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How Good Is The Championship?


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I always read and hear in the press etc about how good a league this is but is it really that good? In recent weeks we have played teams at home (Forest,Watford, Boro, Brighton) who are all near the top and they have barely mustered a chance between them. I have watched every home game and can honestly say I haven't come away thinking wow they are a really good team. Anyone else think the same?

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I always read and hear in the press etc about how good a league this is but is it really that good? In recent weeks we have played teams at home (Forest,Watford, Boro, Brighton) who are all near the top and they have barely mustered a chance between them. I have watched every home game and can honestly say I haven't come away thinking wow they are a really good team. Anyone else think the same?

when del was in charge I was always commenting on how good the other teams are etc

cant work out whats changed it?....

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It terms of quality its undoubtedly inferior to the PL but what it lacks in quality it makes up with excitement and the fact there isn't much between the teams in the whole division. Take Posh winning at Cardiff and Hull earlier this season. You don't results like that very often in the PL.

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the differnce between say top six in the prem and top six in champs would be consistancy-clearly this and obviously less all-round quality in the champs makes it such a great division to watch{and be in}as anyone really can beat anyone..its still a good standard,and i hope to continue to enjoy it!

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