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Baldock The Intellectual


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Anyone else feel like it's a breath of fresh air to listen to Baldock talking in his interviews? Barely any 'ums' and 'uhs' and I've not heard a cliche from him yet. Makes a nice change from the usual 'y'know', 'like' and just repeating of the interviewer's questions.

Hopefully his intelligence off the pitch will transfer to intelligence on it.

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Listening to his interview he reminded me even more of Tony Thorpe. He was articulate bloke and so is Baldock. Very similar in stature and playing style as well although Baldock looks a bit quicker.

If Baldock scores 50 odd goals for our club in 120 odd games as Thorpe did we'll all be delighted.

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hmmmmm just because you can speak English, does not make you a intellectual, it should make you a bog standard englishman!

if we are calling player intellectual because they can string two words together, god help us!

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Listening to his interview he reminded me even more of Tony Thorpe. He was articulate bloke and so is Baldock. Very similar in stature and playing style as well although Baldock looks a bit quicker.

If Baldock scores 50 odd goals for our club in 120 odd games as Thorpe did we'll all be delighted.

I hope (unlike Thorpe) that more than 2 of Baldock's goals are at Championship level, though.

Watching him for half an hour it is already apparent that he is nowhere near as lazy as Thorpe was.

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I see what you dun their!

I really couldn't give a damn, I am sat in a bar typing on a touch screen phone.

I know full well i can string a conversation without umms and arrrrs, which some would seem to think is such an amazing thing to be able to do!!!!!!!

I also know full well i can can type perfectly well well sat in front of a keyboard.

So yes, i am glad you can see what i have done there, I am having problems seeing what I have done, as I have drank a little too much already, and am in need of food.

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Baldock comes across as someone who moved here because he wanted to for footballing reasons.

Maynard moved away because his agent wanted him to for financial reasons.

I know who I'd rather have on my side ... and we've got him!

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Whilst were on the subject, this from Van Persie today:

""The ball came and I wasn't really thinking about what to do. I had only one thing on my mind and it went in the far corner, exactly what I wanted," he admitted."


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Whilst were on the subject, this from Van Persie today:

""The ball came and I wasn't really thinking about what to do. I had only one thing on my mind and it went in the far corner, exactly what I wanted," he admitted."


English is his second language to be fair.
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From the very first second he stepped onto the pitch today that boy just screamed class. Cardiff could not live with him. He is going to be some player for City. Can't wait for the next match and it has been some time since I last said that............well Tuesday I think !

Couldn't agree more, a very exciting talent.Every time he touched the ball something good happened.

He reminds me of Glyn Riley with double the pace!

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