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Soon As Ye Seen This Years Kit


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I don't think it's been mentioned, but when Don Review became manager of Leeds United in the early 1960s, one of the first things he did was radically change the club colours, from blue and yellow to all white, the colours of the then invincible Real Madrid. You can debate the extent to which this contributed to the creation of one of the most successful sides in English football history, but it would be a brave man who claimed it had no effect at all. I do think the strip matters: I think it expresses aspirations, and the current strip straight away said 'We're not serious about doing well in this league'. Psychology is a huge part of any sport, and the notion of being proud to pull on the jersey has at least in part a literal element to it. Also, I wonder what goes through opponents minds when they line up and see our shirts. Perhaps its "They look a bit crap, we can beat this lot". None of this is going to make a good team bad, or vice versa, but maybe, just maybe, with a better strip, we might have done better this year.

On an equally controversial issue, I also believe that Alvaro Saborio's mistake was having his hair cut. Never the same player after that, which I think was something to do with how he appeared to defenders. He seemed to become smaller and less imposing, and I think defenders were more confident that they could deal with him.

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Grown men caring about kit colours. Amazing really.

I think you've underestimated the age of users on here!

The only thing I would say, I can't believe Blackthorn would be happy with how hard it is to read their sponsor on the shirt

Additionally, looking back to the start of the season, I wonder what everyone else saw to make us favourites for relegation

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