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Gas New Stadium..the Serious Thread

The Humble Realist

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A decent post and while I generally agreewith the majority of of what you say, I would just like to point out that regarding the last part (in bold) I AM proud of my club right now and I always been.

Please do not kid yourself that over the last 15 years or so, we have had anything in common bar the city in which we both reside!

Bristol Rovers have been a shamble of a club, badly run, constantly feeding their supporters a stream of lies and false dawns that had little or no substance.

Whilst we are struggling now and indeed, look destined to drop a level come next season, Bristol City are in a different league in just about every possible aspect to Rovers.

Congratulations on the consent for your new stadium, but you really do have some way to go before you, as a club, become anywhere close to that of your neighbours.

I would be extremely concerned if I were you lot too..

Mr lansdown lends you £41m and still rising by the year, promises stadiums for World Cup use and looks almost certain to land you back where you started in league 1 with £50m debt.. and says that people "will not talk of bristol rovers anymore"..

Well, as you can see that's not great and reading this forum you can see that people are still talking of the gas..

Just saying like.

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Haha that should teach Steve lansdown to be careful what he says. Still if anything good can come out of this for us it might give sir Steve the kick up the arse to get into gear and make something happen a bit pronto, didn't Dave Lloyd say things were happening behind the scenes? Well come on Steve give us a clue as to where we are going with it all

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Its a good catchment area where they are, if things go well on the pitch which with JW they might the momentum could = investment etc...

All a bit of a worry really, but good luck to em early days yet

In what way is it a worry? Competition invariably is very good in all walks of life; helps improves things and encourages each to strive for better. This will be no different. I am delighted for The Gas. They will undoubtedly get a lift from this and when their stadium is built they should rise the leagues if the money and management continues to improve. City will get to where they want to go of that I am sure and this will only encourage the club to do so even more.

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Quite understandably lots of the comments here (and on our forum) are based on "what ifs". I hope one thing we can all agree on is that this is a great potential springboard for our club (as it would be for any club). It's what we do with it now which will determine our future. Success will require a whole new mindset to the way the club is run, undoubtedly with the introduction of people who know how to make the best of a situation like this. I'm sure the behind the scenes teams at the Amex and the Liberty are vastly different to those at the Withdean and the Vetch, making the running of the clubs unrecognisable from what they were. That is what we have to do IF we are to make a success of this IMO. As for aspiring to the championship, well I think that's plenty if aspiration given our current plight. We'd look even more comical if we said anything higher! The "is it in Bristol" issue...do you feel out of Bristol in Filton or on the ring road?i know I don't. If we were building north of the M4 I may feel out of Bristol, but not at UWE. And yes I know where the boundary is and that the stadium is in s.glos. This discussion is just points scoring for me. Only time will tell, but at the moment I feel more optimistic about our future than last week. We have a chance now. I also hope that Bristol can move forward on the sporting front with city getting on with their stadium too. The city deserves it.

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Do they not perhaps have a point about struggling to fund a successful Championship side under FFP? We have made bad losses for 3 years now, not easy to reverse at all.

Yes. But in my opinion the irony is that they will also struggle to fund a successful Championship side even with the new stadium.

Would they get many more than 10/12k if they were a struggling Cship team? Don't think so.

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