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Otib Awards!

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Award No.1

The most 'banging head against the wall' smileys used this season goes to................

Aizoon and Horace, Congratulations

The (deservedly) Underrated Scout award goes to....................

The Jock, Well Done and keep unearthing the hidden Scottish Gems

The most comical thread of the season award goes to...........

The guy at The Avon Gorge Hotel, Who is still trying to upload the pictures as we speak!

feel free to add your award and the winner below :)

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The " My best friend is a stuffed toy that I think is alive" lifetime achievement award goes to....

...Congratulations Aiz

And the "My best friend is a human BCFC supporter who ruined my life by getting me involved" lifetime award goes to...

...Congratulations, Horace.

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Post of the year has to go to Brian Butterfield for his gif about marvin elliot: http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?/topic/154261-gifs-that-sum-players-up/

A close 2nd being Barnsley Tyke in the classic thread: Be afraid, be very afraid

Maybe there ought to be a Best Visitor in Peace award. Barnsley Tyke would certainly be in t'running. And his whippet ;)

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I don't disagree with everything you say but think a chap your age should know better. You know what you do an at times, it comes across as a tad sad. You're a big man though,, with thick skin, so I'm sure you can live with my views.

The other robbo-red is good value, Timbo7, CodeRed, Nibor plus others also provide quality input..

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The Goon Attempting Standout History Extrudes Abject Diatribe Award goes to Confirmedrobin.

'Saddest sadsag who has now thankfully f###ed off (hopefully to contemplate the realities of his own club)' would be my nomination award for him.

It's a unique prestige but given they were that unaware as to how sad a sad sag they came across, in City facade, they deserve it. confirmedmoron even started squealing like a bitch when having the piss taken back.

One compensation of our relegation was them riggling back out for five minutes. They provided a good channel for aggression.

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Otib inner circle award - to anyone who posts more than 10-15 times a day.

Can't give a full list as many are 'ignored' :handbags:

However best poster it Dezgimed due to being honest and not coming up with 'conspiracy' ideas to point fingers and blame using hindsight.

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