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Financial Situation?

Fanatic Red

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Whats the financial situation for next season? will we be completely struck for cash and have to sale all of our remaining assets and rely on kids like Plymouth a couple of seasons ago? or will we be able to keep some of our decent players and add quality to them in a bid to bounce back up quickly? could administration possibly be on the cards? what impact will FFP have and how will it affect us? will we even be able to compete with other league 1 clubs?

Whats the deal as i'm a little worried...

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from what i have read league one teams will only be able to spend 60% of their turnover on wages.

last year our turnover was about 12M - about 4M of that came from gate receipts and ST sales. who knows what our turnover would be in league one but if we guess 8M then 60% of that would be 4.8M

guessing even more figures, if we had 30 players at the start of next season it would work out that an average wage would be about 3k per week to break even.

to put things into perspective, last years accounts showed 34 players on our books averaging about 9k per week (though we don't know how much of the overall wages were spent on non playing staff). this is why we lost 14M and why changes have been made.

imo, we should be ok next year as so many players are ooc, but our success will depend on being able to move on the high earners (fonts, kilkenny) and recruiting players which offer good value for money. if we can do this we should be ok, as our gate receipts, sponsorship income should exceed most teams in league one, despite SL saying our facilities are that of a lower end league one or high end league two club.

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Well the OP has so far proved himself a tit by playing an April fools joke in March that nobody fell for, suggested we get over it an move on and now this.

Ironically, the OP has actually inspired some worthwhile posts which is cool.

I would like to take this moment to remind the OP that although we have our problems, we are off the scale in relation to you and your inability to play your part in a competitive, wholesome rivalry over the last 12 years or so.

While we've been off at places like Newcastle, Wolves and West Ham trying to put our city on the footballing map, you've been slugging it out at the likes of Rochdale, Burton and Dagenham.

The obvious retort is a pop at Steve Landowne an a £40M debt but I don't think it is any coincidence that Bristol's most successfull business man should be a City fan and not one of you blue few. I also have faith that he will not leave City high and dry, even if it is to cost him 40 million quid.

You on the other hand had a milkman, or something. It's been so long now I don't know what's going on at the rugger patch. Our situation has suddenly had you out the weeds, like slugs when it rains so you'll have to update me.

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I think the fair play rules could be bad for us in one way but could also be a good thing in cutting out the terrible waste we have shown in the past few seasons. Just look at the 1 million loss on Trundle just as one example. It is time we started looking at having players who are value for money and showed pride in the shirt. I am fed up of those that are with us for the pay rather than for the privilege in pulling on the shirt and putting their all into every game.

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The thing that puzzles me is how come you don't hear any other teams going on about FFP

Well, it hasn't come in yet for the Championship but FFP is already applicable for League One and Two clubs.

As far as I know there is no 'grace' period for clubs and so we will have to comply with the '60% rule' as of next season in League One.

As stated above the maths don't look great. Turnover of approx £12 million and last year our wage bill was approx £18 million?

So you're looking at us having to knock approx £10 million off the wage bill this summer??

That seems like an extremely tall order to me even with many players out of contract. Maybe existing contracts do have a significant wage drop clause if we go down?

All speculation at the moment, but you suspect the club will definitely look to move some of the higher earners on and bring in young, hungry talent from the lower leagues.

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Thr rules are explained here:


For League One we are only allowed to spend 60% of our turnover on wages. This season it is over 100%! However the only sanction is a transfer embargo so if lots of players go and we're still in breach of the rules we'll be forced to use Academy players, probably why SO'D is getting as many as possible out on loan now. At least we won't be fined millions like we could have been if we'd stayed in the Championship - assuming we don't make a miraculous recovery of course.

In a way if we go down it will give us some time to sort out wages to ensure we comply with the rules when we return to the Championship.

In the Championship the rules only start next season, that's why some clubs are ignoring it this year, however they could have problems if they have highly paid players on long contracts.

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Well the OP has so far proved himself a tit by playing an April fools joke in March that nobody fell for, suggested we get over it an move on and now this.

Ironically, the OP has actually inspired some worthwhile posts which is cool.

I would like to take this moment to remind the OP that although we have our problems, we are off the scale in relation to you and your inability to play your part in a competitive, wholesome rivalry over the last 12 years or so.

While we've been off at places like Newcastle, Wolves and West Ham trying to put our city on the footballing map, you've been slugging it out at the likes of Rochdale, Burton and Dagenham.

The obvious retort is a pop at Steve Landowne an a £40M debt but I don't think it is any coincidence that Bristol's most successfull business man should be a City fan and not one of you blue few. I also have faith that he will not leave City high and dry, even if it is to cost him 40 million quid.

You on the other hand had a milkman, or something. It's been so long now I don't know what's going on at the rugger patch. Our situation has suddenly had you out the weeds, like slugs when it rains so you'll have to update me.

Someone needs to take their tablets...

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Its been said a few times by Mcinnes/Lansdown jnr that our wage bill for this season has been radiaclly slashed from that of last season (the £16million people talk of). So our wage bill this year is not £16million. I believe it was said that it was slashed by at least £4 million, may have been down to £4million im not sure.

I know Mcinnes said figures on talksport but i can't remember exactly. He said something along the lines of " Big challenge to compete when wage bill went from £16mil to 4"

A quick google later (otib mcinnes on talksport). Mcinnes said he halved the wage bill. So down to £8million already.

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Its been said a few times by Mcinnes/Lansdown jnr that our wage bill for this season has been radiaclly slashed from that of last season (the £16million people talk of). So our wage bill this year is not £16million. I believe it was said that it was slashed by at least £4 million, may have been down to £4million im not sure.

