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Man Jailed For 5 Years For Posting Videos. Wtf!


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A man has been jailed for 5 years under the Terrorism act for posting grim videos on facebook.

Granted theses videos were of beheadings and were not your ordinary videos, and it's obviously really odd pretending you are part of a terrorist group when you aren't, but has the world gone mad?

This man although sick in the head, had no link to any terrorist group and has not committed any crime, yet is jailed. Even the judge was struggling to link this man to a crime and a Police spokesman said "He had no links whatsoever to any terrorist organisations, was not a radical convert and there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest he engaged in any attack planning."

What next, farting in an enclosed space results in life imprisonment.

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Whereas others cannot buy a prison sentence

Recorder Bartlett told him: 'When I came into court
I thought I would have to pass a prison sentence
you would serve immediately.

'You have
breached community orders, bail, and driving orders

Oh noes! Surely not...a prison sentence! This one hasn't racked up nearly enough convictions, surely?

How awful for you, Bartlett! Do you need counselling?

Yes, I know the habitual criminal in front of you led police on a high speed chase along the wrong side of a dual carriageway while smoking cannabis but surely you won't be forced to send him to prison?

your solicitor has made the telling point that people with your history of bad driving and bad criminal behaviour don't reform overnight

'They need
a lot of help and encouragement
and they get that from the
probation service
- long may it remain so.'

Whew! The defence to the rescue! Lucky for you they always have such plausible excuses, eh?

'In the circumstances, having
about this - and
I don't think anyone could criticise me
for giving you a ten months sentence to serve straightaway - I am going to
suspend it

He added: 'I am
not all that confident
that you are going to make it work but I hope so.'

Well, I think you're wrong about no-one criticising you for it, but it's nice to see you have hope. We all need hope, don't we, Recorder Bartlett?

Lodge, who
posed for photographers outside court
, was also banned from driving for three years, ordered to do 60 hours unpaid work and attend
a 22-day 'thinking skills' programme

Prison for Charlton Kings burglar Callum Smith, 23 after 85 convictions
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À man was jailed for 22 months yesterday. his crime was driving up mount snowdon twice in a 4x4
To be fair there was a bit more to it than that including criminal damage to the snowdonia railway and evading his bail
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A man has been jailed for 5 years under the Terrorism act for posting grim videos on facebook.

Granted theses videos were of beheadings and were not your ordinary videos, and it's obviously really odd pretending you are part of a terrorist group when you aren't, but has the world gone mad?

This man although sick in the head, had no link to any terrorist group and has not committed any crime, yet is jailed. Even the judge was struggling to link this man to a crime and a Police spokesman said "He had no links whatsoever to any terrorist organisations, was not a radical convert and there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest he engaged in any attack planning."

What next, farting in an enclosed space results in life imprisonment.

If it's 5 years for that then what sentence will Tony Blair get if he eventually gets put on trial? Blair is an alleged war criminal and a traitor guilty of High Treason in selling us out to the hopelessly corrupt EU project.

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WTF?! A video is just that, a video. Unless its incriminating you, it can do no harm. So how on earth is someone given FIVE bloody years?!

I've seen people given less for Death by dangerous driving. Unbelievable.

He was convicted of encouraging terrorism and disseminating terrorist information.

I'm not sure those were the appropriate charges given that he was acknowledged to be a total fantasist.

However terror legislation was written by idiotic politicians in a panic caused by pressure from daily mail reading morons and is as a result shockingly bad, so outcomes like this aren't surprising.

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If it's 5 years for that then what sentence will Tony Blair get if he eventually gets put on trial? Blair is an alleged war criminal and a traitor guilty of High Treason in selling us out to the hopelessly corrupt EU project.

Personally Gobbers, Bush and Blair should be sat in a cell with no chance of ever being allowed out again.

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I do agree but when you compare it to the Luke McCormick case it's a joke. what did he serve 3 years for getting into his car pissed, killing two boys and disabling a man. Scum.

Agreeded but that's the way of the law. Incidentally see he played a game just before Christmas for Truro

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Good job,sends a clear message that terrorism of any sort will not be tolerated.how many lives could this jailing save.

Alternatively this could send a clear message that poorly drafted legislation ends up with us locking up people who have mental health issues as terrorists when they're nothing of the sort.

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Alternatively this could send a clear message that poorly drafted legislation ends up with us locking up people who have mental health issues as terrorists when they're nothing of the sort.

Ah well nevermind. Perhaps people should have doctors notes when purchasing computers, much like they do for gun licenses. Problem sorted. Mentally ill won't cause harm to themselves or others. Just a thought like!

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How is viewing and sharing videos of a morbid curiosity a terrorism act?

He is passing on Terrorist propaganda, he is disseminating Terrorists message to the wider world. May have been different if he just decided to go looking for it. By posting and sharing it, well that is a totally different can of worms

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Ah well nevermind. Perhaps people should have doctors notes when purchasing computers, much like they do for gun licenses. Problem sorted. Mentally ill won't cause harm to themselves or others. Just a thought like!

Which do you think is more likely:

a) he's a terrorist

b) he's got mental health problems


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Which do you think is more likely:

a) he's a terrorist

b) he's got mental health problems


see above for my answer to mental health problems. but mental health problems is a very easy cop out for many when they get in to problems with the law.

He also put in links to Al Qaieda web sites. Now he maybe a total fantasist . But has he gone to jail or a mental health institution? that may well be a clue, there is always a option to section. he wasn't

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see above for my answer to mental health problems. but mental health problems is a very easy cop out for many when they get in to problems with the law.

He also put in links to Al Qaieda web sites. Now he maybe a total fantasist . But has he gone to jail or a mental health institution? that may well be a clue, there is always a option to section. he wasn't

What answer above?

