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I Am A Happy City Fan.......

Tall King Blox

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could say shit lyric, but wont, all yer hearts matter, not to me but to the people that care, could be yer kids, parents or even friends in a bit of probs,....the last place to aim yer anger is on a forum, aimless frustrations going nowhere, .....sorry ranted there for a bit

You my son must be on drugs, but yep def there are a few things on the list that are slightly more important than BCFC quite a few in fact. :read:

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You my son must be on drugs, but yep def there are a few things on the list that are slightly more important than BCFC quite a few in fact. :read:

You my son must have been on drugs to have realised the signs of some ****** on drugs...sorry to say you are wrong, my point is and will be this forum reeks of depression and dissalusion, young lads who think that footy will give them the bragging rights, too take the piss out the dark side or any fan who supports any other team other than bcfc, tis hard to admit you backed the wrong horse......harder still to admit you dont really care for horses...Nay x

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You my son must have been on drugs to have realised the signs of some ****** on drugs...sorry to say you are wrong, my point is and will be this forum reeks of depression and dissalusion, young lads who think that footy will give them the bragging rights, too take the piss out the dark side or any fan who supports any other team other than bcfc, tis hard to admit you backed the wrong horse......harder still to admit you dont really care for horses...Nay x

Taking the piss out of gas fans is still on the agenda, thankfully, but the list has been getting shorter over these past 4/5 years.

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You my son must have been on drugs to have realised the signs of some ****** on drugs...sorry to say you are wrong, my point is and will be this forum reeks of depression and dissalusion, young lads who think that footy will give them the bragging rights, too take the piss out the dark side or any fan who supports any other team other than bcfc, tis hard to admit you backed the wrong horse......harder still to admit you dont really care for horses...Nay x

Being brung up in Kwood for 24yrs,I like animals, and you are right, but not about the drugs, unless nictotine counts. :mf_sleep:

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A couple of things..... yes there are far more important things in life.

Where I think we're at now....

Many years ago I knew a great bloke called 'Tony' he was the owner of my local newsagents shop

this would have been about 10 years ago.

Whenever I went into get a paper Tony was always happy and friendly, we often had great chats about various things.

This would include the then current news and fabulous stories about bands/music in the 60's.

Tony had been in a band back in the day and they had been big and he knew everyone that was anyone in the music biz.

Whenever there was cricket being played he had it on the radio (mostly the England team).

I really felt for Tony as at the time, we (England) never seemed to beat anyone, but Tony always had that radio on.

Game after game..... we seemed to lose and this went on for a good few years.

Tony never lost his interest and then on New Years Day 2000 I went in to his newsagents and Tony was not there, so I joked with his wife about him having over slept and how he deserved to catch up on his sleep.

The next day I went in to the shop to purchase a paper and found out that Tony had died sorting the papers out at about four/five a.m on New Years Day.

I'll never forget Tony, he was a great bloke.

The following years the England team started to win games and I often remembered Tony and how much England winning would have meant to him.

BCFC will rise again, but for us, like Tony....... We keep on following.

No I'm not happy, things are not great but I really do not know anything else and have the belief that one way or another we BCFC will eventually give us something better again.

So in the end we all know there are far more important things in life to be thankful for, it could be the Club need to remember this too.

I still want our team to win every game and be the best team in the world, even if it's a delusion and distortion of fact.

I can't help it ....... it still hurts when we lose....... gives me a buzz when we win..... but that said we really need to get our buzz back big time as a Club & as a TEAM......

I do not say we are down and out of Division Two (Championship) yet, but it is almost going to be a dead cert unless our Players pull their fingers out.

We have made it very difficult for ourselves and the last few seasons have been very kind to us regarding the final outcome.

This season it is not going to be as kind, it's obvious to me and so many of us.


IT's not the fans it's you......DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.


NOT DOWN THE CITY......... There is still just a little time to save our season.

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Bless Glos, gotta go bed now, take care, been up the Essex, got overserved, then curry kings, then hoooooooooome

haha top man, sounds to me like the perfect day mate, me and my brother have done that trip quite a few times (mind you getting hooooooooooome was always quite late) !!!

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