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Why Are We So Good At Home And So Bad Away?


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SOD had done wonders with his team selection and organisation at home but why is it so rubbish away?

We have the same players but he doesn't seem to have a clue how to set us up away from home or how to go for a win.

We have not scored away for ages (OGs excluded) and haven't looked like winning. What is he thinking of? If we are just going to roll over lets go for it, take the game to the opposition as we do at home.

Its a real mystery but he seems to have a total mental block

Any thoughts?

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been absolutely baffled for years on this debate.

Now o driscol is the thinking mans manager. do the right thing . keep doing the right thing again and again.

but why set up differently at home than away its a game of football...same same.. ollox to the crowd psycho advantage etc etc keep doing the right thing ,,performance etc etc ....help . unfathomable what on earth can we be missing . Thing about it is its not just us its everybody . A mystery?????

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been absolutely baffled for years on this debate.

Now o driscol is the thinking mans manager. do the right thing . keep doing the right thing again and again.

but why set up differently at home than away its a game of football...same same.. ollox to the crowd psycho advantage etc etc keep doing the right thing ,,performance etc etc ....help . unfathomable what on earth can we be missing . Thing about it is its not just us its everybody . A mystery?????

it is the home advantage tho,in amature football,other sports its the same,you win home more than away.

look at any olympic games,how many golds would we have won last year if the games were in brazil?

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it is the home advantage tho,in amature football,other sports its the same,you win home more than away.

look at any olympic games,how many golds would we have won last year if the games were in brazil?

But its still a game of football on grass, 11 v 11. There is no excuse for how poor our away form is, We havn't scored a goal (Bar OGs) since SOD has took over. I fail to see how sticking with the same system will result in the 2 away wins needed.

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Its a different mindset away from home. Many managers prefer to play a more cautious style when the onus is on the opposition to be on the front foot at their own place and O'Driscoll is no different. Its partly about being afraid of getting a thumping if a more open formation is employed especially when your team is bottom of the league.

No doubt he'll play one up top at Derby.

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In SOD's defence we were unlucky at Blackpool, comfortable for most the game at Blackburn and should have been more than one up at HT at wolves.

(Admittedly we were beyond awful vs baadiff and palarse.)

Given our position is it any surprise that he is trying to build from a solid foundation at the back? I understand that it's now or never but we can't afford to go and take a hiding even if just for confidence of the players.

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We've played one up front at home and won, so why should away be any different.

Mindset ,human nature you feel different walking around a strange country,city,town,village...

Play at Ashton Gate 23 times the players know the ground, playing surface, fans ect .

Go to an away ground maybe once a season face a better team,home support expect to win,playing surface,whole enviroment set-up .

Wolves is a classic never win there so year after year City go there with a negative attitude defend no matter how poor they are should have been 3 points but we got nothing again..

Proberly why the Yanks and Aussies have a more positive mindset set they play expecting to win.

We compete just happy to be there at all.

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We leave good players out to go defensive, home defenders know they are in for an easy game, with the odd high ball coming at them. Trying to contain teams clearly does not work.

We have the players to keep us up, SoD has managed teams like Bournemouth who have come to the gate and totally outplayed us. So where is this spirit he had.

We need a few away points to compensate our good home form not to pressurize it. Every game should be treated as a home game because games are running out.

If we are still struggling with a couple of games to go this forum will start bringing out the knife brigade again.

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manager sets the side out to be totally defensive away..feel we really should have a pop at bein more agressive for the last four aways-we may as well,if we lost three but came away winners once it would be an improvement,so why not give it a good go..dont think SOD will change his philosophy for one moment tho..

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Was discussing this very topic last night. I'm hoping the difference in how we approach games on the road is merely a reflection on our league position and is not going to be the norm. SOD will come in for some awful stick if the tactics remain the same next season.

Interested to see if the 1 up front tactic remains in place if we need something at Charlton.

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So if SOD sets the team up as he has before for our other away games, we go down.

If he doesn't go more attacking, we go down

If we go for a draw, we go down

Now SOD how do you think we should play? As in your first five games away or try something different? um

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I up front!!

Sean O'Driscoll hates you for saying that. Fool.

I think the home/away results are due to player mentality and the other home crowds put pressure on the team.

Whereas at home, there is more encouragement.

Quite a similar trend in other countries. Most teams can have good home form, but the league is decided on those who can perform away.

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Its a different mindset away from home. Many managers prefer to play a more cautious style when the onus is on the opposition to be on the front foot at their own place and O'Driscoll is no different. Its partly about being afraid of getting a thumping if a more open formation is employed especially when your team is bottom of the league.

No doubt he'll play one up top at Derby.

The question is interesting especially given SODs insistence that process is everything. To be fair, he does say that results should follow if you getthe process right.

So, I think that even SOD will agree that the results away from home have not been acceptable. What about the process though. As far as I can tell he hasn't adjusted the process either. "one up top" as you say. This is unacceptable (using SOD's criteria). The process simply isn't delivering. We went away to a team who had barely won this year, they conceded a bizarre own goal, they had their goalkeeper subbed at half time, and still the "process" wasn't changed to take advantage.

