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Photo's From Question And Answer Session

Never to the dark side

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Cheers NTTDS - you managed to get me in 3 of your snaps - I was trying to remain inconspicuous!!

People will laugh at Ian Gay and his many questions but at least he bothered to turn up and ask something. There were no more than about 40 there and only about 8 who bothered to ask anything.

Next time anyone moans on here remember that you were given the opportunity to ask anything you wanted but didn't bother.

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Cheers NTTDS - you managed to get me in 3 of your snaps - I was trying to remain inconspicuous!!

People will laugh at Ian Gay and his many questions but at least he bothered to turn up and ask something. There were no more than about 40 there and only about 8 who bothered to ask anything.

Next time anyone moans on here remember that you were given the opportunity to ask anything you wanted but didn't bother.

I don't think anyone has laughed at him? And in fact people have commented on how well he asked his questions.

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At the AGM Dave L joked about how many questions Ian had and tried to float around the room for other questions first. A few there did seem to smirk/laugh that he had so many questions to ask-I expect he could still be in discussions with the panel now if given the chance. He seems to be a real knowledgeable guy when it comes to BCFC-a passionate fan who wants the club to succeed.

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At the AGM Dave L joked about how many questions Ian had and tried to float around the room for other questions first. A few there did seem to smirk/laugh that he had so many questions to ask-I expect he could still be in discussions with the panel now if given the chance. He seems to be a real knowledgeable guy when it comes to BCFC-a passionate fan who wants the club to succeed.

Well I for one certainly wasn't smirking or laughing at him and thought he was excellent in the questions he asked and in the manner he asked them in.

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At the AGM Dave L joked about how many questions Ian had and tried to float around the room for other questions first. A few there did seem to smirk/laugh that he had so many questions to ask-I expect he could still be in discussions with the panel now if given the chance. He seems to be a real knowledgeable guy when it comes to BCFC-a passionate fan who wants the club to succeed.

The man is very knowledgeable and passionate about football and Bristol City, shame he doesnt post on here any more, otib's lose is another forums gain... His match reports are second to none.

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Bristol Boy alias Ian Gay is a very knowledgable man that's loves the club inside out.

Having run his own successful businesses before selling and being a shareholder at the club he really does understand the situstion at City and knows what is going on.

I speak to him reguarly over a beer of three before and at halftime during a home match.

He is a regular on Twentyman after a ge and to be honest his comments are pretty spot on!

I think the club and the manager don't like being shot at and Isn is definately the man to do this.

But frankly most of it is fact and to the point.

Probably why most involved running the club would not see eye to eye with him as he says it as it is.

Sorely missed on this forum I think but getting the stubborn sid back would be difficult.

Top poster over on Ziderheads.

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Was the Q & A invite only?

If not what a shambolic turnout for a club in such crisis.

I 100% put myself in this bracket. I've bought my season ticket, moaned like the rest but didn't attend and make those at the top answerable.


Please don't get me wrong, i am sat here asking myself some pretty searching questions about how much i really care once all the bravado is stripped away.

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Bristol Boy alias Ian Gay is a very knowledgable man that's loves the club inside out.

Having run his own successful businesses before selling and being a shareholder at the club he really does understand the situstion at City and knows what is going on.

I speak to him reguarly over a beer of three before and at halftime during a home match.

He is a regular on Twentyman after a ge and to be honest his comments are pretty spot on!

I think the club and the manager don't like being shot at and Isn is definately the man to do this.

But frankly most of it is fact and to the point.

Probably why most involved running the club would not see eye to eye with him as he says it as it is.

Sorely missed on this forum I think but getting the stubborn sid back would be difficult.

Top poster over on Ziderheads.

What Arn said.

I alwayswait for his match reports and player ratings as they're far better than those in the paper.

Oh, and Ziderheads is back up and running following a sleepness night hunched over his laptop by Ciderhead, though everybody needs to re-register.

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Was the Q & A invite only?

If not what a shambolic turnout for a club in such crisis.

I 100% put myself in this bracket. I've bought my season ticket, moaned like the rest but didn't attend and make those at the top answerable.


Please don't get me wrong, i am sat here asking myself some pretty searching questions about how much i really care once all the bravado is stripped away.

One of the reasons why the Q & A was so badly attended is because it was announced so late. I only heard about it, on Wednesday. If you're coming in from outside Bristol (as I am) and have to change work arrangements, that's not always possible, at short notice. Another example of the club not looking outwards, and having regard for the potential, and much-needed support outside the city.

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One of the reasons why the Q & A was so badly attended is because it was announced so late. I only heard about it, on Wednesday. If you're coming in from outside Bristol (as I am) and have to change work arrangements, that's not always possible, at short notice. Another example of the club not looking outwards, and having regard for the potential, and much-needed support outside the city.

It was annonced a while ago, it was just very, very badly publicised!

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You did and to be fair i was aware of it but didn't know the exact time and place. Again though if i really cared i could have found out.

I don't know, perhaps I've got it wrong and actually no more would turn out at say Leicester or Boro or Wolves. I just question sometimes how important the club is to the City and what the stadium issue i can't help but think that an area the size of Greater Bristol just isn't 'passionate' about sport.

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