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Avoiding The Scores

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Why people would want to watch other teams is beyond me, I mean travelling all to way to Liverpool, or Manchester etc.

Do not understand all this "second team" rubbish.

I don't have a second team but I do like going to watch villa sometimes as its easy to get to and quite cheep for a high level of quality football, I have seen some of the best players in the world destroy villa over the years.

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City, was at Barnsley yesterday and will be at P'boro and Watford. Oh and I was at Forest:). Can't be called a glory hunter either, Arse r shite. Good prem games tho!

Must be tough watching teams full of internationals playing Champions League football year after year. My heart bleeds.

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Never understood second teams, never will. What happens if your two teams play each other? Having two teams strikes me as a bit of a cop out, a back up in case your first team loses. I like Arsenal more than most top teams, but couldn't really give a toss about them - only one team I care about, I couldn't ever support anyone else.

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Lots of City fans have other teams that they like but don't travel to watch them.

I have always liked Arsenal but only ever watch them on TV. I wish every year that City draw them in the FA Cup. I also have a soft spot for Exeter City and look out for their results. Doesn't mean I support them.

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There was a 'whatever happened to the likely lads' episode where the two main characters avoid the England score all day, possible up to the 90's maybe 00's but you cant get away from all the scores now surely?!

I did try it with the FA Cup the season before last because I was busy (even had to record motd!) and managed to not find out the score all day, then promptly fell asleep watching motd at about 2.30am

As for a second team, I don't bother, its far more fun taking an overall interest in the other leagues and liking/disliking mates teams

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I do exactly the same if I can. Thankfully I usually have a few people I phone at half time, so can avoid the scores that way and don't listen to the radio on the way home. MOTD is always more enjoyable if you don't know what to expect. I do get somewhat annoyed when listening to the away games when every two minutes you get and such and such has given so and so the lead in the Premier League. One: If I didn't try to avoid the scores then I wouldn't be wanting score updates whilst concentrating on the City, and Two: If they feel they must give updates then can't they switch it around to say something like "In the Premier League, such and such......" to at least give people a chance to avoid the update if they like?!?

Just as an aside....Quite why "_Bristol-City_" decided he wanted to be bit of a tit and deliberately do something that someone has said they don't like is beyond me. Little bit childish if you ask me....and more than a little pointless. Maybe that's just me though...maybe it's been just too long since I left school? :dunno:

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I love doing this, my dad always did it so took it from him. Its hard when your playing on a Saturday afternoon and every one else in your team is a Prem team fan, it can be quite difficult to avoid the scores! I generally try and switch off so even if I do hear them I rarely remember. I have a bit of a ritual of recording MOTD and waking up Sunday morning to watch it on Sky + before going off to play for the Sunday team.

I remember one of Euro qualifiers I had training whilst an England game was on. I begged everyone I was with not to tell me the score as I had the game on record and intended to go home and watch it on Sky + when I got in. On our way home whilst everyone I was with had clearly checked the score they kept asking if I was sure I didnt want to know but I stood my ground. Got home about 10.30 stayed up til gone midnight watching the game to realise that it finished 0-0... Was not impressed!

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Makes watching MOTD a lot more interesting but takes a lot of effort! Keep switching over to bbc1 at the scheduled start time only to find out the news is running late and see all the scores on the screen.

I know what you mean mate!, I tend to give it 3 minutes past the time, then its usually safe.

I read about some newsreader who said "those of you who dont want to know the football results look away now",

she then read out the scores!

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There was a 'whatever happened to the likely lads' episode where the two main characters avoid the England score all day, possible up to the 90's maybe 00's but you cant get away from all the scores now surely?!

I did try it with the FA Cup the season before last because I was busy (even had to record motd!) and managed to not find out the score all day, then promptly fell asleep watching motd at about 2.30am

As for a second team, I don't bother, its far more fun taking an overall interest in the other leagues and liking/disliking mates teams

I was out and about on the last day of the last season and managed to avoid all the radio and related tv broadcasts. I sat and watched MOTD (you know the minute by minute updates thing they do, moving from game to game?) I honestly did not know that Man City had nicked the league with that last minute winner. It was a laugh out loud moment watching the Manure fans go from joy to desperation in a blink of an eye!!!

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