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Jamie Mcallister - Fame At Last

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Our former fav has reached new heights at last.

He's 'pictured' in this mornings Sun - in the Striker cartoon - hacking down and an

opponent in the play-off final at Wembley.

A premonition anyone ???????

I've never seen " being in the sun" as any kind of fame. I would be ashamed if I was ever in that piece of shit.
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I liked McAllister. A good, dependable full back who always gave 110% in my opinion. Yes he did have a tendency to hoof the ball aimlessly out of defence, but ultimately, it's better than trying, and failing, to play it around an oncoming defender and getting caught out. (We've seen our fair share of that!). They can't score from 60 yards away from goal! :laugh:

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In my opinion he was under-rated, plus it was a very negative comment about an ex-City player who I felt put in a shift for us.

I was 'negative' about McAllister when he was playing for us. Why should my view be any different now?

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If any of our current squad had 50% of the desire Mac had then we wouldn't be I our position now. If they applied themselves by 25% of Mac's application ditto.

Yes, limited as a Championship full back but who's got a better chance of playing championship football next year, Mac or our current bunch of wasters?

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In my opinion he was under-rated, plus it was a very negative comment about an ex-City player who I felt put in a shift for us.

Massively under rated player. He could defend, he led and organised.... 3 things that went missing from our team last season. We're relegated an he may well get promoted, read into that what you will.

Cunningham is, no doubt, technically a better player (and a good signing)but lacks the spirit, attitude and experience McAllister brought us. You need at least 2 or 3 strong characters/organisers/leaders in any team (not just football but life in general). Look at our last successful team - packed full of them.

I glad that SOD and Burt are talking about character in addition to ability.

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Robbo only dis-likes him because he played for one of our most sucsessful managers in recent times during one of our most sucsessful periods in recent times and was part of one of our best defences in recent times,

We could of done with his leadership and orginisation this season,

You don't know what you've got until its gone

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Massively under rated player. He could defend, he led and organised.... 3 things that went missing from our team last season. We're relegated an he may well get promoted, read into that what you will.

Cunningham is, no doubt, technically a better player (and a good signing)but lacks the spirit, attitude and experience McAllister brought us. You need at least 2 or 3 strong characters/organisers/leaders in any team (not just football but life in general). Look at our last successful team - packed full of them.

I glad that SOD and Burt are talking about character in addition to ability.

Id rather than Cunningham than any other left back in the ChMpionship, let alone league1.

Mccallister towards the end started to get found out at championship level.

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If any of our current squad had 50% of the desire Mac had then we wouldn't be I our position now. If they applied themselves by 25% of Mac's application ditto.

Yes, limited as a Championship full back but who's got a better chance of playing championship football next year, Mac or our current bunch of wasters?


Simply compare his attitude to so many who "played" for us this season.

McAllister was a hugely underrated player whilst with us, I remember the Leicester game (under McInnes) when Jamie ran 20 yards to give Jermaine Beckford a mouthful as he was being subbed, that sort of will to win was totally absent this year...

Also does anyone seriously think the back four of our first season up (Orr, Carey, McCombe and him) would have been so pathetically spineless as last season's?

As for these alleged "aimless hoofs" when he was paired with the equally underrated McIndoe our left hand side was excellent, as of course despite what some might claim, were our results.

The very best of luck to him and GJ this weekend.

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Some people on here are such clueless *****!!!! . If McAllister wasn't playing to the team tactics he would have been dropped from the team. He was however obviously told to play those long balls and in actual fact was and still is if you watched the Yeovil games on TV a very capable player.

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Some people on here are such clueless *****!!!! . If McAllister wasn't playing to the team tactics he would have been dropped from the team. He was however obviously told to play those long balls and in actual fact was and still is if you watched the Yeovil games on TV a very capable player.

he only started to play the long ball when we didn't have a outlet on the left wing and he had to do two players jobs

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Being a 'solid pro' and 'always gave his best' are admirable qualities but McAllister was never a 'solid full back'. His positional sense ( despite all his experience ) was woeful and cost City goals not least because he'd get found out and concede a penalty. His distribution was terrible and unless the pass was no more than 10 yds he rarely found a City shirt.

Some fans have blinkered or rosy view of our ex-players that is nowhere near reality.

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he only started to play the long ball when we didn't have a outlet on the left wing and he had to do two players jobs

This, we have gone through this debate with Robbered before, he can't grasp this fact.

Most of us saw what was happening on the pitch, some couldn't!

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Serious question, is there any player that's played for us over the last ten years, that you have actually liked and supported?

Where to start?

Scott Murray, Cole Skuse, Paul Hartley, Adriano Basso. The best in their positions that I've seen in the last 10 years. More recently I'd go for Jon Stead.

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Thinking of Mac back then he did put in 100% most of the time, the trouble was he was lacking some ability, positional sense not too good, and a number of goals were conceded by too many opposing players getting past him and behind him, a number because he was out of position. Trouble is, if you compare him with some of the defenders we have had recently Mac wasn't so bad in retrospect!

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He was a fighter for us, never got the credit he deserved but that's the way on here. Never say die attitude and gave us good balance. I wouldn't want to play against him.

I really liked Jamie Mac - loved his feistiness, however in his last season with us it was completely obvious he'd lost his pace.

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I agree with the positive stuff. Mac was a great player for us; tough, reliable, solid, dependable, always had the desire.

Hoofing 50-yard aimless balls? Rubbish. Some of his passing and crossing was top-drawer; sometimes the only reason they didn't find their mark was because the front players weren't as good, didn't anticipate properly and didn't get in the right place at the right time.

Yes there was the odd wayward ball and he did occasionally get caught out of position and cost us the odd goal. You could say the same about Skuse. But overall I am certain his contribution won us a lot more points than it lost us, and I for one wish he had still been with us the last few weeks!

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