So, if SOD goes "one up top" on Friday, and we lose again (which we will) then I suggest SOD needs to cut the bullshit (which seems to have suckered many on here) and explain why he's got the process right (again).

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The question is interesting especially given SODs insistence that process is everything. To be fair, he does say that results should follow if you getthe process right.

So, I think that even SOD will agree that the results away from home have not been acceptable. What about the process though. As far as I can tell he hasn't adjusted the process either. "one up top" as you say. This is unacceptable (using SOD's criteria). The process simply isn't delivering. We went away to a team who had barely won this year, they conceded a bizarre own goal, they had their goalkeeper subbed at half time, and still the "process" wasn't changed to take advantage.

So, if SOD goes "one up top" on Friday, and we lose again (which we will) then I suggest SOD needs to cut the bullshit (which seems to have suckered many on here) and explain why he's got the process right (again).

I definitely get the impression that So'D has very rigid methods and one of the problems with that is when the method isn't working and your fixed idea's don't have the flexibility to change. What was it Eistein said? 'Madness is when you repeat the same mistakes over again' or something like that

O'Driscoll will go one up top at Derby and its very likely that City will lose narrowly probably by one goal. We'll then beat Wednesday on Monday.

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Perhaps, the problem is that we are the worst team in the league? So, whilst the other teams around us have the capacity to win away from home by 'going for it' we just don't? Perhaps, our best (and only) chance of winning away is to focus on being difficult to beat and trying to nick a result with a winning goal on the break? It seems pretty obvious that this is what SO'D believes - and, as a consequence, I dont see a change to this approach coming any time soon.

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You can't say we haven't looked like winning away if you went to Wolves.

We were in total control at half-time; we looked like we couldn't lose.

They had lost their most dangerous player in Sakho, the whole team couldn't put 2 passes together, the crowd were on their backs before the break and we should have been three up.

If you judge us by 45 minutes we certainly looked like winning.

Nerves and confidence lost us that game. We sat back and looked scared and then Wolves got their tails up. In the home games against Watford and Boro we stuck to a plan but at wolves we reverted to type ie long ball.

If we can get our belief and confidence back we can stay up.

I fear a Derby side who play lovely attractive football and another panic setting in and by Easter Monday we could be further adrift. I just hope I am wrong.

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Well in his recent interview fans concerns must have been put to him........

However, some of his tactics have been questioned. "Football is stuck in such a rut," he said. "You go from zonal marking to man-marking with the players, and it's, 'Oh my God, why are we doing that?' They're very difficult animals. And the supporters are the same. If you play one up front, like every top team in the world, if you do it in the lower divisions you are looked at as negative. If we play two up front, we get murdered in midfield, but those nuances get lost. With what we've got, and what we can and should achieve, this is the way to do it."

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In my opinion the reason why we have been so good at home recently only dropping 2 points against brighton (I believe? under sod) is a combination of us supporters thinking right a new start lets just go for it and good management by Sean himself. Not getting to carried away and doing the basics.

This season has shown me phases of playing fearing playing at home and fearing playing away. I don't know whether its the same with other teams I guess it is but football player and any sporting personel will generally performe better if encouraged you only have to look at the performances of Marvin Elliot recently to see this.

However away from home. You look at Leeds United and Leicester City both had excellent support down at AG and I believe Leeds won 3-2 and Leicester 4-0, as well as both of these teams being very good on their day and unfortunatly they were.

But my main point is its all about confidence when playing football, Marv Elliot is a prime example. How do you get confidence? Support from fans and management.

After that it becomes 11 v 11.

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Was discussing this very topic last night. I'm hoping the difference in how we approach games on the road is merely a reflection on our league position and is not going to be the norm. SOD will come in for some awful stick if the tactics remain the same next season.

Interested to see if the 1 up front tactic remains in place if we need something at Charlton.

Remember he was manager at Doncaster when they came to AG and scored six, don't remember that display being particularly defensive! I'm sure it's because he's worked out the limitations of the squad but hasn't had time to sort it out this season, other than the defence. However, would be nice if Baldock could be included, for me he's one of the few players that has looked more effective away from home when he's been used (eg Sheff Wed).

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Remember he was manager at Doncaster when they came to AG and scored six, don't remember that display being particularly defensive! I'm sure it's because he's worked out the limitations of the squad but hasn't had time to sort it out this season, other than the defence. However, would be nice if Baldock could be included, for me he's one of the few players that has looked more effective away from home when he's been used (eg Sheff Wed).

I do remember yes , I could have sworn it was only 5 though !

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Cant afford to take a hiding eh? Good call

In SOD's defence we were unlucky at Blackpool, comfortable for most the game at Blackburn and should have been more than one up at HT at wolves.

(Admittedly we were beyond awful vs baadiff and palarse.)

Given our position is it any surprise that he is trying to build from a solid foundation at the back? I understand that it's now or never but we can't afford to go and take a hiding even if just for confidence of the players.

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