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Who's Taking An Intrest

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I'm with Barrs Court Red to a point; Rugby League is a more exciting, entertaining and accessible sport. However, I have to admit that I have a growing appreciation for union and the 6 Nations is a great competition

My problem with the 15 man code has always been that so much of the game is played at the bottom of a pile of 18 stone men- the 'dark arts of the scrum and ruck' as a mate of mine puts it- and even when the ball is in plain sight, I never used to be able to fathom why a round of applause was given for kicking a ball into touch. The new rules regarding the length of time a ball can be in a ruck before it has to player has helped for me

I've always said that when a game of union is good, it's very good, but in terms of your average game of club rugby; give the northern code any day of the week. I also think you doubters should try and watch a State of Origin match later this year; one of the most amazing, full-blooded sporting events you'll ever see

State of Origin games must be in the top 5 most intense games on the planet.

Absolutely amazing to watch.

The NRL is a great league,the players are probably the hardest men you are likely to see.

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