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What Does He Have To Do To Get Sacked?


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26% win rate (8% less than millen)

spent a hell of a lot of money on players that he doesnt play (5 subs plus morris at the weekend)

used 30 players this season

not one player played in every game

always says "he didnt see it coming"

our only win in the last 12 was against boro and if that 'goal' they scored had counted we'd have probably lost

so, my question is, what does Mclueless have to do to get the sack?

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26% win rate (8% less than millen)

spent a hell of a lot of money on players that he doesnt play (5 subs plus morris at the weekend)

used 30 players this season

not one player played in every game

always says "he didnt see it coming"

our only win in the last 12 was against boro and if that 'goal' they scored had counted we'd have probably lost

so, my question is, what does Mclueless have to do to get the sack?

Have a bad start to league one next year.
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I get the impression Del is here long term. Lansdown and co have thrown in money yet again to bring in who they feel will bring the club forward. They've tried that and after the Coppell saga, I don't think the board want to go through that again.

He will be here even if we go down IMO.

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do you really think it will be allowed to get to that situation? im starting to worry SL may just be thinking that way

I really can't see him being sacked this season. My reasons are that they are letting Del change all the backroom staff. If a new man was to be appointed then he would want to do the same.
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It's ridiculous - the board should act today before it's too late,

DM in charge = Div 1

and who comes in? we will then have to have yet another re-structure as all of the current coaching staff would leave as they are Del's backroom staff,

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The board will pin their hopes on the likes of Norwich and Southampton going down only to come back up and straight into the Premier League, however as this is Bristol City we'll be back in L1 for 10 years again.

The stats from the OP are quite shocking.

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and who comes in? we will then have to have yet another re-structure as all of the current coaching staff would leave as they are Del's backroom staff,

WhoTF decided that Del an unproven manager should start removing people and restructuring five minutes into his tenure. We stayed up by the skin of our teeth last season, had a very bad run after Del's new manager bounce, hardly a ringing endorsement of his credentials to carry out such a major task.

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I get the impression Del is here long term. Lansdown and co have thrown in money yet again to bring in who they feel will bring the club forward. They've tried that and after the Coppell saga, I don't think the board want to go through that again.

He will be here even if we go down IMO.

I don't think anyone should be given the idea that they will automatically be here long term. If they're not doing the business they've got to go.

If the board keep going for low experience, high risk appointments, they should have a line in the budget for "cost of removals".

I know Derek has been accused of repeating himself in his post match comments, but I thought this week was quite telling. He sounded like a broken man with no real answers at all. At times he appeared to start saying one thing only to shift uncomfortably to something else, especially when talking about the formation. To offer up, "they were physically too strong for us" is feeble to say the least. I nearly laughed my John Thomas off when he said at least we won the second half !

Far more experienced managers have reached the point of no return with a club, there is no shame in it. I'm afraid Derek has reached the end of the line here. We don't need a manager that needs help, we need a manager that can help us.

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WhoTF decided that Del an unproven manager should start removing people and restructuring five minutes into his tenure. We stayed up by the skin of our teeth last season, had a very bad run after Del's new manager bounce, hardly a ringing endorsement of his credentials to carry out such a major task.

yet del was the majority of fans first choice,

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Problem with sacking McInnes is that the incoming manager inherits a poor squad just as Del did when he took over from Millen. Del, like Millen has failed to recruit enough quality players and City continue to stuggle.

Is that 'failed to recruit enough quality players' down to the last two managers ineptitude or down to the board?

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When prospective managers are interviewed they bullshit about how they will change things around and make the club a club that will reflect the ambitions of it's owners and fans, oh really ok how about signing a contract that reflects that i.e..if things do not improve season by season the club just fire him with just a weeks notice and include the staff that he brings in. if he dosen't like it **** him next please.

Managers especially at this club to frequently treat the fans in a very arrogant demeaning manner Wilson was a past master at it, but like to tell the world how great they are and what they have achieved in the past and how they will turn things around.

Managers and footballers remain in a position where people say they are judged by results but are they?, where is the real incentive if they know that they will have their contract paid up come what may, now is the time where managers and players even in the top 2 leagues earn far too much are made to earn that money pay them basic wages (which will still be well above the average weekly wage, certainly more than most of us could dream of that's for sure) and big bonuses for wins, draws and league position, after all most managers and players have big enough egos and keep telling us how good they are, let the ******s prove it and if they believe their own hype why wouldn't they?.

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and who comes in? we will then have to have yet another re-structure as all of the current coaching staff would leave as they are Del's backroom staff,

And so they should, as they don't seem to be able to coach the players at all. In fact, previous solid performers like Marv and Fonts have gone downhill under the new regime - I don't think it's all down to the long-term effects of injury.

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I wish he can turn it around but its looking e=very unlikely performances have dropped crowds have dropped and belief has gone,

Fans have turned on the players but haven't chanted much against mcinnes yet, once that happens he's gone,

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I don't think anyone should be given the idea that they will automatically be here long term. If they're not doing the business they've got to go.

If the board keep going for low experience, high risk appointments, they should have a line in the budget for "cost of removals".

I know Derek has been accused of repeating himself in his post match comments, but I thought this week was quite telling. He sounded like a broken man with no real answers at all. At times he appeared to start saying one thing only to shift uncomfortably to something else, especially when talking about the formation. To offer up, "they were physically too strong for us" is feeble to say the least. I nearly laughed my John Thomas off when he said at least we won the second half !

Far more experienced managers have reached the point of no return with a club, there is no shame in it. I'm afraid Derek has reached the end of the line here. We don't need a manager that needs help, we need a manager that can help us.

What he said was true though and it's probably not something he'd accounted for. The problem was Johnson outmuscled Taylor therefore we didn't keep the ball and never got going up top, Henry out muscled Marv and Doyle brushed aside Fonts, which were all major contributory factors in the result.

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