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I Know It's Probably Of No Interest To Most (If Not All) Of You...


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But I'm keeping up together a Creative Writing blog to keep me working on my writing while I'm at Uni. It's part of my course and I find without something pushing me, it's easy to get out of the habit of doing it.

This is basically just a shameless plug/request for some traffic. But if any of you are at all interested or enjoy it, then please feel free to comment, and for any of you tweeters out there, I've got a new account for this, with updates of new posts etc.

BLOG - http://awritersloft.blogspot.com

TWITTER ACCOUNT - http://www.twitter.com/awritersloft

Thank you in advance for any responses or just general attention paid. It really is much appreciated, and the more people I get viewing it, the busier I'll make myself in adding to it.

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I Enjoyed the "Tied up in Notts" blog.

When you're exiled not just out of Bristol but out of the country, blogs by the likes of you and The Exiled Robin are a great way of keeping up with things at AG without having to trawl through hundreds of bickering posts on OTIB.

Good luck with your writing in the future.

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I Enjoyed the "Tied up in Notts" blog.

When you're exiled not just out of Bristol but out of the country, blogs by the likes of you and The Exiled Robin are a great way of keeping up with things at AG without having to trawl through hundreds of bickering posts on OTIB.

Good luck with your writing in the future.

Thank you, I'm gonna be keeping that one up too. I'm in the process of writing a post for the international break.

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