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Coppell On Ebay, Is This For Real?

tom from sunny side

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DESCRIPTION OF LOT/PRODUCT ON OFFER - HMMMMMmmmm . (Think I'll wait until the artist put up a pic of GJ in Burtons Window - now THAT would be worth a bid or two!! :))....

((( ' I, the Artist, have created a beautiful portrait of the football manager Steve Coppell. I have captured the very essence of his character. Steve is brought to life in vivid colours and an ultra realist style.

The portrait is of modest A4 size making it a versatile addition to any room in your home.

Steve would look fantastic, gazing down at you as you eat your dinner in the kitchen. Or perhaps you'd enjoy the big match and discuss tactics as Steve studies the game from your lounge wall. .

This portrait is a one-off original and should attract much interest from sports fans and art lovers alike.

Steve will surely gain in value in coming years so this really is an ideal investment.

I advise you to get an early bid in to test the water so to speak and then take it from there, I also anticipate ruthless bidding on the last day so make sure you don't miss out.

Happy bidding ' )))

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I got a reply...

I suspect that you are playing silly Billies with me. I can't be responsible for what happens to the portrait once it has reached you but I am fairly certain that it would not up and leave of it's own accord as although extremely life like it does not have free will or moving body parts. If you are genuinely interested in investing then I suggest you follow developments here.

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I got a reply...

I suspect that you are playing silly Billies with me. I can't be responsible for what happens to the portrait once it has reached you but I am fairly certain that it would not up and leave of it's own accord as although extremely life like it does not have free will or moving body parts. If you are genuinely interested in investing then I suggest you follow developments here.

Ha Ha !

You Silly Billy !

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