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There Is Always Consequences

Esmond Million's Bung

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My first impression was, well i bet they are not joking now.

But, at the end of the day, the pressure on this woman hasn't come from these two Aussie Presenter, the pressure has come elsewhere. If she has been getting pressure from work, they they should hold their heads in shame. If it is from the media then they should hold their heads in shame.

These two pranksters have just phoned up and pretended to be someone else. They haven't jumped out and scared someone into a heart attack or anything like that.

Do we actually know if she killed herself because of this?

Anyway, I feel for her and her family... But the ones that hounded her (if this is why she killed herself) are the ones to blame, not two people making a joke phone call, that did not harm anyone or anything.

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At the end of the day she would still be alive if it wasn't for the prank that is obvious. They are Scum.

Hope you remember that the next time you play a joke on someone. In fact better never do it again, because it would also make you scum. You never know the consequence of a prank.. I am sure their prank was not intended to kill. The overeaction to it is stupid imo.

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My first impression was, well i bet they are not joking now.

But, at the end of the day, the pressure on this woman hasn't come from these two Aussie Presenter, the pressure has come elsewhere. If she has been getting pressure from work, they they should hold their heads in shame. If it is from the media then they should hold their heads in shame.

These two pranksters have just phoned up and pretended to be someone else. They haven't jumped out and scared someone into a heart attack or anything like that.

Do we actually know if she killed herself because of this?

Anyway, I feel for her and her family... But the ones that hounded her (if this is why she killed herself) are the ones to blame, not two people making a joke phone call, that did not harm anyone or anything.

At the end of the day there is dead nurse - and two children without their mum - none of this would have happened if those aussie scumbags hadn't made that "prank" phonecall. Would you call 999 for a prank? It's Bullshit with a capital B. I hope that radio station is closed and they all lose their jobs. In 2009 the same radio station made a 14 year old girl admit live on air that she had been raped. Another prank that had gone wrong.

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Hope you remember that the next time you play a joke on someone. In fact better never do it again, because it would also make you scum. You never know the consequence of a prank.. I am sure their prank was not intended to kill. The overeaction to it is stupid imo.

What complete nonsense, this prank would far out weigh anything any of us on here could ever prank against a friend or family member, because of inter web and because after the Beckhams the royal family are the most news worthy individuals in the world after the prank succeeded it was obvious that this would go global so quickly and a young woman with 2 children had to try to deal with the fall out and ridicule that came with it.

it is just yet another arm of the media believing that they can do whatever they like and get away with, because they are arrogant, ignorant and ego's the size of New South Wales, this radio station has a sordid history of cruel pranks and i'm sure that they have in the past been warned about boundaries, but because they are so ******* stupid they believed that the joke would just be on the royal family and not a jot of consideration about the people whose lives they would making a misery of because of any possible recriminations from their employers.

These 2 are scum they are lowlife chancers, who have come unstuck and I hope they are proud of themselves, as the title says there are always consequences and perhaps more thought should be given to not just to the prank target but also others who might be affected if it succeeds, this prank wasn't even remotely funny, I just hope it never happens to any of your family.

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My first impression was, well i bet they are not joking now.

But, at the end of the day, the pressure on this woman hasn't come from these two Aussie Presenter, the pressure has come elsewhere. If she has been getting pressure from work, they they should hold their heads in shame. If it is from the media then they should hold their heads in shame.

These two pranksters have just phoned up and pretended to be someone else. They haven't jumped out and scared someone into a heart attack or anything like that.

Do we actually know if she killed herself because of this?

Anyway, I feel for her and her family... But the ones that hounded her (if this is why she killed herself) are the ones to blame, not two people making a joke phone call, that did not harm anyone or anything.

I tend to agree with you on this. Prank or not, pressure has come from elsewhere. It's this pressure that has led to her not being able to cope with it anymore, and taking her life.

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Have to agree to disagree on this lads. At the end of the day, a private hospital for the royal family, should have a fully trained receptionist on the ward screening calls. Shouldn't have been left for the nurse to answer. Especially with the the person being nursed on the ward.

These Aussies should not have even been able to get close to talking to a Nurse. Their own internal measures have failed in screening calls.

From there, someone has put pressure on this nurse. Clearly enough pressure for her to do the unthinkable. These Aussies should not have got close to talking to her.

They did, and there lays the fault.

I have sent many pranks by phone or by email, I guess I am lucky no one died eh?

A real bad end, but to put the full blame on these two presenters is wrong.

And as wrong as this is to say, two children are missing a mother, well there is only one person who is to blame for that I am afraid, it may sound callous, but it is true. Yes I don't know what she was going through, but everyone has a choice. As yet we don't even know if it was this story that caused her to kill herself, it is pure speculation, for all we know the lovely press found her name and went looking for skeletons in the closet.

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The death is tragic, the prank was audacious to say the least. However suppose the death had not happened, no reason to fire the DJs imo. I am certain we have seen hoaxes on celebrities/newsworthy figures/people in the public eye before. It's a pretty extreme and audacious one but personally I'm just indifferent to Royal Family all that crap.

Why would she committ suicide over it? She ****** up badly indeed, but suicide is disproportionate I'd have thought.

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The death is tragic, the prank was audacious to say the least. However suppose the death had not happened, no reason to fire the DJs imo. I am certain we have seen hoaxes on celebrities/newsworthy figures/people in the public eye before. It's a pretty extreme and audacious one but personally I'm just indifferent to Royal Family all that crap.

Why would she committ suicide over it? She ****** up badly indeed, but suicide is disproportionate I'd have thought.

