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Guy In Williams Block L


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I'm a season ticket holder in Williams block L and can't help but notice the chap who seems to shout at everything and act like a kid.

Considering he had his head in his hands against palace when we were 4-1 up that just gives you a taster of what he is like.

Makes me wonder if he should bother coming firstly because he never positively supports the team and secondly it can't be doing well for his health and thirdly I don't believe it's acceptable behaviour.

Has anyone else seen him?

If not look out next game he is normally towards the bottom of the stand on Block L of the William's won't be hard to spot at he normally wears a hat that has a bullseye on top.

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Bit unfair to call him out on here. He's paid his money like everyone else.

If you've got a problem with him have a word in his ear.

No need to start a witch hunt.

Agreed, I don't like this.

The bloke supports the club in his own way, and if he's a bit jaded and fractious after many years watching City, it's not really surprising.

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I'm a season ticket holder in Williams block L and can't help but notice the chap who seems to shout at everything and act like a kid.

Considering he had his head in his hands against palace when we were 4-1 up that just gives you a taster of what he is like.

Makes me wonder if he should bother coming firstly because he never positively supports the team and secondly it can't be doing well for his health and thirdly I don't believe it's acceptable behaviour.

Has anyone else seen him?

If not look out next game he is normally towards the bottom of the stand on Block L of the William's won't be hard to spot at he normally wears a hat that has a bullseye on top.

He pays his money, it's up to him. Not you.

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I'm a season ticket holder in Williams block L and can't help but notice the chap who seems to shout at everything and act like a kid.

Considering he had his head in his hands against palace when we were 4-1 up that just gives you a taster of what he is like.

Makes me wonder if he should bother coming firstly because he never positively supports the team and secondly it can't be doing well for his health and thirdly I don't believe it's acceptable behaviour.

Has anyone else seen him?

If not look out next game he is normally towards the bottom of the stand on Block L of the William's won't be hard to spot at he normally wears a hat that has a bullseye on top.

I know the one you mean... I was sitting two seats away from him at that Palace game. I thought he was going to have a heart attack.

Of course he pays his money and it's a free country, but he is highly annoying and I won't be sitting in his vicinity again.

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Just wanted to make it clear that I AM NOT SAYING he shouldn't come obviously I know people like to vent their emotions and they spend hard earned money to be there.

So why mention it at all?

Clearly you have the problem not him :)

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I mentioned this topic because I was just trying to create conversation not to try and get the bloke banned from the ground as many of you are implying in addition to a few of you who know who I'm on about and find increasingly annoying

I don't think this is a very good choice of conversation, this guy is obviously a passionate supporter and fair play to him if he wants to make a fuss about disagreeing with the ref. It's all in the spirit of the game!

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The guy who always shouts forward is another guy who sometimes sits behind me the one I'm on about is alway shouting at either the ref or something and sometimes shout "hey ref" normally followed by standing up and pointing

How annoying for you, a football supporter shouting at the ref and pointing, you poor, poor bunny. :violin:

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I'm a season ticket holder in Williams block L and can't help but notice the chap who seems to shout at everything and act like a kid.

Considering he had his head in his hands against palace when we were 4-1 up that just gives you a taster of what he is like.

Makes me wonder if he should bother coming firstly because he never positively supports the team and secondly it can't be doing well for his health and thirdly I don't believe it's acceptable behaviour.

Has anyone else seen him?

If not look out next game he is normally towards the bottom of the stand on Block L of the William's won't be hard to spot at he normally wears a hat that has a bullseye on top.

How very dare you!! I pay my money and i'm entitled to my say you cheeky scamp! And i'll also have you know that that cap is limited edition Bullseye memorabilia given to me personally by Jim Bowen. What a cheek! I suggest if you have a problem with my behaviour come and speak to me in person, you know where to find me!!

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