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Leeds Fan.

Portland Bill

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Leeds fans just ran on the pitch when they scored against Sheffield Wednesday.

One ran up and with 2 hands assaulted Wednesday keeper Chris Kirkland.

Full tv pictures if the mug,even got a Leeds tattoo on his neck, so easy to pick him out.

He will defo Ho down for that..

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It makes you wonder of the IQ of some neanderthal knuckle draggers (apologies to the Homo genus sub-species) in full view of 30k and a TV audience with LUFC on his neck and a self satisfied smirk on his face..........hope he likes prison food.........and picks up the soap in the showers. It is so moronic it almost defies belief.

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Not sticking up for Leeds but the sheff weds fans singing Istanbul songs all game!

Which is also very poor form.

One of the comments was spot on, some fans spend all of the match gesticulating to each other and do not even watch the game. I admit to somethimes watching them close to the net in the EE and it is quite comical at time. They really do look like prize knobs, all of this slow motion beckoning and pointing to themselves and then their 'opposition'.

The best this season so far was the Leeds tw t who kept kissing his badge and 'finger threatening' his counterparts on our side.

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Lets not try and take the moral high ground here. We know only too well what has gone on, on and off the pitch with our own animals hitting Rovers players at AG.

Its not right, far from it, and hopefully he will get prison time, but lets not pretend our section of idiots are any better. maybe slightly more intelligent, in choosing not to do it on live TV!!

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Lets not try and take the moral high ground here. We know only too well what has gone on, on and off the pitch with our own animals hitting Rovers players at AG.

Its not right, far from it, and hopefully he will get prison time, but lets not pretend our section of idiots are any better. maybe slightly more intelligent, in choosing not to do it on live TV!!

I think our fans did do it on live TV, against the Gash !!

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I think our fans did do it on live TV, against the Gash !!

Yes our fans did run across the pitch and hit opposition players live on SKY tv, but to be fair it was Rovers so they sort of deserved it.

On a separate note I cannot believe Wednesday fans didn't react to that attack on Kirkland, if Opposition fans ran onto our pitch and hit Heaton I'd be straight on the pitch to hand out some instant retribution.

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Yes our fans did run across the pitch and hit opposition players live on SKY tv, but to be fair it was Rovers so they sort of deserved it.

On a separate note I cannot believe Wednesday fans didn't react to that attack on Kirkland, if Opposition fans ran onto our pitch and hit Heaton I'd be straight on the pitch to hand out some instant retribution.

There was the usual posing and cut throat gestures going on between the 2 sets of fans,not long before the incident happened.

Another sad part about the whole thing is the fact it happened at the Leppings lane end.

Shameful, when you think that the reason they got on the pitch, was because the fences that would have stopped them killed 96 people.

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surpised warnock did not mention the punch he received at ashton gate.

Thought that myself when he was getting interviewed, surprised he didn't jump at the chance at slagging us off. Appalling scenes up tonight but there are idiots in most football clubs who unfortunately, ruin it for the majority.

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Guest LawrenceWestonNick

ha ha the tosser is getting shedloads of grief on facebook. He is so thick to leave his info to the public. His mobile number is

075314 39254 for all the true footy fans to let him know what they think of him before the police catch him

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I think our fans did do it on live TV, against the Gash !!

yes indeed, sometimes the animal comes out, i presently live with the most complete and beautiful woman i have ever met, but unfortuanately her x was one that chased hollowhead across the pitch ! Maybe she just likes me cos ime cool, x
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Good piece in the Times today saying Warnock brought the game into disrepute (again) by saying Kirkland went over too easily (the man is unbel*****ievable) and then, a few minutes after the attack, sent his team over to applaud the 'supporters'.

If that had been us, I would have expected Del to

a) Apologise ( and mean it)

b) get the team off the pitch pdq and

c) say he is sorry to all the real fans they didn't get a clap but that that stand had people in it who disgraced the club and he wasn't going to run the risk that his team might applaud them.

