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Working In Qatar When The World Cup Is On.....

beijing red

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worked in Abu Dhabi and my experience there was that it's very very hot at certain points in the year - July August is impossible - most Arabs who can, go abroad!

the housing in AD was actually very expensive and average apartments could cost a hell of a lot. - the place was being constantly rebuilt and the mess and dust were everywhere.

i imagine that Quatar will follow suite as their investment fund is now waking up and pre world cup they will want to outdo their neighbours.

AD tolerated drinking in hotels (and at home if you bought a license) but don't overstep the boundries of whats acceptable, as there is a no tolerance for breaking the law - you will be banged up or shipped out quicker than you can believe.

the employment laws were complex and you had to do a few years in order to get the tax exemption that exists. The visa laws are also always shifting and its not unusual to get stuck getting in and out of the country for reasons that are not of your making!

Dubai was more relaxed, but i didn't like it at all.

my advice is to read up on where you are as much as possible - take the time to figure out what is expected of you and how you need to behave - boring, but it pays to know your surroundings and be respectful, that way you'll get on much better with the locals.

make friends with locals & go visit the lebanon & Jordan if possible, its actually really amazing.

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Don't go to Israel either or you will face all kinds of BS coming back.

I went to Qatar in 2009 (for the England v Brazil friendly) with four Israeli stamps in my passport, which the border official saw, and didn't have any problems - neither did any of the two or three thousand England fans who would have been at that game who were also in Tel Aviv for the Israel v England qualifier in 2007.

Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen would be a different story (no entry to any of those if you've got an Israeli stamp) but Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman are all fine (I've been to all three), as, I believe, is Jordan.

As I understand it, relations between Qatar and Israel aren't half as bad as some would have you believe - I keep hearing people say 'what would happen if Israel qualify for the 2022 World Cup' - answer, there wouldn't be a problem.

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Assalam alaykum BR!

I live and work in Dubai and spend a lot of time travelling around the Gulf, and ME in general. Distance from AG aside, it's great. (Although actually would bring you closer to home?!)

There are some quite terrifying points made in the posts above concerning human rights and, whilst it's true that Dubai is by far the most relaxed/ Westernised place in the region, I've not seen first hand any examples of the above. I have heard stories from friends concerning, eg, deportation for drunkennes, but are all several (5+) years old. Qatar in particular is trying to build its reputation as a financial hub and as a result is nowhere near as strict as, for eg, KSA. They don't get everything right and there are inevitable teething problems as cultural borders are opened up, but I think you'll find the Qataris to be widely welcoming. Comments re respecting local cultures are well made (and should be obvious... but us Brits aren't typically great at this).

There are some good points made above re visas and working restrictions, but a lot is dependent upon who you are working for. Local family businesses tend to be a little more archaic in working flexibility when compared with western companies. (I work for one of the big global accounting firms here, and it's just like working in London.) Certainly none of my friends have had to hand their passports in, but I know that labourers who move from less-developed countries aren't afforded the same freedoms. If you're in any kind of vaguely managerial role I shouldn't have thought that any of that would be an issue for you.

Socially, Qatar is nowhere near as relaxed as Dubai. I see some things here at the weekend that would make most of Bristol on a Saturday night blush! But I think Qatar is still fairly fun if you know where to look. The expat community is really welcoming.

If you want to chat more I'm happy to do so - send me a pm on here.



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