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Some Strange Goings On At The Club....

The Humble Realist

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Can anyone shed some light on these questions....

Steve Davies

Why is this guy not starting matches? He seems to be our best striker and is our top scorer, I kno del has said he has a knee problem but surely he can manage more than 30/45mins a week

Jody morris and Paul Anderson

Why oh why have they both been signed and particularly in Anderson's case why can't he get a match when virtually every other player in the squad has at least had a chance to prove themselves

Heaton and gerken

I would have Heaton as my number 1 but why did del bring deano in for 2matches (from what I heard deano did well) and then drop him?

Martyn woolford

Part of our successful start to the season, faded away I admit but surely he isn't the only one so why is he not involved at all now?

Danny Wilson

Why have we signed this guy? Surely he is worth a go ....much like Anderson why sign n not even give him a chance to prove himself

And finally....

Given dels acquisitions mentioned above why will anything change if del is backed in the transfer market? Whose to say we won't sign more morris,Anderson's and both Danny and mark wilsons who either arnt good enough or are out if favour based on training ground performances

I appreciate this post seems negative but I always try to be realistic ...n I think these questions are real concerns tht virtually all fans have n agree on I believe (apologies if not)

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Can anyone shed some light on these questions....

Steve Davies

Why is this guy not starting matches? He seems to be our best striker and is our top scorer, I kno del has said he has a knee problem but surely he can manage more than 30/45mins a week

Jody morris and Paul Anderson

Why oh why have they both been signed and particularly in Anderson's case why can't he get a match when virtually every other player in the squad has at least had a chance to prove themselves

Heaton and gerken

I would have Heaton as my number 1 but why did del bring deano in for 2matches (from what I heard deano did well) and then drop him?

Martyn woolford

Part of our successful start to the season, faded away I admit but surely he isn't the only one so why is he not involved at all now?

Danny Wilson

Why have we signed this guy? Surely he is worth a go ....much like Anderson why sign n not even give him a chance to prove himself

And finally....

Given dels acquisitions mentioned above why will anything change if del is backed in the transfer market? Whose to say we won't sign more morris,Anderson's and both Danny and mark wilsons who either arnt good enough or are out if favour based on training ground performances

I appreciate this post seems negative but I always try to be realistic ...n I think these questions are real concerns tht virtually all fans have n agree on I believe (apologies if not)

All very good questions and ones I've been asking myself.

I really want DMC to succeed and have said before that he needs to stay, but with each abject, disjointed performance I witness, the harder it is to justify why he should stay.

At the moment, I can only find two plausible reasons for keeping him on. The first reason is the need to retain some form of stability and a platform for him to continue rebuilding the academy, though with his current inability to find his best team, or even play the people he signs, I don't know what value that will be to us!

The second reason is we just can't afford to sack him.

I think we now find ourselves well and truly stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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I want Del to succeed, but as every day goes by it does seem that we actually need a nasty bastard in charge.

I'm presuming that the players are spending 5 days a week on the training ground?, and there all good enough players to be playing in this division?. If this is the case then what's lacking is someone to scare them into using there talent.

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Steve Davies - Is injury prone. Missed the Wednesday game because of a 'stiff knee'. He also has dodgy hamstrings and is rarely 100% fit. He's not a good 'target man' either.

Anderson and Morris - McInnes said that neither of them have shown enough in training so aren't considered for that reason.

Danny Wilson - Brought in for cover.

Heaton and Gerkin. No doubt that Heaton is the more consistent but when City were leaking goal McInnes any goalkeeper would be under the spotlight. He was also looking to find a more solid defensive line-up and was changing the back four around almost every game. He then brought in Gerkin to see in things improved.They didn't.

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Steve Davies - Is injury prone. Missed the Wednesday game because of a 'stiff knee'. He also has dodgy hamstrings and is rarely 100% fit. He's not a good 'target man' either. None of our strikers is. Unlike Taylor or Stead however, he scores goals.

Anderson and Morris - McInnes said that neither of them have shown enough in training so aren't considered for that reason. Maybe not in training, but Anderson has looked useful and quick in games - and has scored. So use him!

Danny Wilson - Brought in for cover. Cover needed. So play him.

Heaton and Gerkin. No doubt that Heaton is the more consistent but when City were leaking goal McInnes any goalkeeper would be under the spotlight. He was also looking to find a more solid defensive line-up and was changing the back four around almost every game. He then brought in Gerkin to see in things improved.They didn't. Other than saving a penalty... The only thing Heaton is consistent at is consistently failing to claim crosses. He's lost confidence and form and needs replacing.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Robbored" data-cid="1682231" data-time="1355647547"><p>

Steve Davies - Is injury prone. Missed the Wednesday game because of a 'stiff knee'. He also has dodgy hamstrings and is rarely 100% fit. He's not a good 'target man' either.<br />

<br />

Anderson and Morris - McInnes said that neither of them have shown enough in training so aren't considered for that reason.<br />

<br />

Danny Wilson - Brought in for cover.<br />

<br />

Heaton and Gerkin. No doubt that Heaton is the more consistent but when City were leaking goal McInnes any goalkeeper would be under the spotlight. He was also looking to find a more solid defensive line-up and was changing the back four around almost every game. He then brought in Gerkin to see in things improved.They didn't.</p></blockquote>

But del has used so many players without giving d Wilson or Anderson a chance? If they arnt good in training or good enough for the team then waste bringing them in!

