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Anyone Got An Idiot Guide To Twitter ?


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Ive seen here on the past people sharing their twitter usernames etc

But WTF is all #this #that and #the other all about ?

How you suppose to find friends and fellow city fans ?

All i want to do is connect to city fans and get news etc



Oh im SWP_LTD on there btw no idea if you got to have # infront

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I'm no expert. I only signed up last week but it was easy enough. Register with whatever username you want, with a @ or a # before it. Twitter asks for your email address and a password.

Once you're signed up just search for Bristol City Fc and quite a number of contacts will come up including the official club one. Thats the one that gives out the team on a matchday way before any other medium. There are others such as BCFC Supporters page. There could well be others but I haven't discovered them yet.

Once you've found a site you like just click on 'follow. I follow BBC Sport and ESPN which are both pretty good for any sports fan.

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I have done all that and managed to find Adam Baker and a few other City related people but what's with all the #links all over the place example "All the very best to Derek for the future #topbloke"

What does the #topbloke do ? <------ not that I agree of coarse ;)

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@ goes before a username. The club is @bcfctweets

# is a hashtag and is used to help people trying to talk about the same thing. So if you wanted to post something about City, you might say "I'm off to Ashton Gate today #BristolCity". Then, if someone else searched for #BristolCity, your tweet would come up. If you search for that hashtag and/or #BristolCityTwitterFamily, you'll find loads of City fans.

You will also find people misuse the hashtag, e.g. "I'm off to Ashton Gate today #Iwonderifwewillkeepacleansheet". In this case the user has used the hashtag as a stylized way of making a comment, but it is pretty much useless for its intended purpose ('tagging' a post and making it easier to search).

edit: "#topbloke" is a good example of misuse of a hashtag

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# Is used to indicate a subject. All tweets under that subject are then easy to find. So if you then went to 'search' with the magnifing glass top right you'll then find all tweets about that subject ie #ihatemondays for example. Using search you can also find 'people' so also in search if you type in Scott Murray you'll then find all people called Scott Murray. The search function would be much like using google search but the # seperates out the subjects.

If you did a search for 'football' and then clicked on the people tab you'll then get anyone associated with 'football' if people.

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I have done all that and managed to find Adam Baker and a few other City related people but what's with all the #links all over the place example "All the very best to Derek for the future #topbloke"

What does the #topbloke do ? <------ not that I agree of coarse ;)

No idea! I thought you'd just wanted the basic which is the sum total of my Twitter knowledge.

I'm sure there are posters out there who have a far greater knowledge of Twitter than me.

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I think the # just makes things easier to find, there is an option to search on there - so if someone has typed '#bristolcity' and you search for bristol city then, I think!, the # makes their post come up in your search

I've been on twitter for ages, but not a massive user - more of a surfer / voyeur really

I follow a lot of the #bristolcitytwitterfamily - some good banter, but some have been unfollowed along the way! If you follow the correct people / organisations / news providers etc etc you'll never have to watch the news or read a newspaper again. 10 mins on twitter and you know exactly what is going on in the world

@theadywood if you want to give me a follow mate, I'm hardly Mr Interesting, but you might get the odd laugh out of me!

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@ goes before a username. The club is @bcfctweets

# is a hashtag and is used to help people trying to talk about the same thing. So if you wanted to post something about City, you might say "I'm off to Ashton Gate today #BristolCity". Then, if someone else searched for #BristolCity, your tweet would come up. If you search for that hashtag and/or #BristolCityTwitterFamily, you'll find loads of City fans.

You will also find people misuse the hashtag, e.g. "I'm off to Ashton Gate today #Iwonderifwewillkeepacleansheet". In this case the user has used the hashtag as a stylized way of making a comment, but it is pretty much useless for its intended purpose ('tagging' a post and making it easier to search).

edit: "#topbloke" is a good example of misuse of a hashtag

Ok great and thanks...

So if i posted something City related, and although I am new and therfore have no follows if i add #BristolCityTwitterFamily at the end of the post, there is a chance other fans could see it under a search ?


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