Though, of course, Warnock is 64 so that makes it all right ( although it does NOT explain why he was such an odious **** when he was in his forties)

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Chris Kirkland needs to have word with himself. 6'4" and floored by a pissed up Leeds chav. Should have knocked the pond lifes teeth out and done the world a favour. Extra gym session Chris!!

Sums up modern players - go down far to easy

Worse dive for a penalty I have ever seen

On serious note - lock him up (and I don't mean Kirkland)

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Sums up modern players - go down far to easy

Worse dive for a penalty I have ever seen

On serious note - lock him up (and I don't mean Kirkland)

Watching it again it looks like Kirkland may have got fingers gouged into his eyes, if that's the case i can more than understand how he went down.

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There was the usual posing and cut throat gestures going on between the 2 sets of fans,not long before the incident happened.

Another sad part about the whole thing is the fact it happened at the Leppings lane end.

Shameful, when you think that the reason they got on the pitch, was because the fences that would have stopped them killed 96 people.

When you put it like that its a shame the fences were taken down! Leeds scum.

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Agree with posters regarding idiots and thugs at EVERY club. These morons use football clubs to legitimise their violent abusive behaviour.

Wrong of Dave Jones to brand the whole of the Leeds supporters as 'vile animals'

Wrong of both sets of supporters to chant the vile things they did - sadly all football clubs have fans who find this acceptable.

I am perplexed by City fans who 'hate everything Leeds' - do they not know the great connection between the clubs? Mann, Hunter, Jordan, Cooper......

Likewise - some of our posters are happy to state they hate northern scum. I suggest you address your prejudice to DM and see what response you get

It's obvious our club is not immune from this disease of hate and abuse.

As stated post-match last night - this goes beyond banter.

Ban the haters and vile chanters

That's ok then , we've traded a few players over the years , so lets all have a Leeds love in !!

Leeds fans have a history of trouble following them around , and some (not all) seem to think they have a god given right to follow the team wherever and whenever they please.

Lets not forget what has happened at AG over the last couple of years , with Leeds fans sittng in home areas and more to the point , the idiot who did what he did last night is actually banned from football.

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Yes the moron who did what he did last night should be banned for life.

As for the Leeds fan from last season - not a clever thing to do - but it says more about the fact that opposing fans cannot sit together supporting their respective teams in a civilised manner.

Until the day arrives where the haters are no longer anything to do with football (in all aspects) then episodes like last nights disgusting behaviour will continue.

You're living in a dream world , the game of football has been associated with hooliganism for over 100 years. It will never be eradicated completely from the game.

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but it says more about the fact that opposing fans cannot sit together supporting their respective teams in a civilised manner.

Until the day arrives where the haters are no longer anything to do with football (in all aspects) then episodes like last nights disgusting behaviour will continue.

I was able to make an interesting comparison of how true this is about 10 years ago. On a Saturday I went in my City shirt to Edgely Park, Stockport to watch City v Stockport County. There was segregation, an alcohol ban and loads of Police. The very next Friday evening, I was back at the same ground, very nearly in the same seat in a blue, black and white hooped shirt to watch Bath rugby play Sale Sharks, no segregation, I sat amongst Sale fans, stood and here ed when Bath scored, bought a beer from a guy with a beer tank on his back PITCHSIDE. There was no police and I had a good chat with the Sale fans all around me. There wasn't the same wit or banter as you get at the football but it was a MUCH nicer experience. It would be fab if we could still sing our songs, even a little gentle mickey taking of the opposition without it getting nasty. British humour is based on taking the mickey and I wouldn't want to lose that from football, but it seems there are some who cannot see a line between banter and thuggery. Having said that, because I am of a vintage that I watched City in the 70's I think that, last night aside, going to the football is a much nicer experience now than it was then, we do still have a little way to go though.

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Are you condoning hooliganism?

Not at all , just pointing out that it's always been a problem in the game , going back to the 1880's.

For someone who is very vociferous on the subject you seem to have very liitle knowledge of it.

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You're living in a dream world , the game of football has been associated with hooliganism for over 100 years. It will never be eradicated completely from the game.