FFS audacious?, no D day was audacious, the raid on Entebbe was audacious get the picture, this was a very unfunny prank that has ended up with consequences (tragic in this case) and even if it hadn't she could have been reprimanded, docked wages or even sacked because 2 morons wanted to look big and did not even stop to think about the fall out and most certainly wouldn't have cared.

I am a republican, I have no love for the royal family but although they were the intended target of this pathetic prank sadly it is not they that will now suffer the consequences.

The only part of TRL's post I agree with is that perhaps in future either the royal family or the old bill should have somebody there at all times to field all calls of a personal nature and then the nursing staff can just continue with their work.

Maybe she did **** up as you say, she certainly didn't deserve to die as a consequence of it.

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Have to agree to disagree on this lads. At the end of the day, a private hospital for the royal family, should have

Of course they should have.. But this involves a commercial radio station interferring with the care of the sick and the running of a hospital. Imagine your child was sick in hospital and some ******** australian pulled the nurse away from caring from your family member and pretended to be you.. just for a so called laugh? The media is forever treating people like shit just to raise advertising revenue.

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Of course they should have.. But this involves a commercial radio station interferring with the care of the sick and the running of a hospital. Imagine your child was sick in hospital and some ******** australian pulled the nurse away from caring from your family member and pretended to be you.. just for a so called laugh? The media is forever treating people like shit just to raise advertising revenue.

Exactly, this puts the Russel Brand/Jonathon Ross/Andrew Sachs into perfect context, nobody died in fact it was probably the biggest boost to Andrew Sachs career since the end of Fawlty Towers, both the radio presenters did the right thing and resigned even though there was probably no need.

and as I said another arm of the media that has been getting away with it, I find that is absolutely no coincidence that the press, TV in guise of the BBC and now radio have imploded, lack of supervision from executives at the highest level has led to this and a sense of being untouchable akin to parliamentary privilege.

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Why would she committ suicide over it? She ****** up badly indeed, but suicide is disproportionate I'd have thought.

We don't know how financially on the edge she was, some people live on a knife edge and I would imagine (assuming she was in that kind of position) losing her job would have been like the world falling in around her. Add to that the press being on her back and it may have been enough to break her.

An incredibly sad story and I really feel for her family.


I have just read on the BBC website that she had not lost her job and had not been suspended. Still a very sad story.

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Already on this thread people are getting facts wrong.

The truth is, none of us know what the mental state of this poor girl was before this incident.

I thought the prank childish and unfunny but this sort of thing has been going on for decades, many of which people on here would of laughed at in the past.

These two DJ's need to grow up and get a proper job but to blame them for this tragedy is a bit getting a bit self righteous I think.

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Already on this thread people are getting facts wrong.

The truth is, none of us know what the mental state of this poor girl was before this incident.

I thought the prank childish and unfunny but this sort of thing has been going on for decades, many of which people on here would of laughed at in the past.

These two DJ's need to grow up and get a proper job but to blame them for this tragedy is a bit getting a bit self righteous I think.

The truth is we have a pretty good idea what mental state she was in after the incident that's for sure, the implication that the 2 incidents might not be connected of course might be true but highly unlikely.

I realise it has no bearing on this incident but I understand that she lived in Bristol with her family.

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Already on this thread people are getting facts wrong.

The truth is, none of us know what the mental state of this poor girl was before this incident.

I thought the prank childish and unfunny but this sort of thing has been going on for decades, many of which people on here would of laughed at in the past.

These two DJ's need to grow up and get a proper job but to blame them for this tragedy is a bit getting a bit self righteous I think.

The blame is completely down to these two! Deary me some people. Yes some wind ups are funny but not in bloody hospitals FFS.

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The blame is completely down to these two! Deary me some people. Yes some wind ups are funny but not in bloody hospitals FFS.

Ummm, completely down to them? I suppose that will mean they will face a long stretch in prison.

Many years ago I sold some cement, sand and patio slabs to Fred West, I had as much idea that they might end up on top of a few bodies as they did that this poor girl would take her life.

It's natural when upset turns to anger to look for someone to blame, to lash out at the easiest target.

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The blame is completely down to these two! Deary me some people. Yes some wind ups are funny but not in bloody hospitals FFS.

Exactly just as King Carrot said earlier perhaps some parents should read this:- "this involves a commercial radio station interferring with the care of the sick and the running of a hospital. Imagine your child was sick in hospital and some ******** australian pulled the nurse away from caring from your family member and pretended to be you.. just for a so called laugh? The media is forever treating people like shit just to raise advertising revenue".

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FFS audacious?, no D day was audacious, the raid on Entebbe was audacious get the picture, this was a very unfunny prank that has ended up with consequences (tragic in this case) and even if it hadn't she could have been reprimanded, docked wages or even sacked because 2 morons wanted to look big and did not even stop to think about the fall out and most certainly wouldn't have cared.

I am a republican, I have no love for the royal family but although they were the intended target of this pathetic prank sadly it is not they that will now suffer the consequences.

The only part of TRL's post I agree with is that perhaps in future either the royal family or the old bill should have somebody there at all times to field all calls of a personal nature and then the nursing staff can just continue with their work.

Maybe she did **** up as you say, she certainly didn't deserve to die as a consequence of it.

My words were badly chosen but trying to be as even handed as poss. Audacious maybe wrong but not every day someone pulls a prank of that magnitude/nature or even just pretending to be such well known figures as those who were parodied. Tragic that it ended like this and no mistake.

Fair enough, not exactly a monarchist myself. Famous people have been pranked before, of course this suicide was totally out of blue. Fiar point about fielding of a personal nature indeed, leave staff to get on with work.

I agree fully, stunned she killed herself over it. Way out of proportion to the situation I'd say, though we can only speculate as to how we'd cope with the glare of the global media suddenly thrust upon us.

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