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Do The Players Care?

Forza Revolution

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1) I would wager that your employees were not on X thousand pounds per week, and were in all likelihood wondering how to continue to pay for the roof over their head and the food on the table.

2) I would also wager that although your customers may very well have paid a percentage of their wages, those customers would not have paid to sit and witness your employees (their representatives) not giving a flying **** and generally doing the bare minimum half (no, quarter) arsed job.

Yes, you are right in what you say! Like i say not trying to make excuses for them, i just think the working ethos in this country revolves around getting as much as one can for as little work possible. One could argue some people who work in the city (bankers etc) earn much much more than professional footballers.....and that their greed has let down a whole nation!

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