Do you think he's more likely to be a terrorist or mentally ill?

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What answer above?

Do you think he's more likely to be a terrorist or mentally ill?

Answer above= doctors sign off to own a computer.

Doesn't matter what I think, he is in jail. And yes, I think he deserves to be there. Glorifying that is sick and twisted. I'm sure the parents and offspring of those having their heads cut off were very pleased with his copy and pasting handiwork.

I don't mind where he gets locked up, mental institution or Prison, as long as has no access to the internet, job done.

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Answer above= doctors sign off to own a computer.

I must apologise, I mistook that for sarcasm. I didn't think it could possibly be a serious answer. If you truly intended that as a solution, then I can't really reply to it other than to say it's fundamentally idiotic and unworkable in ways that should be obvious to everybody.

Doesn't matter what I think, he is in jail. And yes, I think he deserves to be there. Glorifying that is sick and twisted. I'm sure the parents and offspring of those having their heads cut off were very pleased with his copy and pasting handiwork.

I don't mind where he gets locked up, mental institution or Prison, as long as has no access to the internet, job done.

So you're not going to answer the question. I guess that's because the answer to it makes your point of view look rather short sighted and vindictive.

I think it's very, very unlikely that this guy is a terrorist, so the fact that we are charging and convicting him as though he is shows how shockingly bad that legislation is.

There is every chance this guy is mental and needs professional help which he won't get inside, all we'll have now is a much more dangerous nutbox on the loose in just 2 and a half years.

We will of course pay for the privilege of locking the guy up this time, and whatever fallout is next when he comes out, probably over and over again. Some moron will use the idea of deterrence to justify imprisonment when there's pretty much no evidence that it works for rational people let alone those who aren't.

Still, it'll make the angry people happy. Oh - no it won't even do that, they'll just be outraged about whatever the next thing is. Probably immigrants or something.

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I must apologise, I mistook that for sarcasm. I didn't think it could possibly be a serious answer. If you truly intended that as a solution, then I can't really reply to it other than to say it's fundamentally idiotic and unworkable in ways that should be obvious to everybody.

So you're not going to answer the question. I guess that's because the answer to it makes your point of view look rather short sighted and vindictive.

I think it's very, very unlikely that this guy is a terrorist, so the fact that we are charging and convicting him as though he is shows how shockingly bad that legislation is.

There is every chance this guy is mental and needs professional help which he won't get inside, all we'll have now is a much more dangerous nutbox on the loose in just 2 and a half years.

We will of course pay for the privilege of locking the guy up this time, and whatever fallout is next when he comes out, probably over and over again. Some moron will use the idea of deterrence to justify imprisonment when there's pretty much no evidence that it works for rational people let alone those who aren't.

Still, it'll make the angry people happy. Oh - no it won't even do that, they'll just be outraged about whatever the next thing is. Probably immigrants or something.

I don't particularly think the doctors letter is a bad idea when you consider you need it for a gun licence. After all you can do a lot more damage with a pc attached to the internet. In all likelihood that will never happen, considering where they are used. But you have to wonder, they are very powerful tools.

I'm not angry, my family are not involved. If they were, I would be exceptionally angry.

Mental health issues are often used as a easy cop out in legal cases. So you can take this treatment you talk about, anyway you like. Some will be mentally ill, a lot won't. But you make excuses for all. That is fine. I don't really care if it works or not. We have seen too many cases of failed reintegration. Yes a lot work. Many don't. So what would you do with serial offenders?

You seem to have rambled off into something else.

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I don't particularly think the doctors letter is a bad idea when you consider you need it for a gun licence. After all you can do a lot more damage with a pc attached to the internet.

Wow. So your answer to this, just so we're clear, is to lock people up and to be sure we don't lock the wrong people up we should as a nation regulate people using computers. And of course we'll need to do the same for telephones, the postal service, speaking to each other...

And somehow you've managed to bring guns into this discussion and at the same time accuse me of rambling off...

You have in the past posted some questionable stuff but this is utter horse shit. It's a very poor way of trying to justify your point of view.

Perhaps what would be more sensible is to simply review the crap panicked legislation that was put in post 9/11.

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Wow. So your answer to this, just so we're clear, is to lock people up and to be sure we don't lock the wrong people up we should as a nation regulate people using computers. And of course we'll need to do the same for telephones, the postal service, speaking to each other...

And somehow you've managed to bring guns into this discussion and at the same time accuse me of rambling off...

You have in the past posted some questionable stuff but this is utter horse shit. It's a very poor way of trying to justify your point of view.

Perhaps what would be more sensible is to simply review the crap panicked legislation that was put in post 9/11.

Nah, just like winding you up Nibor. We both know which fields we work in. Can't believe you went for it. I thought you normally saw through bs.

Job done here tonight.

Nighty night :)

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Ohhhh Nibor, stop trying to analyse me.

You are too easy to walk up a garden path.

We both know we work in the IT sector. Yet you went for it.

You must be tired tonight.

Just so you don't feel quite so bad, our gun licencing argument a few months ago, that I was serious about.

I suspect you may have blocked me by now anyway :)

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Ohhhh Nibor, stop trying to analyse me.

You are too easy to walk up a garden path.

We both know we work in the IT sector. Yet you went for it.

You must be tired tonight.

I'm not sure what sort IT insider knowledge you're referring to (have I not heard about some important club?!?) but I'd have thought most people know that posting YHBT HAND to cover up a weak argument is poor form.

Just so you don't feel quite so bad, our gun licencing argument a few months ago, that I was serious about.

Then you can understand my confusion, because you posted a similar quality of argument in both :)

Well done bringing that up after Newtown though.

Nite nite!

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