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Cost Cutting.

timothy bird

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Welcome to the forum. You're very welcome to express your views, they will be criticised as will you. You are correct to question what's happening at our club.

Some people are employed at our club for their administrative abilities, the fact they know jack shit about football, it's supporters, or how to deal with the people that have colluded against our club in it's plans and the effect of their decisions on the football and fan side, means absolutely nothing. They know how to balance the books, somewhat Beeching like.

They know how to balance the books? That's a joke, right?

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I didn't have inter net access when we were at wembley or in mid table. Sorry. I have very strong opinions about city. I don't expect everybody to agree with me. But I would like to express them to my fellow supporters hopefully in a respectful way.

Welcome to the forum. Post whatever you like and ignore those people who can't bear to see any aspect of the club criticised, even though the club is a joke from top to bottom.

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They know how to balance the books? That's a joke, right?

The people mentioned don't sign the players or agree their exhorbitant wages so they're millions adrift to start with. They adminster the rest of the club but as far as I can tell, without any knowledge of football, it's fans or the knock on effect of those decisions. So you can bet your life they balance the books they deal with.

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Welcome to the forum. You're very welcome to express your views, they will be criticised as will you. You are correct to question what's happening at our club.

Some people are employed at our club for their administrative abilities, the fact they know jack shit about football, it's supporters, or how to deal with the people that have colluded against our club in it's plans and the effect of their decisions on the football and fan side, means absolutely nothing. They know how to balance the books, somewhat Beeching like.

Brilliant analogy. They'll fornicate up the club without the vaguest idea of what they're destroying.

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