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The Budget: 1P Off A Pint Of Beer

Mr Mosquito

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The Con-Dem government has announced they're taking a penny off the price of a pint of beer and that this will save drinkers 4 pence a pint compared to the last government's plans.

....well, too little too late for many pubs that have been forced out of business due to way too high tax on beer. I'd have gone for taking a £1 off the price of beer and cider sold in pubs financed by stopping the £60 million PER DAY contribution to the European Union project.

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So.... who will you vote for then come next election?

I'll be voting UKIP because they're committed to getting us out of the European Union project. I think George Osborne would have had more room to manoeuver a £1 off a pint of beer and cider and £1 off the price of a packet of 20 cigarettes and 10p off a litre of fuel if he didn't have to give the EU £60 million per day in membership fees. A cut to the foreign aid budgets could also allow a reduction in VAT from 20p to 10p. That would have been my fiscal stimulus to the beleaguered British taxpayer were I the Chancellor. I'd also stop benefits tourism by introducing National Insurance stamps - no stamps = no NHS treatment or social security benefits.

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Of course this 1p saving will be totally undone if alcohol minimum pricing is forced through.

It should have been a £1 off a pint of beer, cider and a packet of 20 cigarettes. I think it's a good idea to get people back in the pubs rather than them drink alone at home. It's a great shame how so many pubs have gone under due to excessive tax on beer, cider and spirits. Pubs and clubs should be exempt from any minimum alcohol pricing to protect and promote the licensing trade. Also, the City planners and other people involved in the demolition of the Wedlocks Pub should be forced to rebuild the pub or have their own homes demolished. :D

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I didnt vote for them, but I think they've done a good job.

The only criticism I would have would be their handling of the 50p tax band and the shambles of the GCSE u turn.

My main criticism is that David Camoron did promise a referendum on our EU membership back in 2009 in this Parliament should he be elected. He was elected so where's my vote on coming out of the EU???!!!! :cool:

I think that the Labour Party actually committed worse treason than the Tories in selling us out to the EU. Tony Blair was even going to sign us up to the EU's €Euro bankster project - had he done so we'd be in the same situation as Cyprus now. If we ever get another Labour government it'll finish us as an independent sovereign nation because they'll completely sell us out to whatever enemy alien organisation can give their leadership the biggest backhanders.

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I'll be voting UKIP because they're committed to getting us out of the European Union project. I think George Osborne would have had more room to manoeuver a £1 off a pint of beer and cider and £1 off the price of a packet of 20 cigarettes and 10p off a litre of fuel if he didn't have to give the EU £60 million per day in membership fees. A cut to the foreign aid budgets could also allow a reduction in VAT from 20p to 10p. That would have been my fiscal stimulus to the beleaguered British taxpayer were I the Chancellor. I'd also stop benefits tourism by introducing National Insurance stamps - no stamps = no NHS treatment or social security benefits.

The fact that this is "ring fenced" is a disgrace.

Foreign aid should have been the first thing to be cut, or even abolished, with the funds saved going to our own pensioners.

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The fact that this is "ring fenced" is a disgrace.

Foreign aid should have been the first thing to be cut, or even abolished, with the funds saved going to our own pensioners.

I reckon if a pensioner has worked from 16 'til 65 - as many have - then that should be £400 per week state pension not around £120 as at present. State Pensions should be based on the National Insurance contributed - the more you've paid in the more you get on an incremental scale to £400. According to David Camoron in 2010, UK welfare rose by 63% since the Euro invasion from Eastern Europe started in 2004. EU migrants work for minimum wages yet claim up to £170 in tax credits and child benefit plus free education and free health care for their families whilst British people sit on the dole being called scroungers and benefit cheats. EU unskilled migrants pay in £30 and take out £170. Please someone tell me where the benefit is to the British taxpayer as I see we have a loss of £140 pounds a week plus extra for the benefit for the unemployed British counterpart.

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