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Millwall In Trouble I Think


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Just watched the "Special Report" on Sky News and was on racism

I have to say I had no idea how bad it actually is !

Millwall being the worse by far from what I can see, and even Players running around the changing room wearing "Keep it in Football" just after taking off the "kick it out" shirts off.

Even players abusing there own phisio

I coudnt believe it and well worth a watch if you missed it

And for those that saw it what were your thoughts ?


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Yeah I was gob smacked..

But what a farse:

Diouf Abussed

Dail mail report it

Millwall speak to diouf who the re sinds it

Millwall tell daily mail to remove story

Then Sky turn up with all the evidence

Made them all look dull

You have to wonder if the chairmen/police etc actually give a shit, cause it didnt look like it to me

Nil arrests from that one match ( Have a felling thats about to change) :laugh:

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Was gonna post this. Unbelievable, really shocked me. Blatter was on about relegating teams who's fans are found guilty of racist abuse, which was interesting. Must say though I have never heard any racism at AG.

Going back a bit now but Gary Nelson? Charlton player inthe late 80's early 90's told a story in his autobiography - Left Foot Forward - about some of his black team mates getting bad abuse from City players (in a team that included a few black players), in fact think he said AG was one of the worst places he had witnessed it. Read it years ago so some of the details are a bit fuzzy. Anyone else read this? Anyone remember the black Charlton players that got abused?

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Going back a bit now but Gary Nelson? Charlton player inthe late 80's early 90's told a story in his autobiography - Left Foot Forward - about some of his black team mates getting bad abuse from City players (in a team that included a few black players), in fact think he said AG was one of the worst places he had witnessed it. Read it years ago so some of the details are a bit fuzzy. Anyone else read this? Anyone remember the black Charlton players that got abused?

Used to be really really bad at the Gate, which is why a lot of talented black youngsters went to the Dark Side. The Leroy Rosenior era was a turning point, but at least one City manager since then has a bad reputation in certain circles.

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Still got a fair few arseholes at ashton gate. Individuals granted, who think it is hilarious shouting racial abuse under the heading banter. I've witnessed it from the 70's up to present day. No where near as bad as it was. But anyone who says it doesn't happen at AG are either deaf or deluding themselves.

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Used to be really really bad at the Gate, which is why a lot of talented black youngsters went to the Dark Side. The Leroy Rosenior era was a turning point, but at least one City manager since then has a bad reputation in certain circles.


It pretty much disappeared though when Junior Bent and Wayne Allison arrived.

Devon White used to get awful abuse when playing for the slags v us. However I think it was just general abuse of a crap player who we always made look much better than he actually was (May 1990, just check his bloody goals and the crap defending !)

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Still got a fair few arseholes at ashton gate. Individuals granted, who think it is hilarious shouting racial abuse under the heading banter. I've witnessed it from the 70's up to present day. No where near as bad as it was. But anyone who says it doesn't happen at AG are either deaf or deluding themselves.

You're right, it's nowhere near as bad as it was.

I do get a bit irritated when when TV people bang on about football being racist, or "will football ever rid itself of this evil" etc, etc. All the authorities can do is aspire to make incidents few and far between. Murder is highly illegal in this country, will we ever completely stop that, of course not. As long as there are people, these things will happen.

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Having seen this just put it onto record. I've been going to Ashton Gate for must be nearly a decade, admittedly I don't remember some of the earlier years, but as far as I remember I have never heard anything racist in my time watching. Having said that I sit in the Dolman stand, you don't hear much anyway....

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You're right, it's nowhere near as bad as it was.

I do get a bit irritated when when TV people bang on about football being racist, or "will football ever rid itself of this evil" etc, etc. All the authorities can do is aspire to make incidents few and far between. Murder is highly illegal in this country, will we ever completely stop that, of course not. As long as there are people, these things will happen.

I would quote John Lennon here "First you must learn to smile as you kill, if you want to be one of the folks on the hill". Far sharper than "Imagine", and therefore much less popular with those folks...

Those in the media who accuse football fans of racism are infinitely more racist themselves, but they know how to ensure that they never live next to "ethnics" and that their children are educated in all-white schools, without ever uttering a non-PC word.

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Having seen this just put it onto record. I've been going to Ashton Gate for must be nearly a decade, admittedly I don't remember some of the earlier years, but as far as I remember I have never heard anything racist in my time watching. Having said that I sit in the Dolman stand, you don't hear much anyway....

