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Tom Heaton


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Would you say no if you did OK at your job but overall as a team your year end results were bad enough you all had to take a paycut, but a company producing better results and a higher level of work approached you offering you more money?

Sorry but I do wish folk would stop trotting the same old....... 'what if you were offered more money' (tripe statement In my opinion).

It is fair to say many might just up sticks and go but there are some that take more than just money in to consideration in life (maybe not footballers or either other professions)

For me it's more about being content or having a sense of purpose in what I do......... you only need so much money to cover your basic living needs and most pro-footballers have a lot more than your average fan.

Why do we not all leave Bristol City FC and go & support a cheaper team (same but different)

Because there is more to life than saving a few quid too and it's not all about money is it?

One would hope that Tom just has the desire to play at a higher level than we can offer him and I think that is about the measure of the man?

We do not know what he has been offered.

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Wow, some people post some utter shite on here!

Could it be infact that he would like to stay, but we have offered him a 1 year deal whereas burnley have offered him longer (2 years I believe, but could be 3) and that is why he he feels need to move. NOT because of money or even division, although obviously that is a bonus.

If we matched burleys contract offer, he would stay, bar some major offer from elsewhere. I understand why we don't want to commit longer term to a high wage, but I also understand that he has the security for his family to take into account. First team football is main priority, followed by length of contract.

Stop slagging people/players off when you know nothing about the circumstances!

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Agree with dorset cider +its all relative. If my money was reduced from £100 per week to £50 per week it would be a huge blow. But if as in heatons case it was reduced from ( say) £14,000 per week to ( say) £7,000 per week I think I could just about struggle by!

Like you say, it's all relative. Generally you have more the likelyhood is you have more to lose. Maybe much larger mortgage/s and other investments. A percentage loss of income for most will effect each the same way.
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Widely reported that he's been offered a contract here at the same time as Nyatanga - media, official site, SOD.

I'm not sure why anyone would claim the club haven't offered him anything.

It's fact, from a particular horses mouth, that whilst the club have had discussions, expressed interest in keeping them and have made verbal offers, none of them have been offered anything in writing yet.
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It's fact, from a particular horses mouth, that whilst the club have had discussions, expressed interest in keeping them and have made verbal offers, none of them have been offered anything in writing yet.

Following relegation I don't think we need to get hung up on whether a written offer has been made. The players and their agents will know the financial impact of relegation so a verbal offer will probably be more than suifficent for a player like Heaton determine how much better off he would be financially,, let alone playing championship football.

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Not a bad keeper at all, but I for one would like to see a giant beast of a keeper that dominates the box.

Our fragile defence needed help in that department, which was not forth comming from heaton. So quite

pleased he is off to the scenic Burnley.

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Has he actually signed for Burnley yet?

No one can sign for anyone until transfer window opens. Out of contract players can sign "agreements" but NOT sign for a club.

For example if we are going for an in-contract Goalkeeper from H'pool we will have to wait for Transfer window to open. This in turn causes people to consistanly stress on OTIB and panic when the window isn't even open.

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No one can sign for anyone until transfer window opens. Out of contract players can sign "agreements" but NOT sign for a club.

For example if we are going for an in-contract Goalkeeper from H'pool we will have to wait for Transfer window to open. This in turn causes people to consistanly stress on OTIB and panic when the window isn't even open.

OK, better question. Has Heaton actually signed an agreement with Burnley yet?

City & Ipswich both confirmed when Skuse signed there. I haven't seen anything similar for Heaton yet.

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OK, better question. Has Heaton actually signed an agreement with Burnley yet?

City & Ipswich both confirmed when Skuse signed there. I haven't seen anything similar for Heaton yet.

Judging by the fact that Burnley put a story up just about having talks, I am in doubt that if any deal was done they would announce it straight away

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Rumour on twitter that he has failed to agree terms.

I know it's twitter and should not be read into too much......

Probably wants guaranteed 1st team football, the only club he has been 1st choice is at BCFC.

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Good luck to Heaton if he does end up signing for Burnley. He will have made the right decision for himself and his family. Probably the right decision for BCFC. I'm sure we'll get an equally good keeper in for lower wages.

Why slag him off? Most people are ambitious. Why should he not prefer higher level football and more income? Most footballers do - unless they have no ambition, or are not good enough or are scared to make a change, or have strong ties in the area they don't want to break. Nothing wrong with that either - we all have different needs, desires, dreams.

And why do fans expect players to be loyal to the point of - in BCFC's situation - to accept playing in a lower division and taking less money. It's a job! Yes - be loyal to the club while you are contracted - work hard, give 100%. If the player has done that then at the end of a contract he is free to make the right decision for himself. Undying loyalty is unfortunately very rare in the world of football. It's surprising more people can't accept this. Good luck to Heaton. He did a good job for us in a very difficult season.

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I wouldn't say I wanted to stay to my customers and stab them in the back a week later

Plus is conceding 84 goals doing ok at you're job as a goalkeeper!?

Clearly didn't go to many games then, Heaton did make a few mistakes, but anyone one would with our defence and midfield

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Good luck to him. I can't understand why anyone is surprised, he's plenty good enough to play in the Championship so he was always going to stay there.

What I dont understand is why SO'D has released Gerken and Lewis Carey when he knew Heaton would be off. Now we have to start all over again trying to find a decent keeper, when Gerken would have been a great keeper in League 1.


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Good luck to him. I can't understand why anyone is surprised, he's plenty good enough to play in the Championship so he was always going to stay there.

What I dont understand is why SO'D has released Gerken and Lewis Carey when he knew Heaton would be off. Now we have to start all over again trying to find a decent keeper, when Gerken would have been a great keeper in League 1.


There could be 101 good reasons - the most likely being:

  • management/coaching team do not think either are adequate and hence either Heaton or someone else must be signed in any event to be first choice
  • Gerkin unwilling to accept another season as understudy
  • Gerkin unwilling to stay at any price

Unless management / coaching team think Gerkin is good enough to be first choice (which indications suggest they do not) his retention or otherwise has nothing whatsoever to do with whether Heaton is/was prepared to stay.

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"I want to stay" City fans sung for you most of the game at Charlton to sign a new deal, few quid more and off you shoot, will be booing you if you return to the Gate in the future, disgrace imo.


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