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But del has used so many players without giving d Wilson or Anderson a chance? If they arnt good in training or good enough for the team then waste bringing them in!</p></blockquote>

And you could tell they weren't going to perform in training. If he doesn't take training seriously or perform at his best in training what does he expect. If you were manager would you play a player who isn't showing abyss promise during training?

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I feel something odd is happening behind the scenes. Both in the dressing room and outside of it.
In the dressing room perhaps Del's man management is not up to scratch in dealing with a group of overpaid, spoilt, immature young men (most Championship and Prem footballers appear to be)
City's players I believe do have the technical skill and talent to avoid relegation and actually achieve more however this is clearly not being harnessed.
Do the players not like the coach responsible for organising our defending at set pieces? They look so sloppy when defending from set pieces its almost as if they cannot be bothered to try.
I worry that the coach/management team (or some of the coaching staff) have lost the dressing room on occasions which is very worrying as we as a club have invested so much money in the current managements desired team.
Outside of the dressing room there is the new board, the Ashton Vale debacle (not City's fault) and preparation for the new financial rules which we do not know the full implications of.
Relegation is not a forgone conclusion however the problems at the club need to be identified and successful solutions put in place. Worryingly I am not too sure what the exact problems are which you need to know before you can find a solution.
Fortunately I don't have to know the problems as I cannot implement the solutions but Steve Lansdown appears committed to the club and I have faith he knows the issues PLUS there are three other clubs that are worse than City :-)
We are not anchored to the foot of the table (yet :-) so there is hope!
Come on you REDS!!!!!!
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But del has used so many players without giving d Wilson or Anderson a chance? If they arnt good in training or good enough for the team then waste bringing them in!</p></blockquote>

And you could tell they weren't going to perform in training. If he doesn't take training seriously or perform at his best in training what does he expect. If you were manager would you play a player who isn't showing abyss promise during training?

If I was a manager, I'd continue to play a player who looked good and scored a goal when he came on in his natural left wing position. Rather than play a centre forward there.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="JakeBCFC" data-cid="1682264" data-time="1355651522"><p>

</p></bkockquote><br />

But del has used so many players without giving d Wilson or Anderson a chance? If they arnt good in training or good enough for the team then waste bringing them in!</p></blockquote><br />

<br />

And you could tell they weren't going to perform in training. If he doesn't take training seriously or perform at his best in training what does he expect. If you were manager would you play a player who isn't showing abyss promise during training?</p></blockquote>

Bottom line is its up to the manager to bring players in who will perform in matches. At the moment we arnt performing so these questions are going to be asked . Wat I'm saying is del has either wasted club resources who could be playing or brought in bad players which have not been good enough ...why?

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I'd assumed Anderson.

As for Davies, I thought he said early on that he hoped he wouldn't be asked to play wide left at this club.

He had been asked to at previous clubs due to circumstances, and because he is left footed, but at AG wanted to concentrate on his best position as a central striker.

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From the little Ive seen of Anderson he should play as he seems like a pacy, tricky little player that will run at a defence unlike all our other players that can play left mid. Adomah and Anderson would make a good wing pairing as well. I personally think Del should play him. I only wish Bolasie hadn't left because he is exactly the sort of player we could do with on the form he is on at the moment!

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This is the 2nd time Ive read similar today. I assume it refers to Davies, who was a striker, converted to Left Wing by Ronnie Moore at Tranmere because Greenacre was playing well upfront. He isnt naturally a left winger of any sort. Here is some evidence to support that

Nope, I was on about playing Steady on the left, Ralph. A bizarre decision with both Anderson and Pearson on the bench.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Red-Robbo" data-cid="1682429" data-time="1355665476"><p>

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Nope, I was on about playing Steady on the left, Ralph. A bizarre decision with both Anderson and Pearson on the bench.</p></blockquote>

He has completely lost it. His entire time here his subs have been baffling. Seems he will not, or cannot learn from his mistakes.

The bloke IMO is a laughing stock, I was expecting so much more in terms of management and forward thinking when we got him.

His decision making, and ideas on formulating a winning plan on the pitch, are at best the same as Millen's

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Red-Robbo" data-cid="1682429" data-time="1355665476"><p>

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<br />

Nope, I was on about playing Steady on the left, Ralph. A bizarre decision with both Anderson and Pearson on the bench.</p></blockquote>

He has completely lost it. His entire time here his subs have been baffling. Seems he will not, or cannot learn from his mistakes.

The bloke IMO is a laughing stock, I was expecting so much more in terms of management and forward thinking when we got him.

His decision making, and ideas on formulating a winning plan on the pitch, are at best the same as Millen's

Millen makes mciness look like jose mourinho

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