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So The New Kit Is Going To Be 3 Fans Faces Then


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He wouldnt turn up, was only interested in the publicity when we were going to the prem.

5 years later, and not a dicky bird.

A convicted woman-beater would be SUCH good press for a relegated football team right now.

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For that authentic fan look I hope they capture the new shirt being modelled by a half cut natch clutching beer belly hanging out pie stained torn jeans flies open tattooed up stone island cap wearing ratners gold chain lugging scarred chin knuckle dragging ex hoolie meathead.

I would then buy one.

Just dont give me any of that Kelly Brook in her pants type promotion.

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Lots have said that the current crop of players aren't fit to wear the shirt so it seems a natural and safer choice to get fans to model the new kit. At least we can be sure that they'll still be at AG next season!

Fans Calendar next, I wonder. Bags me August - where are my Speedos?

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Although the sentiment is honourable......the end result could be really embarressing :blush:

The young and impressionable will always be more enticed to buy a shirt if their local hero is sporting it so i would tend to agree with you; - it will, on the face of it, do nothing for sales other than to send them down. Having said that I am not party to the sales figures for this seasons dog turd kit so perhaps if they sported a pig, sheep and cow wearing the shirts the sales would go up from such a low point.

Thinking about it, having animals, down on the farm, sporting the new kit is not a bad publicity tool especially if you hire the Wurzels for half a days shoot.

Why oh why do they not hire a wizard like me.. i'd guarantee to increase their sales.

Dear oh dear, another disastrous decision by the silent and anonymous board.


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