Took my 7 year old daughter to the Dolman (A block) years ago, Against Brentford.

Haven't been to AG since. It was beyond embarrassing.

Nathan Abbey was in goal for Brentford, and his every touch was greeted with a shout of "GET BACK TO KENYA YOU BLACK ****"

The stewards chose to ignore the perpetrator and his coked-up mates, and whats the point of arguing? I was there with my daughter. And before any smartarses wonder why we were in the Dolman, It's because that was where I saw my first City match many years ago.

So before we condemn Millwall, Look closer to home.

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Took my 7 year old daughter to the Dolman (A block) years ago, Against Brentford.

Haven't been to AG since. It was beyond embarrassing.

Nathan Abbey was in goal for Brentford, and his every touch was greeted with a shout of "GET BACK TO KENYA YOU BLACK ****"

The stewards chose to ignore the perpetrator and his coked-up mates, and whats the point of arguing? I was there with my daughter. And before any smartarses wonder why we were in the Dolman, It's because that was where I saw my first City match many years ago.

So before we condemn Millwall, Look closer to home.

Think its because its been shown it is happening at Millwall now, as far as i'm aware nothing has been exposed at City lately?

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Not racism but homophobia this time: http://www.skysports.com/tv_show/story/0,,20438_7592857,00.html

Really doesn't paint us in the best light, and I think shows that really it's normally a minority that can give the majority a bad name, not to say that Millwall haven't earned their reputation through some pretty terrible behaviour in the past.

Similar topic again and this guy: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00yn08r speaks a lot of sense.

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Millwall being the worse by far from what I can see, and even Players running around the changing room wearing "Keep it in Football" just after taking off the "kick it out" shirts off.

Even players abusing there own phisio

As this claim was made by an unnamed player, was it actually attributed to Millwall, as I thought they didn't name the club concerned, unless I missed it.
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I can't say I saw the report I will whe nI get home tonight,

But I think most clubs have a minority element that are racest us included its human nature and a very sad fact of life,

If there is clear evidance against millwall then the FA and the FL have to act

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As this claim was made by an unnamed player, was it actually attributed to Millwall, as I thought they didn't name the club concerned, unless I missed it.

You are correct and that wasnt very well written by me.

Im pretty sure they were talking about a different club at that time but un-named


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When your good no one remembers, when yr bad no one forgets.

Sky never mention all the fund raising we do for the armed forces. How our player of year voted by the fans is a black Muslim.

I know and u know we r not a racist club we are just an easy target.

No doubt footage of Luton 85 will be played for the rear of week hoping for a repeat.

No one likes us we don't care!

Read more: http://www.millwall.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=102541&start=101&posts=108#ixzz2KfdyvVOA

What gets me is that they're so blinded with their love for their club that they are dismissing any racial problems which are evident at Millwall out of hand and are trying to act like they're being bullied.

Racism is dreadful.

Turning a blind eye to it because it's 'your own' is as bad in my opinion.

I wouldn't condemn any city fan shouting racial slurs just because he's a city fan.

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Took my 7 year old daughter to the Dolman (A block) years ago, Against Brentford.

Haven't been to AG since. It was beyond embarrassing.

Nathan Abbey was in goal for Brentford, and his every touch was greeted with a shout of "GET BACK TO KENYA YOU BLACK ****"

The stewards chose to ignore the perpetrator and his coked-up mates,

So before we condemn Millwall, Look closer to home.

Lets put this into a little bit of context.

You are talking about a point that so far nobody else has mentioned - nobody has any reason to say what you have put was not true.

If you heard this so clearly on so many occasion that day, that if offended you so badly that you have not been back since in nearly six years -I'm curious why you never made a complaint etc to anyone on the day?

The difference with the guy in the Millwall video, was that it happened on more than one occasion, as you clearly have not been near our ground since, how can you say that this person was not banned or this WAS a one off idiot?

The "Section 28" at Millwall assumedly must have some history, to warrant the camera's going in there so often?

On the flip side, yeah what they showed WAS embaressing and cringeworthy, but put into context how many games the camera's went too and how many people would have been in attendance at all those games and they found three instances..... certainly not condoning anything that went on, but that must be less that 1% of those in attendance?

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