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Well That Confirms It


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but we do have dvd players at the gate, im sure some of the coaching staff and senior players could have some input.

without bates its carey,fonts,wilson and nyatanga.

Signing someone blind is about as stupid as assuming that we haven't got any money because we won't pay McManus' extortionate wages

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So in 2004 it was different! Whose to say 2013 is the same!

The stats I looked at only went back to 2005. Do you know that the sequence was broken in 2004? Or have you jumped to your own conclusion.

Personally having watched City in all 4 divisions I will be there next season whatever league we are in, will you?

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But did the teams that were bottom on this date have a game in hand? Potentially we could be 2nd bottom.

Don't know about the game in hand.

I was going on league positions and points totals.

Given the run of relegated teams I guess that some probably had games in hand, some may have won, some may have lost them.

Those teams were still relegated, which was the only point I was trying to make.

History is against us, just like it was at Coventry all those years ago.

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Leadman and Redoxo,

I have enjoyed our chats in the chat room for the last couple of years. You two are amongst my favourite posters on here, I would love to meet ou both "F2F" someday.



What possible use is rendered by giving up?

I am a realist, I know how bad things look right now but ( I say again, WTF?).

Psychology is a wierd and wonderful thing. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that belief is a HUGE part in ultimate success in any venture. Certainly, "we are doomed" has ' self-fulfilling prophecy' written all over it.

The key to success in life (and therefore probably in sport), is BELIEF. Without belief, there is no chance of success, it is essential, it is key, it is EVERYTHING.

The books tell us, that we cannot succeed without belief. How can you believe when faced with such dire performances every week? Easy. Just BELIEVE! Fake it 'til you make it . Lie to yourself. Put on the rose-tinted spectacles, do whatever you have to do,, but be certain of this.

WE ARE NOT RELEGATED UNTIL THE ARITHMETIC SAYS WE ARE! Until then, no matter what it looks like, we MUST believe! No matter what you might think within the private seclusion of your own head, we WILL go down if that is what we believe, it will transfer from the terrace to the pitch, and we WILL generate a self- fulfilling prophecy. OR.

We can decide to,have faith. We can choose to BELIEVE. It doesn't have to be grounded in 'fact' or be 'realistic'. It just has to be a SINCERE belief.

So, howsabout we try a couple of weeks where we, the fans, suspend disbelief for a while and PRETEND we BELIEVE we will survive? Who knows? We might actually conspire to create a different self- fulfilling prophecy?

This post is contentious I know. There will be many of you wanting to take issue with what I am saying. My plea is simple. Belief costs nothing. Please let's have a couple of weeks where we are not surrendering, not caving in to our perception of fate.

In short, I summarise thus:


Hey Sport...I think you miss understood my response...I was trying to say that there is money available if need be...I gave up under DM as he was useless I'm certainly not giving up now we have a new start and a chance!! Bouncing around might help to raise the atmosphere....I'll be listening!

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