I know Mcinnes said figures on talksport but i can't remember exactly. He said something along the lines of " Big challenge to compete when wage bill went from £16mil to 4"

Must be £4 million off mate.

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Well, it hasn't come in yet for the Championship but FFP is already applicable for League One and Two clubs.

As far as I know there is no 'grace' period for clubs and so we will have to comply with the '60% rule' as of next season in League One.

As stated above the maths don't look great. Turnover of approx £12 million and last year our wage bill was approx £18 million?

So you're looking at us having to knock approx £10 million off the wage bill this summer??

That seems like an extremely tall order to me even with many players out of contract. Maybe existing contracts do have a significant wage drop clause if we go down?

All speculation at the moment, but you suspect the club will definitely look to move some of the higher earners on and bring in young, hungry talent from the lower leagues.

Even more stupid, we were one of the clubs that pushed it through... obviously thought we were going to be good enough to stay up and put our house in order in the Champ! oh dear, looks like the wheels will fall off if this is the case.

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I had a quick look and he said he halved it. So would be £8mil.

He also said Wilson and foster were good footballers.

I guess we wait and see until the annual accounts come out. I wouldn't rely on a plucked out the air throwaway figure just yet.

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Even more stupid, we were one of the clubs that pushed it through... obviously thought we were going to be good enough to stay up and put our house in order in the Champ! oh dear, looks like the wheels will fall off if this is the case.

didn't 88 of the 92 league clubs vote in favour of it? or a clear majorty did nayway,

anyway putting our house in order is the right thing to do regardless of whatever league we are in

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I had a quick look and he said he halved it. So would be £8mil.

If that's true , and I'm not suggesting you're lying , the newer crop of players must be on less wages than we all thought , which augurs well for hanging on to them next season.

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didn't 88 of the 92 league clubs vote in favour of it? or a clear majorty did nayway,

anyway putting our house in order is the right thing to do regardless of whatever league we are in

Not sure how many in the end, i know we were all for it. i just wonder right now how all for it we might have been given the 60% figure we now have to try and hit with no leeway for relegation (of course if we go down!)

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If that's true , and I'm not suggesting you're lying , the newer crop of players must be on less wages than we all thought , which augurs well for hanging on to them next season.

Just going by what has been said. Im sure at the AGM the chairman (cant think of his name) also said the wage bill was down alot on previous.

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If that's true , and I'm not suggesting you're lying , the newer crop of players must be on less wages than we all thought , which augurs well for hanging on to them next season.

McInnes was adamant that the players he signed in the summer would not 'bleed the club dry' and were on less money than the players that departed last summer ie Damion Stewart etc how much though, we don't know.

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Confusion reigns supreme!

Our £14M loss in 2011/12 was £2M above the FFP target for that season but no sanctions are to be applied

The Championship FFP target for 2012/13 is a loss of £10M which the Chairman was "hopeful" of achieving - this would plainly require a £4M cut in the wage bill which may have been achieved by getting LJ, DS, NM, NH, JCR and KC off the books with expensive buy-outs in 2011/12 and reduced profligacy on loans. I anticipate we will report a loss in the region of £10M and a wage bill in the region of £12-13M for this season. I am sure that DMcI's "cut by half" comment was a combination of medium-term requirement, exaggeration and simply ploughing his own furrow.

For next season in League 1 (if there is no period for adjustment following relegation allowed) we will be permitted to spend 60% of revenue on wages - overall losses will not be relevant. What will the revenue be? - for the last three seasons it has been around £11M but it will immediately fall by £2M as a consequence of losing the the Championship TV money and I suspect by a further £1M in reduced earning potential - so perhaps £8M is realistic allowing a wage bill of around £5M. If this is correct then a further cut of more than 50% will be required.

I have no idea what sort of reduction is written into the players' contracts but I would be amazed if it's more than 25%.

Of course we will be helped by high earners being out of contract and by others (Davies, Baldock, Cunningham etc.) seeking a move away to maintain their current living standards.

We will also be helped in the transfer market by a higher than average earning potential in League 1 and by other clubs facing up to the same restrictions. However, I think it is safe to assume that we will not be in any position to sign players from clubs in the top two divisions. The real impact of FFP should be a long overdue reduction in salaries paid to mediocre players across all leagues but we should not underestimate the initial pain of its introduction - more refusals to sign contracts (KC. CS etc.) more short-term contracts (MW) and greater reliance on subsidised Premier League loans, .

Is there a threat of administration? - seems less likely than at present given that if we are able to achieve the League 1 FFP target straight away it is probable we will be able to break even overall from 2013/14 onwards - so provided SL is willing to stomach the 2012/13 loss and provided he does not demand repayment of amounts already owed to him we should be OK.

On this analysis there is some cause for medium-term optimism - if SO'D is able to build a competitive team/squad (and I mean safe from further relegation threat rather than immediately challenging at the top) in these circumstances we should be in a position to come back stronger based on higher end League 1 crowds/revenue once FFP has bedded in across the league.

I for one will welcome the club becoming more dependent on its supporters than on its rich benefactor as perhaps we can again feel part of it.

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You should be ok provided you don't have a ridiculous injury list like we had where all our high earners had long term injuries. With the new rules it makes it very difficult to replace those players unless you can get some loans in that only require you to pay part of their wages.

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You should be ok provided you don't have a ridiculous injury list like we had where all our high earners had long term injuries. With the new rules it makes it very difficult to replace those players unless you can get some loans in that only require you to pay part of their wages.

That just gave me a horrible image in my head of us going cap in hand to clubs like Palace and asking for a loan of there outcasts. :crying: What have we become!

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