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Next Saturday...we Have To Be Heard.


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I am really worried that the board (if thats what you can call them) will not get rid of Mclueless, believing that he will turn this around OR get us promotion next season from league 1. Now anyone with a brain can see the bloke has not got a clue and the board are wrong.

I feel that over the years BCFC fans have become very patient even to the point of it being apathetic. Well now is the time we need to be heard. I know it wont help the team hearing the fans singing about getting rid of McInnes but it will be worth it if the board take notice.

Now is the time we have to make ourselves heard.

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Its too late. City are heading for Division 1 and I can't see changing the manager making any difference. Might as well sack him at the end of the season.

Like i said... Apathetic.

We (the fans) have to voice our views. I remember doing it in the past and ultimately apart from not attending its out only way to make a statement. Anyway, if the right man came in, who says we could not stay up. We all thought we were down last season and we stayed up (more by luck than judgment admittedly) and i remember Smith keeping us up when we thought we were down.

It can still happen if the board take action now and we need to let them know this.

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Its too late. City are heading for Division 1 and I can't see changing the manager making any difference. Might as well sack him at the end of the season.

If that the case you think we are down the it's surley worth one last throw of the dice and go for a new manager . Nothing to lose if you think we are already down.

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... We have some of the worst fans in the country.

You sir are an idiot! Read any forum in the world of a struggling team and you will see what is on here. We pay good hard earned money that some of us can ill afford to support this club and when we see it slowly dying from inside we speak out! Nothing wrong with that at all, we deserve to air our views!
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Just who on the present board would you trust to make the right appointment if Del went. The forum is full of comments about the present board knowing didly squat about football matters, and SL has a poor record apart from GJ. I think we must take the relegation hit, get the finances back on track, and rebuild, probably with Del in charge.

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The only way to get heard is by not turning up.

People can shout and scream on this forum, but how much is actually getting back to the club and if so are they listening?

The club need the money, so empty seats cannot be ignored.

Season ticket holders will say "i have paid to watch this rubbish"

The club are probably looking forward to a decent gate against Leicester.

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Its too late. City are heading for Division 1 and I can't see changing the manager making any difference. Might as well sack him at the end of the season.

Part of me thinks you are right but we have an opportunity to start changing this debacle NOW and the window of opportunity should not be missed.

I don't trust Del to bring in the correct players or have the confidence he can get the best out the players let alone put out a settled team and formation. Bring in a new man who can put his foundations in place and assess the squad to help us bounce back as quickly as possible.

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Yes I agree Im fed up with people thinking it will be a walk in the park in league 1 . We will struggle again , people don't realise we ain't going to be going out with the like of baldock and Davies upfront , we NEED to stay up because I believe in most positions we do actually have good players

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I didn't say we would bounce straight back, I said rebuild. It may take a few years in the lower league but we just cannot continue losing 10million plus every year in the Championship. Sure we will lose some goodish players if we go down but we have to pay our way and if that means lower wages and poorer players, so be it.

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I didn't say we would bounce straight back, I said rebuild. It may take a few years in the lower league but we just cannot continue losing 10million plus every year in the Championship. Sure we will lose some goodish players if we go down but we have to pay our way and if that means lower wages and poorer players, so be it.

No thanks. Had enough lower league football

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Wait until we're losing, then start the chants. I wont join in as I back the club, but if you wont to start rhe chanta wait until we concede

If we concede we need to get behind the effing team. If anyone wants to protest do it at the end.

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yes, that's the way to support (sarcasm)

You can't support, we are customers, remember that.

What the businesses should do well to remember, is the customer is always right.

Wouldn't be a problem if we were fans of course.

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