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Bristol City And Bristol Rugby Fans Need To Talk And Unite


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I'm not sure that ground ownership is a straightforward City/Rugby choice any more. Both clubs are now owned by Steve Lansdown and 'Bristol Sport' seems to have been created as the company that owns both clubs. The fact that we are now effectively one sporting entity playing two separate sports means that the ground ownership issue is only a small part of the fact that Bristol City and Bristol (rugby) are now the same club and will probably be treated as such. In the long term I would have thought it quite likely that success for one or other of the sports will be to the detriment of the other as finances and focus are channeled in one particular direction.

I for one hope that it's the Football side that finds success first, although this is by no means a given. Having said this I think it would need a massive increase in the popularity of Rugby and it's attendances before they could begin to overshadow Bristol City the Football Club.

The ideal scenario of course, would be for both teams to build and succeed whilst the blue few continue their slide even deeper into obscurity!

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I've been told by a couple of Gasheads that the Rugby fans won't come to the Gate (one reckons its because they all despise City and love the Gas, which is a load of typically deluded bollox really). Like you Sarge, I feel very sorry for them having to leave their spiritual home but like you say, the Gas sold it and SL provided them with a lifeline. If Nick Higgs had put his money into the RFC they would be going to the UWE.

Hopefully any hardcore Gas they lose from their regular attendance will be replaced by new fans from the South Bristol area.

I would draw the line at blue seats but I personally don't think that is likely anyway.

On a seperate issue I think the Mem gates should stay where they are as I believe they are to form part of a memorial garden which has the approval of ex servicemen organisations. The Rugby club and Football club should get together with people like the Royal British Legion and think of a fitting memorial to be installed at AG. A memorial dedicated to sportsmen should really be in a location where sport is played imo.

As a fan of both the sports, I am resigned to the fact of the rugby club playing in a red stadium on the other side of town, but the matchday food and drink issue, as pointed out, I would hope to be addressed for both clubs, as I believe it is probably easily done.

I also very much like your suggestion of a memorial to be installed at the gate/vale.

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As a fan of both the sports, I am resigned to the fact of the rugby club playing in a red stadium on the other side of town, but the matchday food and drink issue, as pointed out, I would hope to be addressed for both clubs, as I believe it is probably easily done.

I also very much like your suggestion of a memorial to be installed at the gate/vale.

Well, the club could start by admitting how bad the current catering is, which they haven't done so far :(

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Personally I don't like rugby and would close the curtains if it was being played in my back garden.

However the thought of Memorial gates to Bristol's war dead being left in a supermarket car park disgusts me and I'd welcome their transfer to outside a revamped Ashton Gate or if the lunatic non Bristolian Green types are ever beaten, at Ashton Vale.

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The memorial gates would be a great touch. It would at least salvage some part of their meaning.

As for the catering, I fear we're stuck with the utter tripe we're served up. It's been bad for a very long time, so long in fact it's clear the club make too much money to care.

Right on the ball on both counts.

Guess what? Glos CCC have signed a six-year contract with the same caterer :grr:

Fortunately the Sportsman/Annexe just round the corner from Nevil Road does excellent food and Thatchers Dry :)

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In all fairness we don't know what the architects are planning or indeed what the majority of Bris Rugby or City fans think - at the least both clubs have to find out what their fans think - it may well not be that big an issue for Rugby fans as they don't like sitting down anyway! (most of them) so the existence of seats is more of an issue than their colour! If City could persuade the authorities to offer safe standing I would think that the average rugby fan would be willing to worry less about seat colouring. Having said that the only way to find out is to talk to each other!

Hasn't safe standing been given the go ahead for trials? thought I read it or saw it on SSN or something

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Hasn't safe standing been given the go ahead for trials? thought I read it or saw it on SSN or something

There is still an active campaign on it from the FSF so I suspect it is not fully cleared yet. I think we announced we wanted to be a trial ground for safe standing - and I think the Bris and City fans can put a bit of weight behind this desire together rather than separately. Given the club's stated desire to test it - I would expect City to be looking for any support it can get from the fans of both sports.

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