the media that BCFC is lying by denying Yannick has requested to leave. He'd only have to come out and say something if his paid representative was lying himself.

The only conclusion to draw from this is that - Yannick has definitely requested a move & BCFC are lying (or ignorant of a conversation between YB & DM).

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All this Tw @ tter crap just goes to show what sort of person uses that form of multimedia, mainly 15yo keyboard warriors who wouldn't say anything to him face to face.


Utter nonsense. Twitter is full of intelligent, considered opinion from intelligent, insightful individuals. It's also full of the aforementioned keyboard warriors, but that's true of any medium.

You can't blame the medium for the individuals who choose to use it.

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Utter nonsense. Twitter is full of intelligent, considered opinion from intelligent, insightful individuals. It's also full of the aforementioned keyboard warriors, but that's true of any medium.

You can't blame the medium for the individuals who choose to use it.

That may be the case in anything non football related but when it comes to football matters, it is the worst form of media, 12yo kids claiming to be football agents, people who say they are 'ITK' but have no idea what's going on, players who really should know better (Rio Ferdinand) & finally the morons who abuse players.

No other form of media has that range of idiots.....not even Facebook....and that is saying something.


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Quite embarrassing aren't they?

What !!? You're the embarrassing one, you're reading what his numbskull brother is writing and assuming all his comments are because people were abusing Yan.

On the contrary - I made comments to him saying I'd met Yan a couple of times and what a lovely guy he is. My comments were that people were swaying Yan to move - and that it's money behind it. I also said in my opinion agents are scumbags that turn people's heads ensuring there's not an ounce of loyalty.

If that's embarrassing then very sorry I'm sure !!!!

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That may be the case in anything non football related but when it comes to football matters, it is the worst form of media, 12yo kids claiming to be football agents, people who say they are 'ITK' but have no idea what's going on, players who really should know better (Rio Ferdinand) & finally the morons who abuse players.

No other form of media has that range of idiots.....not even Facebook....and that is saying something.


Again, untrue. The football writers and journalists on Twitter are extremely interesting and informative. I'd never have encountered blogs such as Zonal Marking and Swiss Ramble, or publications like the Blizzard without it.

Like anything, it's what you make of it and who you choose to listen to that will determine its value. There are thousands of interesting people who will give you insight and opinion you otherwise wouldn't have considered. There are also a lot of idiots but it's up to individuals to decide whether they engage with them or not.

There is a problem, because it's opened a channel which allows the idiots to send abuse at one another 24/7 if they so wish, whereas previously a footballer only had to worry about what he heard during matches and occasionally in the street. Society and the law haven't worked out what to do about that yet, but it's important to understand that Twitter is not the cause of the problem, merely the conduit by which it has been exposed. If it were closed down then, yes, the problem would lessen, but surely the answer is to look at why people feel they can say these vile things in the first place?

I'd also contend that it's not just children. Twitter may attract the younger members of society more than the elder but I've heard some awful things shouted at players from the stands by men who really should know better.

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What !!? You're the embarrassing one, you're reading what his numbskull brother is writing and assuming all his comments are because people were abusing Yan.

On the contrary - I made comments to him saying I'd met Yan a couple of times and what a lovely guy he is. My comments were that people were swaying Yan to move - and that it's money behind it. I also said in my opinion agents are scumbags that turn people's heads ensuring there's not an ounce of loyalty.

If that's embarrassing then very sorry I'm sure !!!!

I don't know what in particular has caused you to get sand in your vagina, but self appointed superfans giving Bolasie and his brother abuse on twitter on the basis of hearsay are definitely embarrassing. If you're one of them then yes, you're embarrassing us. If you're not then why have you taken such offense?

For example we've got one embarrassing loser calling his brother a knob, a nobody, moron, typical shit stirrer and telling him to grow a pair, shut up etc. The irony seems to escape this moron.

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So lets try and get a few things cleared up here... according to the agent Bolasie went to see DM and asked to be put on the transfer list. The agent then took that story to Sky Sports who then ran the story. BCFC then made a statement categorically denying they had received a request from the player. Sky Sports then altered their story and/or pulled it. That appears to be all we have been told either by Sky or BCFC. We have to assume, for the sake of the most basic of professionalism, that Sky did receive information from Bolasie's agent sufficient for their editor to run it.

The one common denominator here appears to be the agent. So, my questions are these; why would the agent go to sky? To alert other clubs? Hardly because an agent has contacts at many clubs and would simply pick up the phone. The only reason he would go to the press or the media is to force the hand of Bolasie's current employer probably because he/Bolasie feel that BCFC have not been listening.

That is the logical explanation of why an agent would seek publicity. However, I do not believe for one moment that City would not listen to any concerns a player or his agent, on his behalf, might have. And why would there be a blitz of these undermining tweets all in the space of a day? As a result we have a player who's apparent brother (do we know it is his brother and not a hoax?) has debased the rumour to his own detriment and that of the player. In return some pretty dumb 'fans' have slated the player for apparently wanting away. To me the entire episode has been a complete and damaging farce initiated by an agent hell bent on causing maximum embarrassment on a club just 2 days before the start of a new season. No matter what has gone on behind closed doors that is the height of unprofessionalism. Bit like that abhorrent transport union threatening a strike the day before the main athletes were due in the days before the Olympics.

The other possibility is that instead of being unprofessional the agent is lacking in intelligence. Either way he sinks the profession to a new low, if that were possible.

abhorrent transport union???!

At least add some balance......

Yes, the Union's judgement was questionable, this they acknowledged and addressed. What about Michael Gove (Conservative / Coalition Education Secretary)?

"Michael Gove has overruled independent advice not to allow the sale of playing fields five times since 2010 and has been accused of responding to a Freedom of Information request on the matter with 'misleading' information.

The Education Secretary, who has to make the final approval on playing field sales or delegate it to a minister, has defied expert advice more times than Labour ministers did between 2001 and 2010"

The Conservatives are happy to bask in the glory of present Olympic medalists success, whilst limiting the prospects of future GB Olympians. Now who's truly abhorrent; Unions who are fighting for fairness - or a sly, incidious politician??

There are many rights you enjoy today because peolple stuck their necks out and went against the grain.

As for Yannick and his Agent - it's Yannick's decision what Agent represents him and how he wishes to be represented. There are many posters who are reacting as if the Agent has abducted Yannick!

I would like him to stay - good squad player / developing player (Is Yannick reappraising his situation as Albert is now staying?).

However, I'm with the posters who state that if a player doesn't wish to be at City, then he should go.

Thankfully, it appears that Del has the same outlook - hence some of the unrest methinks.....

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If the professionalism of Yannick and his Agent is in question - then Yannick should be in discussions with the club and Del to present a statement confirming / refuting the story.

The same goes for Yannick's brother - Yannick should be making a statement confirming / refuting his brother's tweets (and also apologising for some of them).

The fact he hasn't, makes me agree with other posters - suspicions of a contrivance to orchestrate a transfer, that will see us losing out financially and Yannick, along with his Agent pocketing a tidy sum.

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