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Mmm I Guess This Is An Open And Shut Case Of Racism


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Yet only one person around him seems concerned with his behaviour, this I believe is the problem, in that too many people think this action is acceptable !


What makes you think that ? The people aroung him might find it abhorrent , but don't want confrontation with this sort of person.

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The last time I heard an overtly racist comment in the Dolman stand was probably more than ten years ago. An elderly man turned around to the person who had made the comment and said "Listen, we don't say things like that around here". It was the most effective put-down of racism I've ever seen, and actually very moving.

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What makes you think that ? The people aroung him might find it abhorrent , but don't want confrontation with this sort of person.

Ok fair point but would that not then make he/she as bad as the fool doing it, im not really sure I could sit there and do nothing whilst that was going on around me. I also appreciate that perhaps the elderly, and similar may not be in a position to do anything, but surly to sit there is wrong ?

Im not trying to start a row BTW just my feelings on this ..

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What makes you think that ? The people aroung him might find it abhorrent , but don't want confrontation with this sort of person.

Ok fair point but would that not then make he/she as bad as the fool doing it, im not really sure I could sit there and do nothing whilst that was going on around me. I also appreciate that perhaps the elderly, and similar may not be in a position to do anything, but surly to sit there is wrong ?

Im not trying to start a row BTW just my feelings on this ..

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Ok fair point but would that not then make he/she as bad as the fool doing it, im not really sure I could sit there and do nothing whilst that was going on around me. I also appreciate that perhaps the elderly, and similar may not be in a position to do anything, but surly to sit there is wrong ?

Im not trying to start a row BTW just my feelings on this ..

You look like the sort of bloke that can look after yourself (if thats you in you avatar?) , so you may feel confident in making a stand and saying something to this idiot.

Maybe the elderly chap in the red hat , waited for the guy to sit down and wandered off to inform a steward ?? You're making a judgement on the people around him , based on that photo , which may have been taken as soon as the guy started making the gesture and therfore people had no time to react.. After all , the cameraman would have been snapping the goalscorer , not the guy making the gesture.

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Racism topics in football at the moment are a load of bollocks and the tabloids are just looking to make a big deal out of nothing so they can gain an audience. Listen to Morgan Freeman about the topic of racism he speaks the truth about it.

**** me, Black Lawyers Club, Black Players Awards etc. Racism is a one way street, if there was a White Awards Party I am sure it would make national headlines as being racist. If only the world could finally grow up and stop calling a black man " a black man" and just refer to the guy as a "man". 10 fingers, 10 toes, nose, mouth, ears, eyes. Were all the same at the end of it.

Sorry for the rant....

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Yes that's just the sort of dumb ass remark that makes this forum a laughing stock for others ! WELL DONE

Judging by your photo you vote BNP and are not only a racist, but a hypocrite to boot. The previous poster may have merely been calling a spade a spade, however with you it seems to me like a case of the pot calling the kettle black, or am I not allowed to say that either?

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Judging by your photo you vote BNP and are not only a racist, but a hypocrite to boot. The previous poster may have merely been calling a spade a spade, however with you it seems to me like a case of the pot calling the kettle black, or am I not allowed to say that either?

Is this your sh*te way of trying to prove a point? If not....how have you come to the conclusion he votes BNP?

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Is it because you're a skinhead.......

If you had bothered to think before you typed and studied the picture in more detail, you will find im suffering as most do from a receding hair line, not bald (yet) and certainly not a skinhead.

I don't really feel the need to defend myself on this but as im the OP I will:

SAME NIGHT as avitar just a little later on


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If you had bothered to think before you typed and studied the picture in more detail, you will find im suffering as most do from a receding hair line, not bald (yet) and certainly not a skinhead.

I don't really feel the need to defend myself on this but as im the OP I will:

SAME NIGHT as avitar just a little later on


It wasn't your head as such,I thought I glimsped the the top of a pair of twenty hole docs.

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