Deep down I'm not sure I want it to. That bit of bite you get sometimes part of the experience for me. Just my opinion it may not be right or shared.

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I have first-hand knowledge and experience of it - my girlfriend, myself and other friends were attacked by fellow city fans. Our crime? My girlfriend was wearing the scarf of the opposing team that day (who she supported). Thankfully, older City fans stepped in and educated the morons, who thought a scarf was an excuse for aggression and violence.

I also helped a Rovers friend from getting a kicking (Villa fans) at Eastville. And what was his crime? Being on his own and walking past a group of opposing team fans.

Interesting how these thugs and morons can only operate or function in a mob.

If you are not condoning hooliganism and violence, why don't I see any evidence of you vociferously advocating it's eradication from football?

Believe what you want , I'm not condoning it. Would I like to see it dissapear , yes. Do I think it will ever happen , no.

As I've already pointed out , it's been a problem for over a century and I'm not naive enough to think anything will change.

Take the guy from last night. He is banned from football and has been caught breaching his banning order on 3 occasions yet he is still able to attend a game , hundreds of miles from where he lives. Why has he not been made to report to his local police station at kick off time every time Leeds play ?

If the authorities wont do anything about people like this , these incidents will continue to happen. That's not to say I condone them when they do , I just seem to live in the real world whilst you dream of some kind of Utopia.

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At the end of the day, it was one bloke who comitted this ridiculous offence.

I don't hate Leeds as a club due to this one fan, I don't hate Leeds as a club at all. Only clubs I hate are Bristol Rovers and FC Barcelona. :)

Have you at any time in your short life,come across anything or anyone from Barcelona??

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There are people on this forum who are thugs, hooligans and haters - read their posts.

Why do you accuse other posters opinions you do not agree with as rants? Are you one of those bullies per-chance?

Really? Name and shame these "thugs, hooligans and haters" and back it up with proof, or **** off because to be honest while the mods my think your insinuations are acceptable, I'm fed up of your offensive and potentially damaging mudslinging towards people who don't share your extreme view.

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Guest Lammers

There's no proof in people's posts, lots of people put things on here to get a reaction,or post things just for a wind up.

You could be on one for all I know?

Not posted on here in ages, always read stuff but stopped posting because of the "I'm right your wrong so **** off" comments, But in response and in fairness to Redeye, does Portlands comment mean i can say what i want, but it's o.k as im just trying to get a reaction or wind you up, Dont get me wrong Portland, iv'e read lots of stuff you've posted , sometimes agree sometimes dont, but Redeye is right, there are a lot on here that DO condone the behaviour of the one individual Leeds thug.

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I have first-hand knowledge and experience of it - my girlfriend, myself and other friends were attacked by fellow city fans. Our crime? My girlfriend was wearing the scarf of the opposing team that day (who she supported). Thankfully, older City fans stepped in and educated the morons, who thought a scarf was an excuse for aggression and violence.

That really is shocking;

Taking your girlfriend to a football match......................

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Back to the thread. I haven't seen it.Have they got the twerp, if not how did he run on the pitch and run off without any stewards/police catching him? Unbelievable.

Yep! Glos Constab arrested a man in Cheltenham (nice posh genteel area) for the assault.

What got me though is that after hitting the 'keeper, but before leaving the pitch, he slipped over. A Steward was nearby, but had his back to the incident. Hence the man was able to get back up and escape into the crowd. Tech point; did 3,000 people therefpre "aid & abet& the assailant in his assault?

As a result of the incident; will Leeds be fined for "failure to control their fans" and/or will Sheff W be in trouble for having insufficient security at their ground? Some lawyers could make a fortune out of this incident.

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Great post - and a perfect example of the way we can enjoy football in a civilised manner without the morons infecting the game with their selfish agendas.

Message to the morons ands hooligans - many of us go to watch this beautiful game to witness and experience the skills, abilities and tactics deployed with passion and commitment - riding the waves of excitement and theatre as we enjoy match-winning moments or the lows of a bad performance.

Passion does not mean violence or abuse

I take it you dont watch Bristol City that much then ?

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