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Last 5 Minutes - View From A Wednesday Fan

Abraham Romanovich

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To be fair to the ref, he's spot on to stop the game.

How on earth is he supposed to referee with 2 players in his face having a go at him?

Can see why they are frustrated but it should be directed at their own players, not the ref. Complete idiocy in their part.

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Just saw it on the FLS. Ref has the right to stop the game whenever he thinks that's the correct course of action (how many times have we been pulled back for taking free kicks too quickly) and if he blew after Llera pushed him then the Wendies have no reason to complain. OTOH, it's little things like that which make a difference to big things like relegation. About time something like that went our way.

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think the whippet comment has been removed....were they talking about themselves or us?

As one of them commented on their web site the shout of 'Shoot he's off his line!' just before Kirkland kicked it is particularly good.

Only 75 yards away, but what the hell...

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What ever other arguments there can be over the performance of yesterday's referee it is a fact that he had blown the whistle before the "goal" was scored. That being the case it was not open to him (whether he had been right or wrong to blow the whistle) to allow the "goal". The only complaint Sheffield Wednesday can have is that the referee was wrong to stop the game. On this point the video evidence seems pretty convincing that one or two Sheffield Wednesday players were making it impossible for him to referee continuing events effectively - I'm sorry Mr Jones but I don't agree that it would be necessary for one of his players to have physically pushed the referee to have prevented effective refereeing BUT I do agree that what his player did whilst the ball remained "live" was worth a red card - for serious foul play and not just a yellow for unsporting behaviour.

Were we fortunate? perhaps - were we fortunate to get two less than certain (but probable) penalties away from home? almost definitely - BUT Mr Jones should perhaps concentrate on what his own players could have done differently to prevent the outcome.

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And did you see Dave Jones' post match comments?

Here's an idea Dave - have a look at the evidence before condemning people.

I assume Jim Henson's estate is getting royalties from that little escapade.

(Do watch the video - the 'commentary' is fantastic. Should be up for a comedy an award, that.)

the Best comedy moment is the after match interviews - Dave Jones is in serious do do and has resulted in blame and finger pointing at his players, the comments he comes out with are classic - a very worried and dejected fella - bless !

Most people shouted for him before Del was appointed, on the strength of watching that video and given the Demeanour of a park drunk i will take Del Boy each and every day - dels comments were spot on " the best team on the day won and took the three points "

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A selection of views on there, some balancesd others feeling hard done by.

"He's a cheating cant. Funny how he started dishing yellow cards out after we went 2-1 up, it looked to me that he started throwing the dummy out when it looked like we were going to win. He really needs to explain some of the decisions in that game & hopefully relieved of his duties, because referees can't be seen to be bias towards any team, something he clearly was in this game. CHEATING BARSTEWARD"


"one of our religation rivals have just moved 3 points clear of us instead of staying on level points. Because the man in charge of the game



" I'm not pointing any fingers at Llera. It's obvious he was desperate for the point just like the rest of the players were. He's a passionate player and was angry, particularly after the team conceding 2 goals in 2 mins. For me, the ref is the only person on the pitch at fault here. He's obviously out of touch with how it is to be a player on the pitch. "

Compare that to

"As much as the decision is baffling, why two of our players just decided to stop playing and run straight over to the ref whilst we're attacking in their area is ******* ridiculous. Sunday league stuff right there".


"He stopped play for unsportsman like conduct and thats Llera's fault!"


"the point I am trying to make is we r by far the worst team in this division, bristol had two cleared off the line, they deserved the points more than us, "

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The second bunch of Wednesday fans had it right. If we survive this season, Llera must be a candidate for our Player of the Year.

Gave away a stupid penalty and then managed to hassle the ref into wiping off their equaliser. If a City player had done that I'd be furious!

Some fans (and at least one manager) have to learn to watch the game with both eyes open...

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Would have been upset if the penalty shout was the other way round and wasn't given, but that was the only controversial point. The ref officiated very well from then on

There was an incident in the Premiership this weekend where the referee played advantage and then, following a missed shot, he pulled play back for the penalty.

The referee could even have been playing some kind of advantage, and this would have been right; had Llera not manhandled the referee, the goal they scored would have counted - we wouldn't have stopped it. Completely Llera's fault.

Had one of our players done that, I'm confident we would all be livid with him, as would Del

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