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I Am A Happy City Fan.......

Tall King Blox

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Mid seasonish, all to play for, still in the FA cup, got thru crimbo lightly, got thru new years lightly,

got my health, got my partner, got my children and got my grandchildren, got my job, got my partners children and i got my partners grandchildren, and yet when i read this forum all i read is dispair and sadness, take a few steps back guys and gals, look around you, this is only a game, treat it like that, be nice to each other, enjoy the ride for what it is,....be nice... ( incoming, hats on )

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Mods move to rose tinnted subforum please.

I agree, the only important moment is the now, its the only one we can live. Forget the past, don't consider the what may haves, there are a billion trillion possible outcomes. Never lower expectation, but think more of Hope.

When what you expect to happen, doesn't, and you get mad, think why.

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Great stuff.

Had a chat with another otib user recently discussing how BCFC really isn't the be all and end all.

There are far more important things in life that can make me laugh and cry.

Didn't feel like that as a kid, but life teaches you to be grateful when you have the things that matter most.

Get off the forum. Far too positive.

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I'd be positive if there was something to be positive about.

Relegation battle for the third season in a row. A manager who doesn't know his best 11 and who failed to strengthen adequately when he had the chance last summer. This time last season I was confident McInnes would keep us in the Championship. I've lost all confidence in him since but I really think we'll have a great chance of winning the Paint Trophy next season.

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I'd be positive if there was something to be positive about.

Relegation battle for the third season in a row. A manager who doesn't know his best 11 and who failed to strengthen adequately when he had the chance last summer. This time last season I was confident McInnes would keep us in the Championship. I've lost all confidence in him since but I really think we'll have a great chance of winning the Paint Trophy next season.

2 moz is a great day to start, FA cup, no pressure, change of players ( enforced granted, but would of happened anyway ) relax and see what they can accomplish in the cup !! if it goes tits up then " concentrate on the league " is the pass word, dont let the football run your life, just let it be a little bit of it, and when we start winning again, enjoy what comes with it, dont ever wish for it, this is after all, Bristol City...................Oh, and dont hold yer breath

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Apart from less than 100 years generations basically have been starving, living hard lifes only to die very young. All they hoped for was to come to heaven and that coming generations would get a better life. Sitting on the crown of development we stupid bastards don't even appreciate our lifes. We moan about everything and try to eat ourselves to death. We should just be very, very, very happy.

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Apart from less than 100 years generations basically have been starving, living hard lifes only to die very young. All they hoped for was to come to heaven and that coming generations would get a better life. Sitting on the crown of development we stupid bastards don't even appreciate our lifes. We moan about everything and try to eat ourselves to death. We should just be very, very, very happy.

Kinda get where your coming from......respect sweden, always add to the great colour of this forum

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I'd be positive is something to be positive about.

Relegation battle for the third season in a row. A manager who doesn't know his best 11 and who failed to strengthen adequately when he had the chance last summer. This time last season I was confident McInnes would keep us in the Championship. I've lost all confidence in him since but I really think we'll have a great chance of winning the Paint Trophy next season.

Trust the family are well though Robbo......whooooooooosh

Far more important things in life, City doing well woud be great, but not THAT important in the grand scheme

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Mid seasonish, all to play for, still in the FA cup, got thru crimbo lightly, got thru new years lightly,

got my health, got my partner, got my children and got my grandchildren, got my job, got my partners children and i got my partners grandchildren, and yet when i read this forum all i read is dispair and sadness, take a few steps back guys and gals, look around you, this is only a game, treat it like that, be nice to each other, enjoy the ride for what it is,....be nice... ( incoming, hats on )

Great lyric mate. There's a song in there somewhere. Try nina simone?

but seriously if you're happy following City, you'll get over it.

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Been locked out of ZH's due to a new format (my identity and e-mail already in use though, need to get onto cider head about that) so have had to settle for a lot drivel on here, not all drivel I'll hasten to add, but lots.

Good to getting back to what it should all be about.

Anyway, only signed in to add a thread about the biggest nutter first VI of all team.

I'll give it Lavin at right back, Martin Khul for getting his tits out on request, stick Shaun Taylor at centre back for obvious reasons, Cramby's gotta be in there. Please tell though folks, starting nutter 11, if that's alright with Jordan Tansley.

Right, off to e-mail CH.

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We are still in the championship. Barnsley, City. Posh, SW. At the moment one of those teams plays in championship next season. Think we had as good chance as the other teams to make it. Most people inside here think we already is in leauge one, I dont understand. There are many games to play before the season is over. Even if our position in the table is not good Im happy. Got work, a nice woman, appartment and always food at the table. Can go to England twicce a year and watch City. Good friends and lives in a small town. Football and City means a lot for me but to find joy in the daily life become more and more important as older I get. At the moment here in the middle of Sweden we have +3 and little snow. Normally it is -20 and much snow in jan. Thats positive Imo. So in all and all I am a happy City fan, and offcause I really hope we can make it. COYR.

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If you're happy following City, clap your hands :clapping:

could say shit lyric, but wont, all yer hearts matter, not to me but to the people that care, could be yer kids, parents or even friends in a bit of probs,....the last place to aim yer anger is on a forum, aimless frustrations going nowhere, .....sorry ranted there for a bit

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