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Board Communication

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Lots of complaints a few months back that the gap between the club and the fans is growing and our board never communicated with us. Well JL has another article on the OS http://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/article/20130206-lansdownfivepillars-641677.aspx?pageView=full#anchored which although is mostly common knowledge, nice to see it laid out like that. Along with the endless stream of interviews and other articles he's doing. Good to see we were heard and we're hearing more from the board with JL, it seems as spokesman. Thanks for listening bcfc

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JL does seem to be making a particular effort in this respect.

I think the complaints though weren't really about comms from the board - we've had good info from the club on most things since the internet kicked off - but more about the day to day mundane stuff like dealing with the ticket office and stewards.

I hope the attitude JL shows spreads from the top down.

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Lots of complaints a few months back that the gap between the club and the fans is growing and our board never communicated with us. Well JL has another article on the OS http://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/article/20130206-lansdownfivepillars-641677.aspx?pageView=full#anchored which although is mostly common knowledge, nice to see it laid out like that. Along with the endless stream of interviews and other articles he's doing. Good to see we were heard and we're hearing more from the board with JL, it seems as spokesman. Thanks for listening bcfc

Point is the club should not have been 'reminded' to communicate with the fans.

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Point is the club should not have been 'reminded' to communicate with the fans.

Perhaps, but we are quick to slag them off when they do something wrong. Since DaveLs original thread they've listened and personally they deserve credit for it regardless of whether or not it's something they should have been doing by default.

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Having been highly critical of the communication from the club (and quite rightly so imo). It seems the board has taken note of various dissenting voices and are turning things around slowly but surely.

Long may it continue. I applaud the change of stance. Good moves at last, still a way to go concerning other areas, but congratulations on the start.

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Definitely. Was highly critical in the past, and still stand by that, but it's good to see they've reacted and done something about it. And by that I mean stadium, comms and manager. Still early days but how different things look from (say) 2 or 3 months ago.

Bad track record, but green shoots of improvement. (In best Jazz voice) Niiice.

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It's a big improvement, perhaps lack of communication previously was due to the amount of stuff going on behind closed doors - Del moving on, AG vs AV plans, etc - which simply couldn't be shared publicly.

However, the board need to be aware that even when there's nothing to say / nothing that can be said, you still need to tell people that - no news is still news.

Mind you, the Evening Post would even manage to Fork up "No News", and would turn it into a rumour that we were being taken over by Aliens keen to invest in Earth Football.

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Totally agree with this thread. There has certainly been a marked improvement on all aspects of communication from the club and at a time when we really do all need to pull together to stand any chance of survival this season - the effects of these improvements could prove to be invaluable.

Perhaps next time people are all to quick to jump on the back of people who are effectively new to a job, as they are trying to find their feet and settle into a role - and as is now clear, that they were clearly doing alot of work behind the scenes on stadium matters (yes that's right, committing to spend £40million of Jon's inherritance! to provide our club with the facilities to safeguard our future!)

People might just think twice before berating those that, without whom, Bristol City would be in dire trouble with little or no future to speak of.

Keep up the good work City and well done.

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I for one am loving what the club are doing

I can't listen to Radio Bristol and there will be others like me who can't access local media easily. There will also be those who chose not to read/watch/listen to what local reports come out who live in Bristol. To have woken up and read an email direct from JL has made the difference.

As fans we are being treated as we should be, stakeholders in Bristol City Football Club, if there was no news in a business as far as developments were going, the shareholders would expect to hear that nothing has changed and even what has been done/planned for the next period of time. Engaging with supporters is the easiest and most effective way of raising the levels of engagement between the club and it's fans.

Credit to David Lloyd as well who has obviously done his job liaising with us and getting the right answers.

The noises coming out of AG are all the right ones, now for the results!

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All positive for me also. It was not that long ago (when the clubs accounts where released) that I was beginning to doubt the Lansdown regime. But to be fair
they seem to have admitted they got it very wrong for many years with loose purse strings and are now showing us how the club will recover and move on.
Bright future, I hope with JL: at the helm.

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