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Style Of Play?


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Well after Derek has now been in charge for over a year I'm still trying to figure out what style of play he is trying to impose. Can anyone help me out?. I'm after some serious answers!. For me Derby yesterday looked to be playing in a Barcelona style of play. They had loads of young and small midfielders that were all quick but equally comfortable on the ball. For me we don't play any of these styles a) A pressing or closing down game, b) a counter attack game, c) a possesion based game, d) a high tempo game. Over to you people. Please enlighten me.

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That is exactly what I have been asking myself. It's not just that we are playing badly, it's that I cannot see what style of football we are trying to adopt. I know DM changes the team enough so perpaps he would argue that he uses different styles for particular games but to me whatever the team set up, we don't appear to have a plan. How about starting with closing down the opposition players when they have the ball. Most teams to that to us whatever style of football they play when they have the ball.

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It looks to me as if McInnes changes his style virtually every game according to the opposition. To me he puts too much emphasis on it and should concentrate more on his own team rather than worry about the other team.

The other point is that he's struggling to find a style that works. He seems to favor the one up front and 5 across the middle away from home and has had 3 good results playing that way. At home he started against Wolves with one up front and got a stuffing. Yesterday it was more of 4-4-2 but that didn't work either.

The bottom line is that he hasn't found a formation/style that works well. That reflects just how poor some of our players are.

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I think I sussed it out yesterday - he's playing the Chad Valley formation.

For those of you not old enough to remember this table football game, one of its central features was that the players were fixed to the pitch. Watching our players ahead of the ball when we had possession yesterday reminded me very much of that, as they seemed incapable of movement.

On second thoughts, one of the good things about the Chad Valley set up is that players are always in their required position, so clearly that can't be what we're doing.

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